Why do you need anti-reflective coating for glasses lenses?

Today, glasses as an element of a complete image are at the peak of popularity. Previously, people with poor vision were embarrassed to wear them and tried to solve their problem with lenses. Now that this accessory has become fashionable, even those who are in good health wear it. For this category of people, glasses with transparent lenses were specially invented, which do not affect their vision in any way.

With the help of a well-chosen form, you can visually correct facial features. However, if the frame of the glasses was chosen incorrectly, such an accessory can ruin the entire look.

Advantages of the accessory

Decorative glasses with transparent lenses are a fashionable and stylish accessory that can beneficially adjust your appearance, namely:

  • make dark circles under the eyes less noticeable;
  • visually enlarge the eyes;
  • in snowy and rainy weather, save makeup.

In addition, glasses with large frames can visually make your nose appear smaller. As you can see, with the help of such an accessory you can radically change a person’s appearance, as well as emphasize his individuality and add a little mystery.

How to choose

There is a huge range of stylish frames that you can choose not only to suit your face type, but also to create any look. The main thing when choosing them is to choose the right frame. You should also pay attention to the material from which they are made, shape, color and size. For daily wear, plastic frames are better suited. Metal frames are most suitable for business style. Fashion glasses with black frames can be combined with almost all styles - from classic to sporty. It is not recommended to choose frames that follow the contours of the face.

For a rectangle-shaped face, you should choose a wide, oval frame. A triangle-shaped face will be decorated with rectangular frames. Almost any frame shape will suit the owner of an oval face.

Also read: How to choose vision glasses

In relation to any type of face, there is a single recommendation - eyepieces should not cover the eyebrows and not touch the cheeks. Therefore, when choosing glasses, you should smile broadly at your reflection in the mirror - the frames should not bounce on your cheeks. After choosing a frame, you should pay attention to the glass.

There are chameleon glasses, glasses with a special protective coating, with colored lenses. When choosing glass, it is worth considering how long they will be used.

Also read: Review of contact lenses from the world of Naruto: Sharingan and Rinnegan

Doctors' advice

All those who like to wear such an accessory are interested in whether it is harmful. Some doctors insist that fashion glasses with transparent lenses are safe and cannot affect vision in any way. Other experts claim that if you constantly look through glass, your eyes can get used to it.

Also, microcracks may appear on the glass, which will cause discomfort to the eyes, so over time, vision will begin to deteriorate. If poor quality lenses are inserted into fashion glasses, they can also cause headaches, constant fatigue and blurred vision.

The safest glasses are those intended for people who work a lot at the computer. They help reduce the strain on human vision. However, such an accessory must also have high-quality lenses.

Despite the fact that doctors' opinions on the dangers and benefits of glasses differ slightly, they agreed on one thing: constantly wearing glasses with transparent lenses is not recommended.

What are glares?

Glare is caused by light bouncing off a reflective surface. When people talk about glasses, they're most likely talking about glare from the lenses or glare from the environment. Lens flare occurs due to the reflection of light from the surface of the lens. Whether it's a camera, telescope, binoculars, or even just glasses, all lenses have some level of reflection, with the least amount of reflection being less than 0.1%. Eyeglass lenses without anti-glare coatings typically transmit about 90% of light, depending on the lens material. The remaining 10% of light is reflected from the surfaces of the lenses. The glare caused by this 10% reduces the clarity of vision, causes people to see halos around headlights and street lights at night, and creates bright, almost white reflections on the lenses themselves.

Environmental glare is caused by light waves reflecting off flat surfaces such as water or highways. They become focused and move in a single direction parallel to this surface, creating a bright and intense reflection that we call highlights. This type of glare affects everyone, whether they wear glasses or not.

What types of frames are there?

All modern glasses (sun protection, vision, fashion) have one of three types of frames:

  • rim;
  • half rim;
  • rimless;

The frames can be decorated with various inscriptions, stones and manufacturer emblems. In glasses with rimless frames, the lenses are attached to the temporal part using screws.

Which form is suitable for whom?

To choose the perfect accessory, you need to pay attention to its convenience, quality, as well as the shape of the frame, which is recommended to be chosen according to your face type.

The most problematic face shape is considered to be triangular, which is divided into several types.

  • Wide forehead and narrow chin.

People with the first type of face are recommended to wear glasses with the same frame size on both top and bottom.

  • Narrow forehead and wide cheekbones.

It is very difficult to choose the right frames for this type of face. Experts recommend wearing glasses with rims at the top. Below it should be less noticeable or completely absent.

People with a triangular face shape are not recommended to wear round glasses with clear lenses, as they will accentuate the angular shape of the face.

People with a square face should avoid glasses with angular and rectangular massive frames, preferring round and thin ones. Also, the width of the glasses should not be much larger or much smaller than the face.

Girls with a round face are recommended to wear glasses with rectangular frames, which should be slightly elongated and dim. The best choice would be butterfly-shaped glasses, which focus the attention of others on your eyes.

Those with an oval face are very lucky, since any shape of glasses suits this type. When choosing an accessory, you should be guided only by your tastes.

In order for glasses to complement your look and not spoil it, you need to choose the right frames that suit your face type.

What kind of glasses are these?

Regular glasses, but they don't have lenses . At all. You can calmly rub your eye through the frame, and it will not be considered nonsense. True, you can “purchase” surprised looks from others. Because our people have not yet been introduced to “high fashion” and are not yet particularly aware of such latest trends.


Korean video bloggers have long been using this accessory to adjust their image on the screen . Well, it’s very convenient and you don’t need to “ruin” normal vision with diopter glasses. Of course, there are frames with simple glasses, but it is believed that such an accessory also negatively affects health. In particular, it impairs lateral vision.

“Plastic” without lenses is quite capable of:

  • correct the oval of the face and the location of the eyes;
  • disguise dark circles;
  • Enlarge your eyes visually.


What should the frame and glasses be like?

When choosing fashion glasses, you need to pay attention not only to what shape the frame is, but also to what material it is made of, what size and color it is. For example, many believe that metal frames are inappropriate in everyday life and look best with an evening outfit. The wooden frame gives the image a certain mystery and lightness. As for color, it is best to choose black, since it will always be appropriate. Bright colors may not look very nice.

Glasses with clear lenses are not only for girls. Men's versions are more strict in both shape and color. This accessory is especially popular among male businessmen, as it makes the image more businesslike.

When choosing glasses with transparent lenses not for vision, you can choose plastic lenses, but experts recommend giving preference to glass ones. You can also choose glasses for working on a computer. Not only do they look stylish, but they won't make your eyes get tired.

Fashion glasses do not necessarily have to have clear lenses. They can be coated with any color. Glasses with mirror coating in various shades are especially popular now.

Tips for choosing frames

Finding “yours” is easy. If you don’t want to bother with how it will fit the oval of the face or the image as a whole, buy black or beige a la Rey-Ban . These glasses are suitable for almost everyone, they are stylish and fully correspond to fashion trends.

To make the most subtle adjustment possible to, say, the position of your eyes, try beige or clear frames . It looks stylish, slightly distorts the actual shape of the face and will help “put your eyes” in place. Just keep in mind that the colorless version can “transform” you into a medical worker.

It is advisable that the accessory does not touch the eyebrows and cheeks when you laugh or frown . This can damage makeup, for example.

Heavily decorated glasses can “cheapen the look . Save a scattering of glass and various small details for a party or a walk with friends. For an image “seasoned” with fashion glasses, it is better to take a single-color or two-color model.



  1. For a chubby fashionista, it is recommended to use a “cat eye” style, a rectangle, in a word, a frame that is horizontal. Ray-bans may also work.
  2. Oval or rectangular glasses suit a long
  3. with a square one .
  4. To triangular - with a detailed top, ray-ban, circle, oval.

Any option must be measured . Sometimes the frame fits, but the fit doesn’t. Either the size is small or too large. And you definitely can’t buy such glasses online. Of course, if they don’t cost 100 rubles.


Where to buy glasses

To be sure of the quality of glasses, you need to buy them in special stores, which, if necessary, can provide a certificate confirming the quality of the product and all its characteristics. Optical store staff can help you choose the perfect frames.

When choosing an accessory in online stores, the main problem is that you cannot try it on. It is difficult to immediately guess whether it will suit your face shape. There are cases when the product does not match the picture or the quality of the glasses is very poor, and many online stores do not provide the possibility of returning a purchase.

Makeup for this accessory

As for makeup, absolutely any makeup can be applied under glasses with clear lenses. Some girls prefer not to wear much makeup because the makeup underneath is not visible. Most representatives of the fair sex limit themselves only to an even skin tone, mascara and nude lip color. However, there are girls who wear bright makeup to match this look.

When creating an image with fashion glasses, the main thing is that all its elements are in harmony with each other. Reviews about such an accessory are almost always unambiguous: glasses have deeply sunk into the souls of both men and women, and some fans of this accessory even have several pairs. Of course, there are also negative customer reviews, but they no longer relate to the accessory itself as a whole, but to the manufacturing company: consumers complain about the quality of the lenses. That is why you should carefully choose an accessory in order to look stylish without compromising your health.

In what cases does the image with them look funny?

It’s difficult to decide, but you can speculate. A serious office worker with fake glasses, you see, will look comical. And an employee of an electric or gas company - even more so. Let's try to include the following in the category of those who may find themselves in a funny situation with such an accessory:

  • teachers;
  • deputy;
  • lawyer;
  • kindergarten teacher;
  • postal worker.

And many others, whose activities involve serious documentation or people .


But the so-called bohemian professions completely allow wearing such image glasses . Sasha Rogov, Alexander Vasiliev, Evelina Khromchenko and other leading stylists are quite worthy of such an accessory and will not look funny or strange in them.

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