Diseases and disorders
The appearance of congestive optic disc (PAND) is associated with swelling of local tissues, which occurs on
What is a cataract? Cataract is a disease of the visual apparatus in which clouding of the crystal occurs.
Gymnastics for the eyes for myopia Gymnastics for myopia - a proven, well-established technique
Why is eye massage used? Massage can quickly normalize vision or ease
Definition of vision Man is endowed by nature with five senses that allow him to perceive the world around him. Vision
Among the ophthalmological pathologies associated with refractive errors, there are those that are impossible or unnecessary to correct
What is glaucoma Glaucoma is a large group of eye diseases characterized by constant or periodic increased
What you need to know about perimetry The visual field is the space that a person recognizes when fixating
The medical term hemianopsia refers to a condition in which there is an area of blindness in half of the visual field.
General information The term “milium” refers to whiteheads that mainly appear as a result of too much activity.