Many patients with vision problems undergo laser correction to avoid the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. At the moment, the laser vision correction procedure has been used for quite a long time and differs from other methods in a number of advantages.

The essence of laser vision correction is as follows: many vision problems, such as myopia or farsightedness, and maybe several defects at once, can be treated with a laser without resorting to surgery at the New Look clinic https://nlv. ru/laser-correction . Using a laser beam, you can accurately model the shape of the cornea.

This procedure requires some preparation. The patient should undergo a number of the following tests: vision testing, refractometry, it is also necessary to measure how much the cornea is curved, its thickness, size and size of the pupil must be measured, the eye blocks are examined using ultrasound, then intraocular pressure is measured, and so on on the list. All this data is collected in order to determine all the patient's visual defects. But all this data is not enough to carry out laser vision correction; it is also necessary to know the general health of the patient. Sometimes you should also visit doctors such as an ENT specialist or a dentist.

Now some recommendations: two days before the operation, do not drink alcohol, do not wear any makeup, be sure to wear light clothing that does not hinder your movements, if you wear lenses, then two weeks before the operation, give them up. Anyone who has decided to resort to this method of vision correction can be reassured by the fact that laser vision correction is safe and provides very long-term vision correction.

Vision correction proceeds as follows: the cornea is formed using a beam. The operation process is controlled from a computer, and the beam removes a small layer of the cornea, thereby correctly focusing the image on the retina. There are two types of lasers for vision correction: the first precisely cuts the surface of the cornea, and the second corrects the curvature of the cornea.

Despite the fact that this is a safe method, there are contraindications to its use, because this operation affects the structure of the eye. This procedure is not performed on older people, since the ability to correct it is lost with age, and on children under 20 years old, since the defect has not yet been fully formed.

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