Heparin ointment for bags under the eyes - the best remedy

Composition of the drug

Instructions for use of zinc ointment

The drug contains one active ingredient mixed with an ointment base.

Active Ingredient

The active substance in pharmacology is called “zinc oxide” (Zinci oxydum). The inorganic compound with the formula ZnO appears as a white or slightly yellowish powder. The substance is part of zinc ointment, analogues in the form of paste and cream. The active component is practically insoluble in water and alcohol.

Every 100 gr. zinc ointment contain 10 g. zinc oxide. Ointment base of domestic preparations - 90 g. medical Vaseline. When mixing the components, a thick, ointment-like white substance is obtained.

Ointment base

Vaseline is a dermatoprotective agent that softens and protects the skin. The substance has gained “notoriety” among cosmetologists in recent years. Vaseline is considered a comedogen due to its ability to create an impenetrable film on the skin.

The ointment base is poorly absorbed and difficult to wash off with water. A greasy substance with mineral oil and paraffin leaves an oily sheen on the skin and stains laundry.

Manufacturers of dermatological preparations and cosmetic products often use less water-repellent and more expensive ingredients.

Anna Margolina, candidate of biological sciences, author of books on cosmetology, noted in one of her articles that it is too early to give up Vaseline. The substance provides the protective properties of zinc oxide and reduces the cost of drug production.

Prices for domestic zinc ointment in jars and tubes of 25 and 30 g. are 35-57 rubles. Imported preparations contain 10-20% of the active substance. The cost of foreign analogues is 10 times higher.

What does zinc ointment help with?

The product for external use reduces exudation (the release of fluid in inflamed tissues), weeping (the separation of exudate from blisters on the skin). The layer of the drug does not allow blood and sweat to pass through.

Main therapeutic effects:

  • weak antiseptic (disinfectant);
  • moderate anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • drying;
  • adsorbing;
  • astringent.

The antiseptic properties of zinc oxide are weaker compared to iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, and salicylic acid. This is one of the reasons why the drug is not used to treat infected lesions.

What does zinc ointment help with?

The healing properties of zinc ointment are useful for reducing redness and inflammation during sunburn, and for protecting affected skin during sports and outdoor activities. After applying the drug, a thin film forms on the skin, under which the epidermis dries and heals.

In addition, the remedy:

  • prevents softening of tissues and increase in wound size;
  • protects damaged skin from penetration of microbes;
  • reduces the irritating effect of exudate;
  • absorbs toxins from bacteria and fungi;
  • creates conditions for regeneration;
  • eliminates redness and swelling.

The effectiveness of the drug for various skin lesions varies. Zinc ointment does not help against papillomas, the appearance of which is caused by a viral infection. The product does not have antiviral and keratolytic effects.

Zinc ointment for calluses protects damaged skin from drying out and penetration of microbes. Natural healing occurs under the film.

The product is applied to the affected skin to reduce inflammation and irritation. The drug reduces the severity of exudative processes and eliminates the harmful effects of various factors.

Zinc ointment is used for burns and minor injuries as an “first aid” remedy. Itching and redness disappear within 10-15 minutes after applying the drug.

For skin allergies, this is not the most effective treatment. However, the product has fewer side effects compared to hormonal creams. The drug is applied in a thin layer to itchy rashes to reduce inflammation and irritation.

Zinc ointment for herpes on the lips relatively quickly reduces itching and dries out the blisters.

For atopic dermatitis, it is used as a non-hormonal remedy, safe even for infants. Lubricate the reddened areas of the face, hands, and other affected areas of the body to relieve children from itching. Make sure that the child does not scratch the treated areas.

Dry epidermis is caused by loss of water in the top layer of skin. As a result, microcracks form and the healing process worsens. Zinc ointment for psoriasis creates an oily layer that retains water in the skin. The product softens the horny substance (keratin), the excess of which accumulates in the form of scales and plaques.

Indications for the use of zinc ointment include:

  • diaper rash, prickly heat (diaper rash) and other dermatitis, including photocontact;
  • bedsores, trophic ulcers, other ulcerative skin lesions;
  • superficial abrasions, cuts, cracks, wounds;
  • burns (including sunburn);
  • eczema in the acute stage;
  • rash due to herpes simplex;
  • streptoderma.

Zinc ointment during pregnancy does not harm the health of the woman and the unborn child. It is necessary to dose and apply the product correctly and follow the instructions.

Zinc is necessary for the normal course of spermatogenesis and testosterone synthesis. The microelement enters the body with food.

Zinc ointment is used for potency (prevention of impotence). Rub the product in for 10 minutes every day. The duration of one course of treatment is 10 days. After a break, therapy (prevention) is continued for 2 months.

When the drug is rubbed into the prostate area, microcirculation in the tissues of the gland improves.

Features of the drugs

Bags under the eyes can occur for a variety of reasons, so the medications must be different. Today, formulations in gel or ointment format remain very popular. The first ones should be applied using a roller.

To buy a truly effective remedy for bags under the eyes, you need to carefully study the composition on the package.

A product containing the following components can be called effective:

  1. Vitamin C for eyes. This component is an antioxidant, which helps slow down skin aging. Ascorbic acid also strengthens blood vessels and tones the skin.
  2. Ruktin. This component has a positive effect on blood vessels and capillaries. You can find rutin in blueberries and horse chestnuts.
  3. Caffeine. This ingredient has an invigorating effect. As a result, the skin receives powerful toning and is saturated with oxygen. Caffeine is also rich in antioxidants.
  4. Rosemary. This component is considered one of the best in the fight against edema of various origins.
  5. Plantain. Its leaves and seeds not only have antiseptic properties, but also have a lifting effect.

It is impossible to eliminate puffiness under the eyes without such components as:

  • vitamin E;
  • apricot kernel oil;
  • rose oil;
  • elastin;
  • sage;
  • elastin;
  • hyaluronic acid.

It is worth trying Japanese eye drops with vitamins.

Application of zinc ointment

Application of zinc ointment

Before using zinc oxide products, clean, wash, and dry the affected area unless otherwise directed by your healthcare professional. Can be treated with an antiseptic solution.

Application of zinc ointment - 2 to 3 times a day. Apply the drug to the skin, spreading it with your fingertips until the entire surface to be treated is covered with a thin layer of the drug. Wash your hands thoroughly immediately after using the product.

Lubricate small uninfected scratches and burns. If necessary, apply a bandage to a thin layer of the drug. A thick layer is not necessary, as zinc oxide dries out wounds greatly, making healing difficult.

Zinc ointment is used for lichen in humans as an emollient, antipruritic and adsorbent drug. Its components do not kill pathogens, which are collectively called “lichen.” Zinc oxide is inferior in the effectiveness of treating this disease to antifungal and keratolytic lotions and creams.

Zinc ointment for nail fungus is also used to reduce itching and irritation in the damaged area. Apply the drug to the skin around the horny plate. The active substance does not penetrate through the nail into the skin where the fungal threads are located.

Zinc ointment for hemorrhoids is used for application to the skin around the anus. The drug helps reduce inflammation in the area of ​​cracks and accelerates the resorption of damage. In most cases, there is relief of symptoms. Several medications are used for complete cure.

The scabies mite parasitizes the skin, causing severe itching and redness in places where it moves. The disease is treated with sulfur preparations, which cause the death of the pathogen. Zinc scabies ointment helps reduce skin irritation.

Ointments and creams are better absorbed into still damp, warm skin after bathing. It is recommended to moisten dry epidermis with warm water, then blot off excess moisture. There is no need to bathe too often or for a long time. Hot water will increase dry skin.

Popular creams and ointments for bags under the eyes

The effect of many drugs for bags and bruises under the eyes is similar, but there are also certain features. Regardless of which product is used, it must be remembered that it contains chemicals intended for medical, and not at all cosmetic, purposes. Therefore, the duration of use of any ointment, if it is not a special eye cream, should not exceed 2–3 weeks. Or, as an option, you can use the drugs only as needed, when you need to remove bags under the eyes once.

The maximum drainage effect is achieved by combining ointment and massage, which is carried out with light pressing movements (no need to rub or pull anything) from the inner corner of the eye to the outer for 2-3 minutes. If you limit yourself to only cream or ointment, the result will be less pronounced. And it’s very good if you can supplement the procedures with cryomassage. Everything is done in the following order:

  1. First, a regular massage using pressure movements.
  2. Then rub with an ice cube until discomfort occurs.
  3. And after 5 minutes, when the problem area begins to heat up due to the rush of blood, ointment is applied.

If you carry out a course of 20 daily morning procedures, then for some time (2-3 months) the bags will stop appearing.

Ointment Relief

Actually, Relief is intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but it is great for use on any part of the body. Phenylephrine contained in the ointment has a vasoconstrictor effect, due to which swelling disappears over time. The product also contains nourishing components that maintain water balance, so it is also beneficial for the skin. It is believed that after just two weeks of using the drug Relief, the bags “go away” for a long time.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for zinc ointment

The drug is not used for diagnosed allergies to any of its components. Other contraindications for zinc ointment are bacterial superinfection of the skin, bleeding from a wound. The product is not applied to the nipples during breastfeeding.

Caution should be exercised when using the drug to treat extensive inflammation or oily skin.

Undesirable effects of zinc oxide and petroleum jelly:

  • allergic reactions in the form of skin itching, hyperemia, skin rash:
  • worsening symptoms of a dermatological disease;
  • slight burning sensation when applied to inflamed skin;
  • peeling of the epidermis;
  • skin rash;
  • breathing problems;
  • wheezing, tightness in the throat or chest (rare);
  • swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue or throat (very rare).

The body adapts and gets used to the medicine during therapy. Therefore, side effects may appear only in the first days of using the product, and then disappear. Zinc oxide and petrolatum are generally well tolerated by adults and children.

Zinc ointment in gynecology is used to reduce inflammation in vulvovaginitis - damage to the vulva and vaginal walls.

For this and other diseases, it is not recommended to self-treat with drugs not intended for mucous membranes.

Application in cosmetology

Zinc ointment for the face is a remedy that protects against the premature appearance of wrinkles, pigmentation and sunburn. With regular application, the appearance of the skin improves and it becomes healthier.

In cosmetology, zinc ointment is used as a moderate disinfectant, astringent, and anti-inflammatory agent. The drug eliminates skin irritation caused by the activity of bacteria and their toxins.

For acne

Zinc ointment for acne helps only as part of complex therapy. The product does not get rid of the main cause of acne - bacteria that multiply in the ducts of the sebaceous hair follicles. Zinc ions are part of compounds that regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

A drug for treating acne must contain at least 20% zinc oxide. A more concentrated zinc paste is preferable to the 10% ointment.

After acne heals, red or brown post-inflammatory spots remain. The anti-acne remedy is used in the same way as for acne.

Apply a pinhead-sized lump of product directly to a previously cleansed area of ​​skin and rub in gently. Use for several days while inflammation and redness persist.


  1. To clean the problem area before applying the ointment, use a chlorhexidine solution or antibacterial lotion.
  2. If there is one small pimple, then makeup is applied on top of a thin layer of ointment.
  3. After a few hours, the skin is cleaned with a cotton pad moistened with warm water, and a layer of ointment is applied again.
  4. You can leave the product on your face at night and wash it in the morning.

Often, bruising remains after squeezing pimples. Such injuries are also treated with zinc ointment.

Zinc acne ointment

It is better not to squeeze, because infected sebum spreads from the area of ​​the pimple into the surrounding tissue.

Zinc ointment for bruises is applied directly to the affected area. The drug accelerates resorption and supports natural skin regeneration.

For wrinkles and age spots

The product is used as an anti-aging agent. The rejuvenation effect is due to the fact that zinc is a regulator of collagen synthesis, which gives strength to the skin. Ions of this metal enhance metabolism in the dermis, are needed for protection from ultraviolet radiation, and allow you to resist the aging process longer.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles:

  • maintains the necessary level of moisture in the skin;
  • prevents disruption of collagen synthesis;
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • helps in the adsorption of microbes and toxins.

Excessive pigmentation of the facial skin is caused by hormonal imbalance and age-related changes.

Zinc ointment for age spots reduces the harmful effects of various processes on the epidermis. Thanks to regular use of the product, darkened areas of the skin lighten.

Apply the drug in the evening. Add an equal amount of lanolin or spermaceti cream. If desired, dilute with a small amount of olive oil.

What to do with dark circles under the eyes, how to remove them?

Decorative cosmetics

A simple but temporary way to hide dark circles under the eyes is concealer. A good concealer shouldn't feel on your skin, smudge, or look different from your complexion. Also, pay attention to colored concealers: beige ones mask bruises with a purple undertone, and products with a pinker shade will remove gray circles under the eyes.

  • Concealer TF COSMETICS Master Skin, 159 rubles - it is praised by Katya Slyadneva, the creator of the Beauty channel for 300. The girl’s reviews are always detailed, they are accompanied by photos and tips on application. According to the blogger, this concealer hides all traces of fatigue, dry skin and pigmentation. The pluses are the price and 5 shades to choose from.
  • Lamel Concealer Super Smooth, 142 rubles - another budget concealer for disguising dark circles under the eyes. The beige shade will neatly disguise them.
  • Concealer Catrice Liquid Camouflage, 361 rubles - it has 13 shades, you can choose it for any skin. There are shades for dark-skinned girls and for white-skinned ones. It fits well, does not get caught in the folds of the eyelid and does not smear.

Care products

Try to regularly care for the area around your eyes using special products. They also know how to lighten the skin under the eyes and can give a long-term effect.

  • Andalou Naturals Brightening Serum for the Skin Around the Eyes, RUB 1,176 - This serum contains vitamin C, which protects the skin from sun rays, and also whitens it and adds radiance.
  • Aravia Professional Lifting Eye Cream, 599 rubles - this cream contains niacinamide and moisturizing components. Together they will relieve the delicate skin under the eyes from dryness and make it brighter.
  • Super Beezy eye patches, 890 rubles - 60 eye pads are soaked with skin-brightening and skin-renewing niacinamide and vitamin C. Plus, you will see results faster than with a serum. You need to keep the patches under your eyes for 20-30 minutes to see yourself at your best.
  • Sunscreen cream stick Clinique Targeted protection stick, 1,239 rubles - even the most delicate parts of the body need to be protected from the sun. These are your ears, lips, nose and eye area. And since the area under the eyes darkens due to UV rays that hit the defenseless area, you should take care of it. A small stick with SPF 35 will help to do this.
  • Simpli Beautiful soothing gel for the skin around the eyes, 459 rubles - a small 30 ml jar contains a mixture of moisturizing ingredients and caffeine. It is believed that it can affect dark circles under the eyes and remove them.
  • Yeouth eye cream, 1,449 rubles - retinol can be used not only to rejuvenate the face, but also to combat fine wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes. This remedy is more powerful than other acids, so the effect can be achieved faster. But you need to use retinol correctly: start with 1-2 times a week, moisturize the skin with cream after application, and apply cream with SPF to your face during the day.

Special procedures and operations

If cosmetics and care do not give you the desired result, you can resort to cosmetic procedures - many of them have proven their effectiveness. For example, laser correction of dark circles under the eyes. Injections with hyaluronic acid also effectively help remove dark circles under the eyes.

A radical method is blepharoplasty. When excess fat is removed through a small incision under the eyes and the skin is tightened. If there is venous congestion due to bags under the eyes, then after blepharoplasty the dark circles will disappear. This procedure can be done not only after 40–50 years, but also earlier, if it is really necessary. But it is better to consult a medical specialist about any intervention on the face, be it laser or surgery, and weigh the pros and cons.

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