What to do if your eyelid is swollen after eyelash extensions?

The process of eyelash extensions not only results in a charmingly expressive look, but can also cause puffiness around the eyes. That is why you should choose a responsible craftsman, high-quality materials and fully sterile working conditions.

If your eyelids are swollen after eyelash extensions, it is extremely important to know how and when you can help yourself, and in which cases timely medical assistance is needed.

Why do my eyes swell after the procedure?

If after eyelash extensions the eyelid is slightly swollen, this is a normal reaction of the immune system to outside interference. It does not require special correction and goes away on its own without treatment within a few hours.

There are several reasons why eyelids swell after eyelash extensions. The main and most common of these is increased sensitivity to the components of the materials used during the procedure. In addition, pathological edema occurs due to the following factors:

  1. Allergic reaction. Consumables for eyelash extensions include synthetic components that cause sensitization of the body with the development of an immediate immune response (rejection of a foreign body).
  2. Failure of the master to comply with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules. Poor disinfection of the tools used for extensions leads to the development of an infectious process in the eyelash area.
  3. Eye injury due to careless handling of tools and materials. This complication requires serious long-term treatment, so you should contact a professional lash maker for this service.
  4. The use of low-quality materials leads to swelling of the eyelids. This is typical for inexperienced craftswomen who perform eyelash extensions without a license, as well as salons with an unsatisfactory reputation.

What health problem can be suspected if the eyes are swollen after eyelash extensions?

a health problem can be suspected if the eyes are swollen after extensions

Depending on the intensity, speed of spread to the tissue and other sensations, swelling can tell you about the following:

  1. Allergy. In this case, you may feel itching, burning, tearing, respiratory disorders: sneezing, a feeling of nasal congestion, mucous secretion from the nasal passages. If you have ever dealt with a rhino-conjunctival form of allergy, then its symptoms provoked by eyelash extensions will not be confused with anything. The main feature of allergies is acute and rapidly developing swelling, which can cover the entire face and impair respiratory function.
  2. Burn of the eyelid and cornea. Damage to the organs of vision can occur due to contact of the mucous membrane with glue vapors. For example, during the procedure you opened your eyes slightly - this will be enough for an injury to occur. In this case, the swelling will be accompanied by severe pain, burning, uncontrollable lacrimation, intense redness of the sclera and skin around the eyes, and the appearance of visible areas of damage.
  3. Infection. If the technique was performed using unsterile instruments, or injuries were caused, then it is possible that the eyes could become infected with microbes. You can recognize that an infection has occurred by the appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes, mainly after sleep. Pus in the eyes does not appear immediately, but will begin to appear after a day - this is exactly the time it takes for microbes to multiply and cause such a response from the body to their presence. In this case, swelling will be accompanied by pain, pain, and a feeling that there is a foreign body in the eye.
  4. Individual reaction. In this case, the swelling should not be severe and increase over time, and any symptoms accompanying it should pass. The fact is that the normal physiological reaction of the eyes to the fact that glue was worked near them may be exactly this, but in the absence of any of the pathologies described above, it does not cause much discomfort and should go away on its own.

Let us remind you that we do not recommend that you independently diagnose only by describing the symptoms. If swelling is accompanied by sensations that have a significant impact on your normal activities, be sure to contact a specialized medical facility.

Symptoms of swollen eyes

Symptoms of swollen eyes

Signs of the disease can appear either instantly (with allergies) or delayed for 1-3 days (with infection). An unsatisfactorily provided service is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • swelling of the upper or lower eyelid (or both);
  • itching of the swollen area of ​​the eyelid;
  • hyperemia of the periorbital region;
  • redness of the white of the eyeball;
  • discharge from the eyes (mucous or purulent);
  • lacrimation.

Swelling and inflammation of the eyelids after synthetic eyelash extensions may be accompanied by a rise in temperature, general malaise, and weakness. Pain from eyelid swelling is rare. Its appearance indicates the development of a more complex pathology.

The first symptoms of an allergic reaction

An allergy to artificial eyelashes appears during or 10-15 minutes after the procedure. The body begins to fight foreign agents after contact with the allergen.


  • the eyelids are swollen on one or both sides;
  • severe skin hyperemia, incessant lacrimation;
  • eyelids itch, but do not hurt.

An allergic reaction must be distinguished from a bacterial infection due to poor eyelash extensions.

Signs of a pathological conditionAllergyPoorly done extensionsInfection
Time of onset of first symptomsStraightaway5-10 minutes after the procedure1-3 days
Pain when pressingAbsentEatEat
Symptoms go away after eyelash removal++
Positive effect of antihistamines+
The result of antibacterial ointments, drops+

Do not do eyelash extensions at home. The risk of damaging the eyelids and causing them to swell when performing the procedure independently increases.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Quincke's edema what is it

If characteristic symptoms appear, you need to remove the artificial eyelashes. If the swelling on the eyelid has not subsided, you should visit an ophthalmologist. If there is significant swelling, call an ambulance. It is especially important to consult a doctor if the swelling of the eyelid is accompanied by the following unfavorable signs:

  1. Angioedema angioedema. This is an acute reaction to an allergen. Accompanied by a sharp increase in volume of the eyelid area. Puffiness often spreads to neighboring areas. There may be difficulty breathing. A dangerous complication is anaphylactic shock.
  2. Impaired vision clarity.
  3. The occurrence of inflammation, the appearance of purulent contents in the eye.
  4. Pathological signals that do not pass for more than 48 hours.


Swelling after eyelash extensions is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Swelling of the eyelid;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Burning and itching;
  • Soreness;
  • Increased tear production.

If one of the signs of poor-quality extensions or allergies appears, you must carefully remove the eyelash extensions, consult a doctor to accurately determine the cause and, based on this, select an effective treatment regimen.

swelling of the eyes after eyelash extensions

What to do with swelling

If your eyelid is swollen due to extensions, you will have to part with synthetic eyelashes. Treatment without removing any remaining adhesive will not be effective. How to do it:

  1. Visiting your specialist again is the surest way. Only a professional will be able to separate the eyelash extensions as gently as possible and remove any remaining adhesive.
  2. Get rid of the irritant yourself. The option is not the best. When removing synthetic eyelashes, your own natural hairs will be damaged. Apply warm vegetable oil to the skin of the eyelash area, wait a few minutes and remove the extensions.
  3. Emergency method: used only when there is a threat to life, when swelling spreads to the larynx and anaphylactic shock develops. In this case, the eyelash extensions are cut off at the root along with the natural ones.

After eliminating the irritant that caused the eyelid to swell, the eye should be washed with one of the following decoctions:

  • freshly brewed black or green tea;
  • chamomile;
  • coltsfoot;
  • Linden blossom;
  • sage.

The grass must be carefully filtered; its particles can further injure the eye. Moisten a cotton pad generously with the warm solution and wipe the open eye. Repeat the manipulation several times.

In addition to rinsing, you can make a compress on the swollen eyelid with the following decoctions. They will relieve irritation and soothe the eyes. If the measures taken do not eliminate the tumor, consult a doctor.

What not to do

Any careless movement or uncontrolled use of medications without consulting a doctor can lead to serious complications, including partial or complete loss of vision. If your eyelids are swollen, then under no circumstances should you:

  • use hot or even warm compresses;
  • apply ointments with a warming effect;
  • mask existing puffiness using decorative cosmetics;
  • apply any pressure to the swelling or scratch it.

Violation of the listed prohibitions can cause complications of the pathology and more serious treatment, for example, with mandatory surgical intervention. At the same time, there remains an extremely high risk of partial or complete loss of vision.

Drug treatment

Hydrocortisone for inflammation of the eyelid

If the eyelid is swollen after a cosmetic procedure, drug therapy should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Self-medication will aggravate the problem and lead to a more serious complication. The treatment program is selected individually and depends on the etiology of the disease. The following medications are prescribed:

  1. Opatanol is a topical antiallergic drug in the form of eye drops. The active component olopatadine blocks histamine receptors and suppresses inflammation. The solution is instilled twice a day, 1 drop.
  2. Dexamethasone eye drops 0.1%. Refers to glucocorticosteroids, has a pronounced antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative effect.
  3. Antihistamines (tablet and injection forms) are Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Zodak.
  4. Hydrocortisone unguentum 0.5%. A 1 cm strip of ointment is placed behind the lower eyelid up to 3 times a day. Effectively eliminates the problem if the eyelid is swollen after eyelash extensions.
  5. Antibacterial drugs (Sulfacetamide, Chloramphenicolum, Ofloxacin).

Any of the listed remedies can be used only after consultation with the doctor, even if the eyelid is slightly swollen.

Treatment of swelling after extensions

If a woman has extended artificial eyelashes and her eyelids are swollen, she needs to consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will find out the causes of the problem and prescribe treatment.

Mild allergies can be treated at home. The rule of recovery is compliance with medical recommendations, dosage, frequency of taking prescribed medications, and the correct ratio of herbal ingredients in the recipe. There are different approaches to treating swollen eyelids.


  1. Opatanol drops containing olopatadine. The active substance has a pronounced anti-edematous effect. Prevents the release of histamine, which is responsible for the development of an allergic reaction. The number of cytokines decreases, unpleasant symptoms disappear. The drug is instilled into the conjunctival sac, 1 drop twice a day. Opatanol for swelling is used in combination with symptomatic ointments for faster results.
  2. Dexamethasone drops are a hormonal drug. Fights inflammatory, exudative, allergic phenomena. Helps stabilize the condition of mast cells. Prevents the penetration of foreign agents and liquids through capillaries. Use 2 times a day, no more than 3-5 days.
  3. Polynadim - consists of two active ingredients. Diphenhydramine blocks H1-histamine receptors, reduces the manifestation of allergy symptoms - swelling, itching, lacrimation. Naphazoline reduces swelling by constricting blood vessels. The drug is used every 3 hours until improvement. The combined drug copes with the disease faster than single-component drugs.
  4. Erius is a popular tablet for allergic reactions on the eyelids, an antihistamine of the latest generation. Rarely causes side effects, and can easily cope with allergies after extensions. Erius stops the reactions that are responsible for the development of inflammation.
  5. Tavegil, Suprastin - administered intramuscularly for emergency treatment of allergic, pseudoallergic reactions.
  6. Antibacterial drops and ointments - to prevent bacterial infection of the eyes. Ofloxacin drops, streptomycin, erythromycin ointment. The use of local antimicrobial agents must be discussed with your doctor to avoid consequences.
  7. Hydrocortisone ointment can be placed under the swollen lower eyelid. It acts in a similar way to Dexamethasone. A few hours after applying the ointment, allergy symptoms disappear. 1-2 days are enough for recovery.

girl and eyes

Folk remedies

Potato juice relieves swelling. Cotton pads must be moistened in a freshly prepared product and applied to the eyelids if they are swollen. After 10 minutes, remove the cotton wool. Lubricate the skin around the eyes with nourishing cream.

In the summer, cucumber gruel will get rid of the tumor. Apply for 5 minutes to both eyes up to 10 times a day. Brewing black or green tea will cope with swelling. Compresses should be applied for 10 minutes 7-10 times a day.

It is recommended to drink half a glass of infusion of chamomile and oak bark for allergies. The infusion can be frozen into cubes and applied through a towel to the affected area.

Similar actions are done with mint and lemon balm. Take a tablespoon of each herb and pour boiling water over it. The infused mixture should be drunk a glass 2 times a day. You can make frozen cubes from the broth.

For swollen eyelids, a recipe with parsley and sour cream will help. You will need 2 tbsp. l. dairy product, 1 tbsp. l crushed leaves. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and make a mask for the area around the eyes. Leave the product for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Traditional methods relieve puffiness after extensions and restore freshness to the skin.

Folk remedies

If the eyelid is swollen due to eyelash extensions, traditional healing methods are used:

  1. Potato mush. Peel the raw tuber and grate it on the finest grater. Wrap the resulting porridge in a bandage folded in 2-3 layers. Place on the swollen eyelid for 15 minutes, then rinse the eye with running water and lubricate the skin with Vaseline.
  2. Cucumber juice. Prepare freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Dip a piece of gauze into it and apply it to the swollen eye. Leave the lotion on for 10 minutes, remove, rinse the eyelid and soften with cream.
  3. Grind a small amount of parsley leaves in a blender. Add some natural yoghurt. Apply the prepared mask to the swollen area of ​​the eyelid. Remove the mixture after 20 minutes, rinse off the residue with water.
  4. Mix herbs in equal proportions: chamomile, horsetail, oak bark, sage, thyme. Mix well, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Cool. Rinse swollen eyes with the solution every 2 hours.
  5. Prepare a decoction of mint. Strain and make ice. Apply an ice cube to the tumor several times a day.

Why do my eyes swell in the morning after sleep?

The causes of swelling may be conditions that have nothing to do with evening activities. If swollen eyes appear not periodically, but quite often, it’s time to think about the health of the body. The most dangerous causes of swelling in the eye area are the following.

Why do my eyes swell in the morning after sleep?

  • Kidney disorders. With pyelonephritis, kidney stones or malignant tumors, the organs cannot cope with filtering urine. This is why fluid is retained in the body, resulting in a completely ugly face in the morning, with swollen eyes.
  • Allergic reaction . If it's summer, you may be allergic to poplar fluff, ragweed, or pollen. After taking antihistamines, the situation resolves.
  • Poor circulation and lack of fluid . If you drink too little fluid, dehydration can cause your eyelids to swell.
  • Hormonal disorders. Most often faced by women who have problems with the reproductive system. They often appear during menopause and menopause. The fact is that hormones during this period are unstable, the concentration may change, which provokes fluid retention. Before menstruation, some girls may also experience swelling; this is a completely normal reaction, since there is a lot of progesterone in the body during this period, which causes swelling and fluid retention.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland . With hyperthyroidism, the release of a large amount of hormones, there may be fluid retention in the body, resulting in swelling in the morning.

Swollen eyelids
Swollen eyelids

Causes and symptoms of chemical burns to the eye after eyelash extensions. Treatment and prevention

Chemical burns to the eye are an uncommon consequence of eyelash extensions. This problem arises in most cases due to the work of an incompetent craftsman, the use of low-quality glue, and very rarely due to individual intolerance of the body. In case of a chemical burn to the eyes, you need to act as quickly as possible. This is a dangerous condition that requires adequate response and urgent measures.


When deciding to get eyelash extensions for the first time, it is very important to choose the right eyelash maker. To do this, you can ask for recommendations from your friends who have successfully completed the procedure. Before the session, you should ask the master about the materials used.

You should not go to unfamiliar beauty salons: the salon must have a good reputation and have been in business for a long time. You should pay attention to the cost of procedures: too low a price can turn out to be expensive in the future.

It is forbidden to attend an extension session if you are allergic to any medications, have damage or infections of your eye organs. Contraindications are also dry eye syndrome and eyelash loss.

In addition, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • do not open your eyes during the master’s manipulations, just as after the end of the session. To evaluate the result after the extension is completed, the eyes should be opened after at least 15-20 minutes;
  • during the procedure, do not distract the specialist from work, do not move;
  • Do not wet artificial hairs with water during the first 24 hours: the adhesive material may get into the eyes and burn the mucous membranes;
  • refrain from visiting swimming pools, baths and saunas for 48 hours after the session;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics on the face;
  • do not touch artificial hairs with your hands;
  • When sleeping, take a supine position. This way you can avoid contact of synthetic eyelashes with the pillow;
  • both during the procedure and after it, you should follow all the recommendations of the lash maker.

Exercises for puffy eyes

You can get rid of swelling around the eyes and puffiness with the help of gymnastics. There are special exercises that can reduce swelling.

Exercises for puffy eyes:

  • It is necessary to draw the letter “O” with your eyes, that is, rotate them in a circle. This must be done both with your eyes open and with your eyes closed. Do not massage your eyelids under any circumstances.
  • It is necessary to press on the inner and outer corners of the eyes. Try not to do this too much, while closing your eyes.
  • Look sharply from side to side, as if you were watching a pendulum. Do the exercises with your eyes open and closed. All these manipulations are aimed at improving blood circulation in the eyelid area. This will improve metabolism in this area and quickly relieve swelling.


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