The best recipes for masks against swelling, dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes

The most vulnerable area on our face is the skin around the eyes. It is in this area that the skin thins and fades earlier than on the rest of the face, and the first wrinkles – “crow’s feet” – appear faster. These wrinkles can appear even at a young age if a person has a very mobile face; The appearance of wrinkles can also be accelerated by environmental influences and lifestyle: climate, environmental conditions, etc.

Of course, it is impossible to reverse the aging of the skin around the eyes, but you can significantly slow it down, and generally not bring yourself to the point where the skin in this area loses its elasticity and sag, “bags” appear, the upper eyelids will droop heavily, and the corners of the eyes will droop. No decorative cosmetics, even the most expensive and effective ones, can hide this unsightly picture. Therefore, the skin around the eyes needs to be properly cared for, starting from a very young age.

Mask with rose water and milk

Like rose water, milk also contains cooling properties that help in treating any kind of irritation, burn or even pigmentation. Rose water and milk combined together is the easiest and most natural way to reduce dark circles under the eyes.

Preparation time: 5 minutes Application time: 20 minutes


Rose water - 1 tbsp. Cold milk - 1 tbsp. Pieces of cotton fabric – 2 pcs.

Step by step recipe

1. Mix rose water and milk thoroughly in a bowl. 2. Dip pieces of cotton cloth in the resulting mixture of rose water and milk for about 4-5 minutes. 3. Apply a homemade mask of these cold pieces of cloth soaked in rose water and milk on your closed eyelids and leave on for 15-20 minutes. This mask can be repeated 2-3 times a day to get rid of dark circles under eyes at home.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetic procedures help quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes. This can be done either by a specialist or independently.

It is necessary to pay special attention to moisturizing and nourishing the skin

Various oils are effective for dark circles under the eyes at home. List of especially useful species for this problem:

  • olive;
  • grape seeds;
  • avocado oil;
  • Shea Butter.

It is better to use them before bed on slightly damp skin. After 30-40 minutes, remove the residue with a damp disc.

Homemade face masks will help nourish the skin with all the necessary substances and speed up blood circulation in the tissues. Moreover, their ingredients are quite inexpensive.

You can get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home by making compresses.

To do this, just prepare a decoction of chamomile or string. These plants are great for soothing sensitive skin. For long-lasting results, they must be kept on the eyelids for about 15 minutes daily. And for those who do not want to waste time preparing decoctions, patches for dark circles are suitable.

Such tools can be used even while on the road or at work. Therefore, patches are popular among office workers. The price is reasonable; allergic reactions usually do not occur. They also tone sensitive skin and improve blood circulation.

This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home. Compresses in combination with additional cosmetic attributes provide a quick visual effect and good skin condition.

Using masks for dark circles

A homemade mask for bags and dark circles under the eyes made from cucumbers is one of the most popular options. It is necessary to blot cotton pads with fresh vegetable juice.

Keep in the eyelid area for 15 minutes. For a more lasting result, you can add a few drops of peach oil. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Cottage cheese will help quickly remove dark circles under the eyes. It needs to be ground into a plastic paste and placed in the suffering area. Keep it for 20 minutes. It is better to clean with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of green tea.

Another homemade mask for dark circles is made from potatoes.

The following components are required:

  • 1 medium potato;
  • 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil.

If desired, replace the butter with oatmeal in the same amount. The mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, then add butter or flour. Keep on skin for 20-30 minutes. Repeat 2 times a week. Professional products will help enhance the effect of home cosmetics.

For example, a cream against dark circles under the eyes. It must contain active ingredients of natural origin to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction in the eyelid area.

Use of cosmetics

Depending on the cause, therapy takes varying amounts of time. For women, treatment is combined with visits to a cosmetologist. He prescribes various ways to deal with the problem.

These include sessions in the clinic and proper home skin care. For example, a serum for dark circles under the eyes or a filler.

The specialist knows how to quickly remove bruises and shadows under the eyes. Camouflage sessions are often done. The procedure is aimed at long-lasting results. It makes it possible to get rid of circles as quickly as possible.

To begin with, the cosmetologist thoroughly cleanses the skin and injects an anesthetic. When the drug begins to act, you can begin to inject pigment into the upper layer of the epidermis.

The duration of the entire procedure is about 60 minutes. It all depends on how large the area of ​​bruises is and their intensity. The camouflage of dark circles under the eyes does not harm your health. Contains components of plant origin.

Anesthetic cream helps combat discomfort. The final result is visible after 30 days. But among the disadvantages one can note the high price. The camouflage of dark circles under the eyes gives the face freshness, but only masks the existing problem, so it is impossible to do without therapy.

You can also consult a makeup artist. He will take into account all skin characteristics and wishes. As a result, he will choose the best concealer for dark circles under the eyes, taking into account the needs of the client.

It is important that it not only matches the color parameters and texture, but also not, since many representatives of this group of products have such a drawback. Properly done makeup is the fastest way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Properly done makeup is the fastest way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Cucumber and lemon juice mask

Along with cucumber, lemon juice is also a rich source of vitamin C, which will also help lighten dark circles under the eyes.

Preparation time: 5 minutes Application time: 15 minutes


Cucumber juice - 1 tbsp. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. Cotton pads – 2 pcs.

Step by step recipe

1. Mix cucumber juice and lemon juice in a cup. 2. Dip a cotton pad in this cucumber and lemon juice solution. 3. Once the cotton pads are soaked, apply them to closed eyelids, as well as to the area under the eyes, avoiding the inner surfaces of the eyes. 4. Leave on eyes for about 10-15 minutes. 5. Later, rinse the eye area with cold water.

This homemade mask can be repeated 2-3 times a day for three weeks or until the signs of dark circles under the eyes disappear.

Homemade formulas for wrinkles around the eyes

The reason for the rapid formation of wrinkles around the eyes is that the skin on the eyelids, as already mentioned, is dry for most people, which means it needs to be constantly moisturized.

Aloe vera juice moisturizes the skin very well - it can prevent the formation of crow's feet. You can use the juice from the leaves, moisturizing the skin around the eyes with it at night, or you can buy a gel with a high content of this juice - about 99%.

A simple and effective remedy - natural vegetable oils - our grandmothers used them, and they managed to keep the skin around the eyes quite fresh, even in old age. Apricot, peach, almond oil, jojoba oil are suitable - it must be massaged into the skin around the eyes, very carefully and easily, using the pads of your ring fingers.

You can also use burdock or castor oil: they lubricate the eyelashes, and at the same time nourish and moisturize the skin of the eyelids.

Olive oil (50 ml) mixed with an oil solution of vitamin E (10 ml) is gently massaged into the skin around the eyes every day before bed for 5 minutes. Excess oil is removed with a cosmetic napkin.

Another mask with an oil solution of vitamin E will help reduce the number of wrinkles that have already appeared on the skin around the eyes. Here you need to mix it (1 tablespoon) with the same amount of cocoa butter and sea buckthorn. The mixture of oils is applied in a fairly thick layer around the eyes, and in the crow's feet area it is fixed with pieces of parchment paper. Keep the oil mask for up to 15 minutes, then blot it with a napkin. There is no need to rinse off - the mask is done at night, but no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime. If you do this mask 2-3 times a week, then wrinkles will become noticeable much less.

The combination of olive oil compresses with an “ice” massage prevents and slows down the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. After the compress, you need to take a cube of frozen parsley decoction and very carefully massage the skin of the eyelids.

Raw potatoes are a truly universal cosmetic product: if you mix grated potatoes with cream and apply to the lower eyelids, it will make the skin under the eyes young and smooth. At the same time, cotton swabs soaked in strong tea are placed on the upper eyelids - they will add shine to the eyes. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask for the skin around the eyes with cool water.

Another mask for shiny eyes is made from banana pulp (1 tsp) and the same amount of cold cream or sour cream. You can use parsley instead of banana. Keep the mask on your eyes for 15 minutes and also wash off with cool water.

The antioxidant properties of spinach make it possible to use its juice to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. With spinach you can make a very effective mask for the skin around the eyes. You need to chop a couple of spinach leaves, squeeze out the juice and mix it (1 tsp) with the same amount of cream that you use for the skin around the eyes, adding an oil solution of vitamin A (10 ml). This mask is applied to the area under the eyes and kept for up to half an hour, and removed with cold boiled milk, moistening a tampon in it.

Green apple mask

Green apples have many beneficial properties for the human body. This fruit, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, can be consumed not only internally, but also used to benefit the skin.

Preparation time: 10 minutes Application time: 30 minutes


Green apple – 1 pc. Water - 2-3 glasses

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Step by step recipe

1. Take about 2-3 glasses of water and boil it. 2. Add the green apple to the boiling water and cook for about 5-10 minutes or until the outer layer of the apple is soft. 3. Remove the apple and wait until it becomes warm. 4. Peel the apple and place it on your eyelids and under-eye area. Leave for 15-30 minutes.

You can do this apple mask for under eye circles twice a day as a completely natural and quick remedy to get rid of dark circles.

Tomato mask for under-eye circles with mint leaves

Tomatoes and mint are a good source of antioxidant properties, which makes this tomato mask ideal for treating dark circles under the eyes.

In addition, this mask can help get rid of fine wrinkles, the so-called “crow's feet”.

Preparation time: 5 minutes Application time: 10 minutes


Mint leaves - ½ cup Tomato - 1 pc.

Step by step recipe

1. Take a blender and add tomato and fresh mint leaves. 2. Mix until they form a smooth thin paste. 3. Apply this fresh tomato paste on your closed eyelids and under eye area, leave it on for about 5-10 minutes and then rinse with water. This at-home process can be repeated twice daily for two weeks or until the circles have noticeably lightened.

Mask for bags under the eyes with mint and lemon

Lemon juice is a good source of vitamin C, which makes it a natural skin whitener. Try this natural whitening solution to visibly lighten dark circles around your eyes and reduce puffiness.

Preparation time: 5 minutes Application time: 15 minutes


Mint leaves - ½ cup Fresh lemon juice - ½ tsp. Cotton pads – 2 pcs.

Step by step recipe

1. Add mint leaves to a blender and puree them to extract as much juice as possible. 2. Now add fresh lemon juice to the mint and mix well. 3. Dip cotton pads in a solution of lemon juice and mint and apply them to closed eyelids and under the eyes. Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes as it will even help reduce puffy eyes. 4. Later, rinse your face with warm water and gently pat the area dry with a soft cloth.

This homemade mask can be repeated twice daily for a week or until the dark eye area and puffiness are noticeably reduced.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

The area around the eyes needs to be given more careful attention. Thin skin needs special, regular and gentle care. Cosmetology experts convince us that you can start procedures as early as 20 years old, and then you will be able to avoid the appearance of deep wrinkles in the future.

What cosmetologists recommend:

  • do not go to bed with makeup on your eyes;
  • makeup should be removed with special products so as not to rub or injure the skin;
  • It is better to avoid washing with soap.

Be sure to moisturize the skin around your eyes twice a day with special creams, serums and gels. Massage with coconut, olive and castor oil will improve blood flow and provide oxygen to the epidermal cells. Nourish your skin weekly with homemade masks.

There are special recommendations for the summer period; eyes must be protected from the sun with glasses or a hat. It is not for nothing that ultraviolet radiation is called the most dangerous enemy of the skin, not only around the eyes, but in general.

Benefits of massage

Cosmetologists strongly note the beneficial effects of massage procedures. Lymphatic drainage is an effective way to eliminate edema and swelling of the eyelids. Using two fingers (index and ring), gently move from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer corner of the upper eyelid. Then, while maintaining pressure, move your fingers to the bridge of the nose along the lower eyelid. To facilitate gliding, you can massage with nourishing cream or oils.

If you relieve tension in the eye area, dark circles will be less noticeable. Soak a cotton swab in hot and cold water alternately and wipe your eyes with it. It is strictly forbidden to rub the skin around the eyes, this can cause the destruction of capillaries and only aggravate the problem of bruising and swelling.

Video: Getting rid of bags and circles under the eyes at home

Mask with avocado puree and almond oil

This lightweight and highly effective mask makes the skin around the eyes appear more youthful, nourishes it and brightens dark circles. The oil is a natural moisturizer that, when used regularly, will help reduce the number of wrinkles under the eyes and puffiness.

Preparation time: 5 minutes Application time: 20 minutes


Avocado puree - 1 tsp. Almond oil - 4-5 drops Cotton pads - 2 pcs.

Step by step recipe

1. Cut the avocado in half and scoop out the flesh into a bowl with a spoon. Mash the avocado pulp to a puree-like consistency. 2. Add almond oil to the avocado puree and mix well. 3. Apply the resulting mixture of avocado and almond oil to cotton pads. 4. Gently place cotton pads on closed eyelids and under the eyes. Leave this mask on your eyes for about 15-20 minutes. 5. Later, rinse with warm water and lightly pat the under-eye area.

This process can be repeated twice a day to reduce puffy eyes and dark circles.

Why you need to take care of the skin around your eyes

The skin of the eyelids is most often dry, and it is constantly in motion: after all, the eyes are the most mobile organ on the face. The eyelids stretch when we squint, close and open our eyes, and express our feelings and state with facial expressions.

In youth, the skin on the eyelids is elastic and does not lose its shape, although the eyes can perform more than 20,000 movements every day, but with age everything changes, and you simply cannot do without protection and care products. Of course, you must definitely use medicinal and caring eye cosmetics and visit beauty salons, but home remedies, when used correctly and in a timely manner, will certainly help slow down aging, relieve swelling, dark circles under the eyes and early-onset wrinkles. Proven folk masks for the skin around the eyes help best at home.

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Arnica and olive oil mask

Arnica is an ancient medicine used to treat swelling and bruising. Combining arnica and olive oil together makes this mask a delightful treatment for dehydrated skin and darkened eye areas.

Try making this mask at home to deeply hydrate your under-eye area and reduce dark circles.

Preparation time: 3 minutes Application time: 3 minutes


Arnica oil - 3 drops Olive oil - 1 tsp.

Step by step recipe

1. Add a few drops of arnica oil to the olive oil and mix well. 2. Now apply this oil solution to the area under the eyes with light massage movements. 3. Leave the mask to act for about 2-3 minutes. 4. Later, rinse the eye area with warm water and pat dry the skin with a soft towel. This mask can be repeated 2-3 times a day for two weeks to eliminate the appearance of circles and fine lines under the eyes.

Coconut oil mask

Coconut oil is considered one of the best and most natural skin moisturizers. One of the main causes of dark circles under the eyes is dry skin. This product is a great way to deeply hydrate the skin under your eyes and thereby reduce dark circles.

Cooking time: 2 minutes Application time: 3 minutes


Organic coconut oil - ½ tsp.

Step by step recipe

1. Using your fingertips, gently massage organic coconut oil onto your closed eyelids as well as the under eye area for 2-3 minutes. 2. This is a night remedy, so you can leave this mask on your eyes overnight. 3. The next day, rinse the eye area with water and gently pat the skin dry with a towel.

This procedure can be performed every day for 2 weeks or until the dark circles under the eyes have noticeably lightened.

Physiological causes and solutions to the problem

The causes of dark circles under the eyes include some physiological factors.

Genetic predisposition

Most often, people prone to dark circles under their eyes also inherit thin, light skin that looks almost transparent. A bluish venous “mesh” is clearly visible through it, which causes the appearance of dark circles.

To do this, you need to take vitamin complexes with retinol. In addition, this substance is usually included in anti-aging creams, which are also recommended for use as they promote collagen production and epidermal renewal.

The use of such products will make the skin denser, and the vascular “mesh” will be less visible.


Most often, residents of the East face this problem. But the Slavs also have increased pigmentation. Usually it has an age-related nature and is a natural process.

But sometimes the cause of pigmentation is improper removal of eye makeup. In addition, it often occurs in those who are used to rubbing their eyes in the morning. The pigment melanin can be produced as a result of physical exposure.

As a rule, the problem is solved with peeling. Usually the most gentle composition is chosen if the procedure is carried out in a salon.

Cosmetic products with plantain or chamomile extracts are suitable for home sessions. But they need to be used for a long time - at least a month, and sometimes two or three.

Chronic fatigue

In this case, the most relevant recommendation is to follow a work and rest schedule, and take more walks in the fresh air. If fatigue is accompanied by chronic stress or depression, then it is necessary to take light sedatives of plant origin - for example, valerian or motherwort.

Eyes often get tired when working at a computer. In this case, you need to spend less time looking at the monitor. It is recommended to do special exercises for the eyes. The simplest option is to look at the walls, ceiling, close your eyes and roll them.

Natural aging

As you age, your body produces less collagen, leading to thinning skin. As a result, dark circles can appear even in those people who did not encounter such a problem in their youth. Sometimes the thinning process begins as early as 30 years of age. But it can be stopped.

The solution to the problem can be injections of hyaluronic acid in the problem area. The skin will become denser and the circles will disappear. The effect of this procedure can last up to a year. Injections are done with local anesthesia.

At home, use eye creams containing glycerin and hyaluronic acid.

Impaired blood supply

Due to impaired blood supply, fluid stagnation occurs in the body. This is why bags under the eyes and dark circles appear. With age, such problems intensify.

Before going to bed, you need to do a light massage of the area around the eyes. You should move clearly along the massage lines, along the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner, and along the upper eyelid in the opposite direction. Creams with caffeine will help improve blood circulation.

Improper care

The cause of dark circles under the eyes may be applying too thick a layer of cream at night. The next morning, this almost always leads to swelling and bruising under the eyes, since the skin under the layer of such a product does not breathe, and the intercellular fluid does not evaporate.

The cream should not be applied for longer than 2-3 hours. Then the excess must be removed with a napkin.

Poor nutrition

An unbalanced diet and adherence to strict diets lead to a lack of vitamins in the body. And this provokes the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

You need to get tested to understand what substances are missing. The doctor will prescribe appropriate vitamin complexes - for example, multivitamins, iron supplements, folic acid.

Addiction to strict diets can lead to more than just the appearance of circles under the eyes. A sharp weight loss, especially after 35-40 years, provokes sagging skin in this area and the appearance of bags. Therefore, you need to choose the right weight loss methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Insufficient fluid intake, which leads to dehydration, also affects the condition of the skin around the eyes. The recommended daily dose is at least 1.5-2 liters.


A woman in the first trimester of pregnancy (as well as a few days before or during menstruation) may experience increased skin pigmentation. In this case, nothing needs to be done.

If you suspect a disease, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Mask for the eye area made of castor oil and sour cream

Castor oil is a good source of fatty acids that help improve skin tone and also rejuvenate the skin. Sour cream contains lactic acid, and this ingredient will help reduce wrinkles under the eyes and reduce puffiness.

Preparation time: 5 minutes Application time: 15 minutes


Fresh sour cream - 1 tsp. Castor oil - 1 tsp.

Step by step recipe

1. Mix sour cream and castor oil well in a bowl. 2. Apply the resulting oily mixture to closed eyelids and the area under the eyes and leave for 10-15 minutes. 3. Later, rinse the eye area with warm water and dry the skin with a dry towel.

The procedure can be repeated twice a day for two weeks or until you notice a visible effect.

The best anti-edema recipes

Let's start our advice with how to remove swelling around the eyes using folk remedies.

Edema is the most common problem, and experts note that the eyelids become swollen due to impaired lymph circulation around the eyes.

Special eye masks will help reduce swelling and get rid of it.

A mask with parsley and sour cream helps relieve swelling and reduce bags under the eyes. Grind parsley (1 tsp) and mix it with sour cream (2 tsp). Apply the mixture to your eyelids for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

A very simple mask for the skin around the eyes - made from apple pulp. You can grate the apple and apply the paste to the area of ​​swelling, but it will be enough to simply cut off thin slices of apples and apply to the problem areas for 15 minutes. The substances contained in apples quickly relieve swelling.

Potato mask for the skin around the eyes

The most famous mask for puffiness under the eyes is made from raw potatoes. Potatoes are always at hand, so many women use them. You need to take a small potato, wash it with a brush in running hot water, dry it with a napkin and grate it on a grater, preferably a plastic one.

Place 1 tbsp on small gauze napkins. grated potatoes, and then apply them to the area under the eyes for 15 minutes, pressing the potato pulp onto the swelling. After removing the mask, blot the skin around your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in cooled tea.

Compresses for the skin around the eyes

Oil compresses will help revitalize dry and aging eyelid skin. Soak gauze pads in olive oil and place them on your closed eyes for 10 minutes. Remove any remaining oil with a cotton swab soaked in warm tea.

Compresses made from herbal infusions relieve fatigue and inflammation from the eyes. Prepare an infusion of linden blossom, calendula flowers, chamomile or cornflower. Brew the herb like regular tea - 1 tsp. a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. It is better to do compresses in the morning and evening, for 5-10 minutes.

Contrast baths help relieve swelling. Pour salted water into bowls: hot into one, cold into the other. Place your hands on your eyes, wetting them first in cold and then in hot water. Keep it on your eyes for 1-2 minutes without pressing, and then rinse them with warm tea.

If you wipe the area around the eyes daily with pieces of ice from an infusion of herbs - string, chamomile, sage, the skin will become elastic and swelling will stop appearing.

Fenugreek, turmeric and milk mask

Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of vitamin C, potassium and proteins. This product helps balance the pH level of the skin. These properties of this ingredient will help in the skin lightening process and this also makes it the best ingredient to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Turmeric contains a good amount of antiseptic components that help soften skin tone naturally. Milk is a natural source of lactic acid and this will act as a natural skin whitening agent in this mask.

Preparation time: 4 hours Application time: 20 minutes


Fenugreek seeds - 2 tsp. Turmeric - ½ tsp. Milk - 1 tsp. Water - 1 glass

Step by step recipe

1. Cover fenugreek seeds with water and leave for about 3-4 hours. 2. Drain the water and add turmeric and milk to the water-soaked fenugreek seeds and mix lightly. 3. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 5-8 minutes until they form a smooth paste. 4. Apply this paste to closed eyelids and the area under the eyes so that the mask begins to work. Leave for about 10-20 minutes. 5. Later, rinse your eyes with cold water.

You can do this mask for under-eye circles at home every day for up to two weeks or until there are visible signs of lightening of the dark circles.

Masks against dark circles

The next common problem is dark circles under the eyes. Perhaps they are even more common than edema, and the reasons for their occurrence can be different: for example, if a person sleeps little and is often exposed to stress, or the capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin, and the skin itself is very thin.

Heredity can also be the cause of the appearance of dark circles, or stagnation that occurs due to lack of movement - and we move little, and spend very little time in the fresh air, since we work indoors in winter and summer.

The best remedy for dark circles under the eyes is sound, healthy sleep, walking and playing sports. If you also use folk remedies at the same time, the circles will shrink and then disappear.

Raw potatoes come to the rescue here too. You can use the same recipe as for removing swelling, or you can mix raw grated potatoes with milk and flour (2 teaspoons of each component), and apply this mixture to your closed eyes for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

You can use parsley root pulp. This mask for the skin around the eyes is made once a week, kept on the eyelids for 20 minutes, and washed off with lukewarm water. Usually 1 month is enough for the circles to disappear.

A mask of cucumber, sour cream and coriander improves blood circulation in the skin around the eyes and eliminates bruises. You need to take 1 tsp. finely chopped cucumber and coriander, and mix them with 1 tbsp. sour cream. Apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

The next mask is a little more difficult to prepare, but it is very useful and nourishing for thin and dry skin around the eyes. You need to peel several walnuts and grind them in a coffee grinder into fine flour. Mix this flour (2 tsp) with melted butter (1 tbsp), and add freshly squeezed pomegranate or lemon juice - 2-3 drops. Apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Nutmeg and milk mask

Nutmeg is a rich source of antioxidant and skin whitening ingredients. Milk contains lactic acid and this makes it a natural skin whitener.

Preparation time: 3 minutes Application time: 30 minutes


Nutmeg powder - 1 tsp. Milk - 2 tbsp.

Step by step recipe

1. Add a teaspoon of nutmeg powder to the milk and mix well to form a smooth paste consistency. 2. Apply the resulting paste to closed eyelids and the area under the eyes. Leave this mask on for about 20-30 minutes. 3. Later, clean the eye area with water and wipe the skin with a dry cloth.

The mask can be used 2 times a day to lighten dark circles under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles and reduce puffiness.

Tips to prevent dark circles under the eyes

Apart from using masks, follow some tips to prevent dark circles and puffiness under your eyes.

  • Occasionally place two cooled metal spoons on your eyes for 2-3 minutes to help relax the veins around your eyes.
  • Be sure to give yourself physical activity every day - whatever you love - yoga or cardio training or just brisk walking - every day for at least 30 minutes.
  • Strictly avoid using any abrasive products on the face or chemical peels on the area around the eyes. The use of acne masks and any other cleansing masks on the delicate area under the eyes is also prohibited.
  • Wash your face every day in the morning with cold water as it helps soothe the eye area and also improves blood circulation around the eyes.
  • Apply a good quality, deep moisturizing eye cream every day as it helps reduce wrinkles under the eyes. Don't rub the skin under your eyes. Apply the cream with your ring fingers using light tapping movements.

And remember that the best cure for dark circles is a healthy lifestyle and regular care of the area under the eyes. The above masks, which you can easily prepare at home, will help you ensure long-lasting and effective results in the fight for beauty.

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