How many hours a day can you wear contact lenses?

Lens types

The service life of contact lenses is affected by thickness, environmental pollution, proper care of vision correction products, manufacturing technology and hydrophilicity.

The most common are monthly replacement lenses, but the safest are daily contact lenses.

CLs are also classified according to wearing mode: prolonged, flexible, daytime and continuous. Extended ones are worn continuously for 7 days, then the eyes need rest. The flexible type of lenses can be used without removing for 3 days, great for people who work daily.

Daytime CL can be worn continuously for 6–12 hours. At night they are placed in a special solution; with longer use, the CL sticks and is more difficult to remove.

Continuous wear contact lenses are made of silicone hydrogel. They can be left on for 1 month. They have high oxygen permeability and moisture content.

According to the period of wearing they are distinguished:

  • classic;
  • quarterly;
  • monthly;
  • one-day;
  • two weeks.

Cases when it can be transferred

If your lifestyle does not allow you to constantly change lenses, then you should pay attention to the use of continuous wear lenses. With them, you can safely carry out both daytime and nighttime activities without taking them off and at the same time forgetting about possible eye problems.

They also do not require constant care, since they already contain the necessary substances to moisturize the cornea, allowing the eyes to “breathe”. It is worth noting that the price of such lenses is an order of magnitude higher than usual.

Is it possible to wear lenses longer than prescribed? What happens if you use them longer? Some people are sure that contact lenses should not be worn in bad weather - heavy snow, rain, wind.
But that's not true. With properly selected lenses, you can lead an active lifestyle , such as swimming in the pool, without thinking about the possible consequences.
It happens that a person sometimes falls asleep, forgetting that he is wearing lenses on his eyes, or works day and night, so he needs visual acuity for longer than 8 working hours. In this case, you need to purchase silicone hydrogel lenses: they can be extended (long-term) or flexible wearing. You can sleep in them. However, they are not suitable for everyone, since their structure is more rigid than conventional hydrogel ones, but they definitely have more advantages.

For convenience, you can create a calendar for purchasing new lenses in your notebook. This will help you not miss replacement deadlines and set aside the necessary funds to purchase lenses.

If you are determined to take off your glasses and switch to contact lenses, this will definitely benefit your eyes and preserve your vision. Modern lenses have many more advantages than glasses, and you can get used to constant care within just a few days of using them.


The wearing period of traditional contact vision correction devices is up to 6 months. Semi-annual replacement lenses are popular. There is no need to visit an ophthalmologist every month to check the quality of visual perception and receive a new prescription for the purchase of contact lenses.

After 3 weeks, the traditional optical product requires treatment with enzyme cleaners, since during this time a large amount of lipid deposits accumulate on them.

Wearing them at night is not recommended. Classic CLs are allowed to be used no more than 10 hours a day.

Quarterly CL

Refers to planned replacement products. Prescribed for myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism.

Quarter contact lenses are durable, with a good degree of lens wetting, which helps to avoid the effect of eye fatigue. Some models are equipped with UV filters to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Quarterly products have low gas permeability, so you can’t sleep in them.

Wear it no more than 8 hours a day; place it in saline solution at night.

Comparison of acuvue moist lenses with acuvue oasus trueye: how they differ

Johnson & Johnson has a whole line of lenses with different properties and features.

Main characteristics of Acuvue oasus trueye:

  • are one-day wear (they can be worn for no more than 12 hours);
  • made of silicone hydrogel material;
  • additionally moisturized, which minimizes possible unpleasant sensations (dryness, burning);
  • There is protection against ultraviolet rays. They do not transmit 99% of ultraviolet rays (group B), and 87% of group A. In this way, additional eye protection is achieved from the possible development of diseases (for example, cataracts);
  • diameter is 14.2 mm;
  • radius of curvature – 8.5 and 9 mm;
  • breathability – 118 units;
  • moisture content – ​​45%;
  • the range is from -12 to +6;
  • go on sale in three different packages (depending on the quantity in them): 30 pieces (price - 1500 rubles), 90 pieces (price - 3800 rubles), 180 pieces (price - 6500 rubles).

Daily lenses - which ones are better?

Having considered the main characteristics of two types of lenses from Jonson&Jonson, we can draw some conclusions:

  1. Both types have the same diameter and radius of curvature.
  2. They differ in air permeability. The Acuvue oasus trueye has a higher rating (118 units vs. 33.3 units), indicating that the lenses allow better airflow without creating a dry eye sensation.
  3. Acuvue moist has a higher moisture content (58% versus 45%). In other words, they are hydrated for a long time. They are also developed using the latest technology, which provides long-lasting hydration.

In general, the choice in favor of one type or another can be made only after trying to wear the lenses. No ophthalmologist can tell you what is best for your eye. After all, the reaction to contact lenses and the composition with which they are impregnated is individual for each person.

Monthly replacement models

Monthly contact vision correction products are soft and can be worn for 30 days. CLs with such a wear period have high oxygen permeability, and low levels of dehydration make their use safe and comfortable.

These are reusable products, the period of use is limited to 1 month. It is recommended to wear monthly replacement contact lenses for 8–10 hours; they are removed at night.

Monthly long-acting visual perception correction products are also sold. Such products can be worn for 7 days and 6 nights. When using long-acting monthly contact lenses, their service life is reduced.

How long can I wear it without taking it off?

The wearing period depends on the type. The packaging always indicates the rules that should be followed. There are models that you can leave on at night, although doctors still recommend refraining from sleeping in them. There are 3 groups based on the possible duration of continuous use:

  • Daytime wear: be sure to remove before going to bed, walking with them in front of your eyes is allowed for a maximum of 14 hours.
  • Long-term wear: you can leave it on for a week.
  • Continuous wear: allowed to be worn for 30 days.

It is better to buy lenses that you can wear without removing them as little as possible. Significantly fewer eggs are collected on them than on those that are left in front of your eyes for a month. The wearing period is influenced by the manufacturing method, thickness, percentage of moisture content, individual tolerance and other factors. A big mistake is not to remove your lenses if you suddenly experience a burning sensation, itching, blurred vision or other discomfort.

Daily lenses

This type of contact vision correction is considered the safest. They do not require any maintenance and are disposed of after use.

One-day contact lenses are worn no more than 8 hours a day. Use up to 14 hours is allowed, but not recommended.

Theoretically, it can be reused, but in practice this can lead to the development of serious pathologies, since these CLs are not sterilized.

We recommend reading: How to properly put on and remove lenses

They are soft, elastic, do not injure the cornea of ​​the eye, are economical and comfortable. One-day contact lenses are the best type for those who prefer combined wearing of optics.

Specifics of wearing mode

The one-day wearing regimen, as mentioned earlier, is recognized by ophthalmologists as the most convenient, safe and hygienic. Every day a new pair is put on in the morning and thrown away in the evening. You should remember the rules for the safe use of daily contact lenses:

  1. If any unpleasant sensations or discomfort arise, you must immediately remove the lenses.
  2. If your eyes feel dry, it is recommended to apply moisturizing drops, but only those that have been selected by an ophthalmologist.
  3. It is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations to monitor your vision and eye health. This will allow you to detect problems in time.

If you wear daily lenses longer than necessary, you may develop hypoxia due to insufficient oxygen supply to the eyes or inflammation due to accumulated deposits, such as conjunctivitis.

Read the reasons for the appearance of conjunctivitis at this link.

Wearing period of colored lenses

Due to the softness in colored products, the level of oxygen permeability is reduced. Such lenses cannot be used for a long time, as hypoxia develops. Considering this disadvantage, it is recommended to wear the CL no more than 4–5 hours a day.

If after 5 hours of use the user experiences discomfort, irritation and other unpleasant signs, the CL should be removed. They cannot be used for inflammation, bacterial infection, exacerbation of blepharitis or demodicosis, conjunctivitis.

If fog appears before your eyes 15 minutes after removal, it means that the time for using the products has been exceeded. For some patients, the duration of use of CL is selected individually, it all depends on the sensitivity of the visual organs.

ModelsWearing period
Omniflex Soft Tint6–9 months
Concor Color
Soflens Colors3 months
Fresh Look1 month
Focus Soft Colors
Color Tones
Acuvue Moist1 day
Acuvue 2 Colors2 weeks
Acuvue 1 Day Colors1 day


Acuvue lens lines are divided into daily and scheduled (with replacement after a certain period of time). The first ones are “softer”, often prescribed by an ophthalmologist as a transition model from glasses to contact lenses. The package contains 30 or 90 pieces, respectively, it lasts for 15 or 45 days.


In the OASYS line, this model is the only one that is not subject to scheduled replacement.

Refers to 3rd generation contact optics, made with HydraLuxe moisturizing technology from silicone hydrogel (main material senofilcon A)

When developing the model, the features of increased sensitivity of the corneas were taken into account. Suitable for people who work at a computer, actively use various gadgets, and are prone to allergies and irritations in the eye area

Contains UV filters. Recommended by the manufacturer for daytime wear.

How many hours a day can you wear contact lenses?


Innovative premium product. CLs are made of silicone hydrogel. The oxygen permeability index of this high-quality material is quite high (118 points), and exceeds the minimum required threshold for contact lenses. The model blocks up to 99% of ultraviolet rays and does not cause discomfort for a long time.

The unique Hydraclear technology used in production promotes active eye hydration, making these lenses longer lasting than other daily lenses.

Can withstand up to 14 hours of active wear. The basic rules of use are identical to all products in this category: no solution, storage container, etc. are required.

Suitable for correcting both myopia and farsightedness.

How many hours a day can you wear contact lenses?


They are successfully used in the presence of allergies associated with seasonal factors. The production uses Lacreon technology, which combines a moisturizing agent with a hydrogel, which ensures moisture retention (up to 58% is the optimal indicator) and prevents excessive dryness of the organs of vision. There are UV filters that inhibit natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation.

The product is equipped with a special tint, which makes it easy for beginners to use.

How many hours a day can you wear contact lenses?


They belong to the category of beauty lenses, but are absolutely not suitable for people with normal vision. The design is based on the natural pattern of the iris, which allows you not to radically change the natural color of the eyes, but to transform, emphasize, and make it more expressive.

In Russia, the line is presented in 2 shades (4 in total):

  1. Natural sparkle has a blue-turquoise tint and a gray border, most suitable for people with blue or gray eyes.
  2. Natural shimmer has a darker edge, an ocher-brown shade, suitable for green and brown eyes.

The drawing is close to natural. The diameter is 0.2-0.3 mm larger than conventional lenses.

How many hours a day can you wear contact lenses?

About scleral lenses

These products are considered a type of decorative optics used for carnivals and parties. The sclera gets its name because it rests on the white part of the eye.

Diameter - 14.5–24 mm. They hold up well, do not move or fall out when used correctly. Sclera are easy to care for and are made individually according to the shape of the cornea.

There are three types - semiscleral, minilenses and standard.

Duration of use - 1–1.5 years, 3 months and monthly. It is allowed to wear scleras no more than 4 hours a day, since they have low oxygen permeability. You can't sleep in them.

Keep your lenses clean

It is imperative to periodically change the solutions and containers in which this type of optics is stored.
If this is not done, harmful microbes may appear on the lenses. They will first multiply directly on the optics itself, and then “attack” your eyes, affecting the cornea. Even ordinary contaminated water can cause an infection in the eye. So don't use it to clean the container or lenses. During the disinfection process, it is best to use solutions specially designed for this purpose.

About night hard lenses

Orthokeratology is a new method of non-surgical correction of visual perception. Nightwear is tough and oxygen-permeable.

Orthokeratology products work at night, and during the day they allow you to see the world around you clearly and without the use of glasses. After applying OCL, the surface of the cornea takes on the correct shape, which remains unchanged throughout the day.

The optical effect appears after 8 hours; with less use, vision does not change. You should put the OK on every day before going to bed. There are options with a service life of 1–3 years, depending on the brand and materials of manufacture.

Contact lenses: which one is better to choose?

You should not trust only your feelings when choosing contact lenses. If you buy products with all known diopters and find those that improve your vision and do not add sharpness, this will not mean that you have found the right option. After all, there are also such indicators as refraction, eye allergies, contact lens tolerance

It is equally important to decide whether you are ready to devote extra time to additional care for your eyes and the lenses themselves.

Do you need these products for daily work or just for special events? Which lenses are best to choose also depends on this. For short-term wear, most people choose soft ones that can be worn comfortably for up to 8 hours. Hard ones usually last longer. The latter are more difficult to wear. They are often uncomfortable, so it usually takes time to get used to them. But they do improve vision, especially if you have a disease such as astigmatism. If you are disappointed in the clarity of your vision when wearing soft contact lenses, then switch to hard ones, which are called RGP or GP.

Often, the comfortable use of lenses is hampered by various intolerances due to eye allergies and constant dry eyes. If you have any problems not related to clarity of vision, be sure to consult an eye doctor. He will tell you which contact lenses are best and help you choose special options for dry eyes.

What to do if you are post-term

It is not recommended to use it for longer than the prescribed time.

With longer use (meaning per day, not by expiration date) they cause an allergic reaction, hypoxia, and redness.

If you regularly ignore the wearing period, corneal erosion and deformation develop.

If you wear contact lenses for a long time, you must undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist to make sure there are no serious diseases. If any, begin immediate treatment to avoid complications with visual health.

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