Diseases and disorders
Probably every person who has noticed in himself or someone close to him that one pupil
Is it possible to rinse and drip eyes with hydrogen peroxide? Hydrogen peroxide has a powerful antiseptic effect -
Symptoms The only visual sign of hemophthalmos is the saturation of the vitreous body with blood and ophthalmological disorders in
Physiotherapy involves the use of physical factors such as electric current, magnetic waves, light, heat, ultrasound,
The tissues of the visual system are characterized by increased sensitivity. At the slightest contact with a microscopic particle, a person feels
Inflammation of the eyes is an ailment that many of us have experienced. Life becomes no
Inflammatory processes in the eyes almost always occur with unpleasant symptoms, but episcleritis is an exception.
Farsightedness is a plus or minus Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a vision defect in which
People who constantly work at a computer or sit in front of the TV may feel tension in their eye muscles.
Gonoblenorrhea is an acute purulent infectious disease that affects the eyes. Occurs in both adults and