Diseases and disorders
Blepharitis is a common ophthalmological disease in which there is a bilateral inflammatory process at the edges of the
Allergic conjunctivitis is one of the forms of inflammation of the superficial tissues of the eyes, which is formed as a result of exposure to
With astigmatism, a distorted image occurs on the retina due to a violation of the refractive function of the optical system
Destruction of the vitreous body: causes, symptoms The vitreous body occupies ⅔ of the volume of the eyeball and is located
There are a large number of different eye pathologies, each of which has its own category of suitability, therefore
Conjunctivitis is a group of diseases characterized by an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eye. Are common
What is eye cataract: causes, treatment? In a healthy state, the lens of the eye is completely transparent. Thanks to
Restoring visual acuity with the help of special exercises is a method that is successfully used in ophthalmology.
We are accustomed to inextricably associate the term “glaucoma” with increased intraocular pressure, therefore the diagnosis “low-grade glaucoma”
Causes Dry eye syndrome can develop for a wide range of reasons, ranging from: