How to quickly get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes? Remedies, tips and methods

The problem of how to remove bruises, bags and dark circles under the eyes puzzles both women and men. A person’s face tells a lot about his lifestyle, seriousness of personality, temperament and even bad habits. Therefore, the problem of finding a way to quickly get rid of signs of fatigue remains always relevant. You can remove bruises and bags under the eyes quite quickly, sometimes in 5 minutes, using masks, compresses and traditional methods. However, we should not forget that “under the eyes” may be the first signal of poor health and the development of serious illnesses.

What your body is signaling and how you can help it can be found in this article.

Black circles under the eyes - causes

Many people are interested in the question of what causes black circles under the eyes and what may be the reason for this phenomenon. The answer to this question has not yet been found. To be precise, there can be several options for the appearance of bruises under the eyes, and in each individual case external factors become decisive. So, let's look at a number of reasons that may explain why a person has black circles under the eyes:

  1. The most common opinion held by the majority of people suffering from such formations is the appearance of bruises under the eyes as a result of a sleepless night . Of course, this can significantly affect a person’s appearance, however, it should be remembered that the reason for such a manifestation can be much deeper.
  2. The most common cause in this case is the breakdown of hemoglobin in the eyeball area . The skin in this place is saturated with capillaries, which have a very small diameter. If the body's functioning is disrupted, the capillary bursts and a hematoma or bruise forms. Gradually, the body copes with this manifestation, however, black circles under the eyes remain for some time.
  3. Sometimes, black circles under the eyes, the causes of which are allergic manifestations, can appear as a result of frequent and increased exposure of the patient to the eyes due to severe itching. Such activities can cause dark circles under the eyes and remain there for a long time.
  4. The situation can be aggravated by prolonged exposure to the sun and, as a result, tanning . Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the skin begins to produce melanin, which is excreted closer to the outer layers of the skin. Because the skin around the eyes is thin, it is darker than the first and the person does not look good.
  5. In case of constant snacking, irregular meals and lack of routine, dark circles may appear. As a result of excessive overload and fatigue , the skin around the eyes becomes paler and the eyes appear darker against its background. In other words, a person looks like a panda without the black circles under his eyes.
  6. age plays an important role . Over the years, the epidermis around the eyes thins and the skin becomes darker.
  7. Black circles under the eyes occur quite often in women. Especially when a woman is pregnant or has her period . In this case, the skin of the eyes becomes paler, and all attention is on the eyes.
  8. Eating problems can also cause dark circles under the eyes. If the human body does not receive vitamins, fats, and minerals in sufficient quantities in a timely manner, he may develop bruises under the eyes. This is often what explains why black circles under the eyes appear in a child without any visible disturbances or problems.
  9. Pathology can develop as a result of various diseases of internal organs , as well as chronic disorders in the functioning of internal organs. Manifestations can not only tell about a possible disruption in the functioning of organs, but also indicate their severe intoxication.
  10. The formation of bruises under the eyes can occur due to incomplete utilization of waste products from the body. The optimal remedy for black circles under the eyes in such a situation is local nutritional adjustments. If this method does not produce results, then you should look for deeper reasons.
  11. Skin changes directly depend on air temperature . In the winter season, the epidermis has a pale tint, but in the summer months, the skin acquires a darker color. In this case, a rich cream for black circles under the eyes can be an excellent remedy.
  12. Smoking and alcohol can also cause this pathology. They negatively affect the condition of blood vessels, making them less elastic and more brittle.
  13. Drastic weight loss and dieting are another reason for the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.
  14. Less common causes are the wrong choice of cosmetics, glandular anemia , as well as constant stress or neuroses .

You can find out exactly the reason why there are black circles under the eyes as a result of an examination. To do this, you will need to visit a specialist who will prescribe various tests and, based on their results, make a diagnosis. If the cause of the pathology is quite banal, then it will be possible to get rid of this manifestation by refusing cosmetic products or a nutritious, balanced diet.

At the same time, it happens that black, unsightly circles under the eyes arise for a complex reason and not always safe for the patient. The appearance of pathology can be caused by diseases that must be diagnosed and treated. Only in this case will it be possible to get rid of black circles under the eyes. In this regard, it can be concluded that before starting to treat an unsightly manifestation, you should determine what causes black circles under the eyes and what their shade indicates.

An experienced specialist will be able to determine by the color of the circles in the area of ​​the eyeballs what disorder the patient has in the body and, as a result, prescribe the necessary treatment. Let's look at what black circles under the eyes say based on their shade.

Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures

Vegetable and fruit lotions

A classic for home care is chilled fresh cucumber rings. And it is justified in a certain way. Special astringent properties and enzymes help tighten the skin and reduce inflammation; in addition, you can get rid of fine wrinkles and bags under the eyes. The cucumber is cut into slices, lies in the refrigerator for ten minutes and is placed on the eyes until it becomes warm.

Potatoes are also no less effective. The starch in its composition has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps get rid of bags and bruises. You need to peel, wash, and dry a medium potato. Then grate and put the pulp in a clean cloth. It is applied under the eyes for twenty minutes.

A natural antioxidant such as strawberry puree also helps a lot (apply for half an hour, then rinse with water). The next assistant in the fight against bruises is kiwi, which contains large quantities of nutrients and vitamins; the fruit is used in the same way as cucumber slices.

You can get rid of bags and dark circles under your eyes quickly, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations.

How to determine the cause by the color of dark circles

Experts testify that the shade of the circles can presumably diagnose the disease. Circles under the eyes, depending on the cause, are blue, brown, red, yellow.

Blue color
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • disruptions in the urinary system;
  • disruption of the functioning of the heart and blood circulation;
  • fatigue;
  • staying near the computer, prolonged use of gadgets;
  • insomnia;
  • alcohol and smoking.
Yellowish circles
  • an increase in the amount of bilirubin due to impaired functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • consumption of large quantities of foods containing yellow coloring substances (carrots), while the pupils of the eyes remain clear and health remains normal;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • transferred stressful conditions.
Red tint
  • kidney disease (circles are associated with swelling);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • lack of exposure to fresh air;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • problems with the brain (hemorrhage, meningitis);
  • sensitive skin;
  • suffered stressful conditions;
  • the presence of helminths in the body;
  • inflammatory processes of the eyes.
If the circles are brown
  • improper daily routine: fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • side effects of certain medications;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • spending a long time at the computer and using gadgets;
  • heredity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • presence of liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • disorders of the urinary and digestive systems;
  • endocrine imbalance, diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the circulatory system, thick blood;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements.

Black circles under the eyes in men - what is the reason for their appearance?

dark circles under the eyes in men

Many young people want to look attractive and make every effort to achieve this. It is for this reason that the question of why black circles sometimes occur under the eyes of men often requires a clear and understandable answer. This will not only restore the blooming appearance of your face, but also figure out how to remove black circles under the eyes of the affected person.

Black circles under the eyes in men are quite common and are due to various reasons. Modern men often abuse alcohol, smoke, and sometimes spend their nights at the computer. Another reason why men have black circles under their eyes is studying or reading at night. As a rule, such manifestations occur in young people and students.

Black circles under the eyes in men, the causes of which lie in various disorders of the internal organs, are the most complex manifestations, since it is necessary to carry out special tests to make an accurate diagnosis. Only after making a correct diagnosis can the optimal treatment method be found. In fact, the causes of black circles under the eyes in men can be either very serious or trivial, and all of them are described above.

If the causes of black circles under a man’s eyes are a complex internal pathology, then complex treatment will be needed, using various techniques.

Black circles under the eyes in men can be a simple aesthetic disorder due to insomnia or fatigue, or they can be a symptom of a complex disease. If such a deviation occurs, then it is best to visit a specialist who will develop the necessary course of treatment and help get rid of such manifestations as dark formations under the eyes.

Black circles under the eyes in women: causes and treatment features

dark circles under the eyes of girls

The causes of black circles under the eyes in women can be standard. As a rule, such a pathology is observed during all overwork as a result of insomnia or stress. There is no clear answer to the simple question of why women have black circles under their eyes, since each situation is individual. Especially often, the causes of black circles in women are hormonal imbalances, which in turn occur during pregnancy or menstruation.

In such cases, there is no need to worry about how to remove dark circles under the eyes. Dealing with the problem will not be difficult. It is enough to resort to simple cosmetics, creams or ointments, as well as use various traditional medicine recipes. If the disorder has a more complex form and the cause of black circles under the eyes in women are problems associated with the functioning of internal organs, then a serious examination and comprehensive treatment will be required.

In some cases, black spots under the eyes of women appear due to a genetic predisposition or due to the structural features of the skin. It will be possible to get rid of such manifestations only with cosmetics.

Circles under the eyes during pregnancy

Bruises due to natural causes usually disappear after the baby is born. They appear due to changes in hormonal levels: a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen against the background of an increase in progesterone levels. If changes in appearance do not cause discomfort, there is no need to worry.

Attention: when the formation of circles under the eyes is accompanied by poor health, you must urgently consult a gynecologist! This will help avoid intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus.

Blueness may be a symptom of anemia or excess stress on the kidneys. Such conditions require medical intervention.

Black circles under the eyes of a child

Black circles under the eyes of a child can be isolated manifestations and this is not always associated with the presence of a serious disorder in the functioning of the baby’s body. Many parents wonder what is the cause of black circles under their child’s eyes; there is no exact conclusion, despite numerous assumptions from experts and doctors.

On the one hand, black circles under a child’s eyes are just a signal that the child does not get enough sleep or is overtired. On the other hand, understanding why a child has black circles under his eyes can lead to serious problems in the little patient’s body that will require serious intervention.

Most often, reasons such as a lack of vitamins in the child’s body or a violation of the daily routine are identified. Bruises under the eyes can appear as a result of decreased physical activity and frequent stays indoors. To cope with the problem, you should conduct a full, comprehensive examination and make sure that there are no serious disorders in the child’s body.

Cream "Neolith"

After studying a lot of information on the Internet, we can conclude that the list of creams, according to reviews, is headed by Neolith cream. If we highlight the essence of the patients' responses, we can note the following characteristics: yes, the cream is quite expensive, it must be ordered exclusively from the manufacturer (however, this is rather an advantage), it has a rather small volume, but changes are noticeable literally after a few days, and the product This is used quite sparingly. The absence of hormonal components and natural ingredients in the cream for bags and bruises under the eyes are another advantage of the product. Naturally, it will not be possible to get rid of bags under the eyes forever, because sooner or later the process of their formation will become irreversible. But this moment can be delayed if you use Neolith cream.

Diagnosis of dark circles under the eyes

If the skin under the eyes has darkened and the problem cannot be solved by adjusting your diet and lifestyle, you should first visit your local physician.

The doctor will interview the patient and prescribe a series of tests to confirm (or refute) the suspected diagnosis.

First of all, the person is given:

  • general urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • sugar test.

Additionally you may need:

  • biopsy;
  • Ultrasound;
  • X-ray examination.

Depending on the test results and visual examination, the patient is referred to an appointment with a specialist.

Which doctor should I contact?

If dark circles under the eyes appear due to a disease of the internal organs, you need to focus on eliminating the cause of their appearance. Depending on the provoking factor, the patient will be treated:

  • ENT;
  • nephrologist;
  • hematologist;
  • hepatologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • dentist;
  • dermatologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist

When no diseases of the internal organs are detected, a cosmetologist or nutritionist will help correct the defect.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes using cosmetic procedures

In order to remove black circles under the eyes, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence. All further actions to eliminate the defect will directly depend on this.

In the case where the cause is a disease of the internal organs, no cosmetic product will be able to help. It is mandatory to undergo a full examination and course of treatment to eliminate the pathology.

In the case where black circles under the eyes are not associated with illness, cosmetic procedures and pharmaceutical products can come to the rescue:

  • Lipolifting. This technique helps to effectively combat dark circles under the eyes. Its essence lies in the fact that a person’s own fat cells are introduced into the periorbital area, thickening the subcutaneous fat layer. The result is visible almost instantly, but it is short-lived. Over time, the procedure will have to be repeated. This is precisely its main drawback;
  • Lymphatic drainage. Another modern cosmetic procedure that can help eliminate dark circles under the eyes. It is carried out using a special device that acts on problem areas of the skin with microcurrents. This leads to improved blood circulation and promotes the resorption of black circles;
  • Mesotherapy is another effective way to make dark circles under the eyes less noticeable. In this case, a special drug is injected under the skin using a thin needle to stimulate cellular regeneration. Cosmetologists note that the final result will directly depend on the individual characteristics of the body and its reaction to injections;
  • Cosmetical tools . In order to make black circles less noticeable, you need to use special cosmetics sold in pharmacies. These include nourishing and moisturizing creams designed to care for sensitive skin around the eyes. Penetrating into the inner layers of the epidermis, they promote the rapid resorption of hemoglobin, thereby quickly relieving a person of black circles under the eyes. In addition, such creams allow you to strengthen the walls of the capillaries, making them less brittle, which is an excellent prevention of hemorrhages in this place in the future. Moisturized eyelid skin will not dry out, fewer wrinkles will appear on it, which means it will become more resistant to external factors. Together, this will help get rid of black circles under the eyes and prevent their appearance in the future.


The appearance of circles under the eyes is a sign of overwork. You can help it recover faster and restore elasticity to the skin using the following medications:

  • vitamins of group B, A, E, D, K or complexes;
  • iron preparations (Sorbifer, Maltifer, Ferrum Lek);
  • preparations of selenium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • general strengthening and stimulating drugs (tincture of propolis, eleutherococcus, ginseng root).

In addition to general restoratives, antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Sertraline), sleeping pills (Barboval, Midazol), and sedatives (extract of valerian, motherwort, peony) are used as prescribed by a doctor.

Ointments and medications

To quickly treat bruises under the eyes, pharmaceutical ointments are most often used. They are characterized by a balanced composition, ease of use and speed of action.

Rating of ready-made remedies for circles under the eyes:

  • Bodyaga forte. This is a gel made from spongy algae. It has regenerative, strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties. It cannot be applied to permanent makeup (the algae will “eat” all the beauty) and on top of thin skin. Recommended for use exclusively against bruises resulting from injury.
  • Heparin ointment promotes the resorption of circles and age spots under the eyes. In addition, the product is characterized by lightening properties. It can be used only after consultation with a specialist.
  • Troxevasin. This is a capillary stabilizing agent. Its action is to resolve blood accumulations under the skin and strengthen the walls of capillaries. You can use this ointment for no longer than 5 days, as it is addictive.
  • Bezornil. A popular medical remedy for lightening the skin and eliminating dark circles under the eyes. The product contains succinic acid, plant extracts and natural pearls. The drug is characterized by a quick and lasting effect, provided that it is used twice a day.

Methods of disposal

Swelling caused by poor sleep patterns, stress or poor lifestyle can be eliminated quite quickly at home, without using medications. To do this, you just need to slightly change your own routine: a normal eight-hour sleep can correct the situation. You need to remember to change the pillow to a flat one or abandon it altogether.

The drinking regime should be adjusted. Drink a lot, but not in the evenings. Evening tea drinking is a strict taboo.

Many people are interested in how to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes.

Take breaks while working at the computer. Even if a person lives in deadline mode, he can find two minutes to take his mind off the screen. If there is a lot of work, you should at least try to switch to another task, communicate with colleagues, or review printed documents.

An important point in treating bruises and bags under the eyes is makeup. You don’t need to give it up, but you should rinse thoroughly and cleanse your skin. Creams are used only for their intended purpose and in small quantities. A thick layer of cream should not be applied to the area around the eyes.

Harmful products. You can treat yourself to something unhealthy, but you should do it rarely. In the evenings it is generally undesirable.

That is, it is not difficult to understand how to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes.

In simple situations, you need to follow the simple recommendations listed above in order to forget about the bags for a long time (at least until the time when they inevitably appear with age). But even more severe bruising, swelling or circles can be dealt with without intervention if you purchase special products. We need to start with the fact that a simple gel or eye cream must be present in a woman’s cosmetic bag from the age of 25. However, he will not be able to cope with strong bags; heavier artillery is required here. Folk remedies and advice, which will be discussed below, often also help.

What are the most popular remedies for bruises and bags under the eyes?

Using creams to eliminate the problem

Performing regular caring procedures helps normalize the shade of the dermis, replenishes fluid balance, helps lymph and blood circulate better, has a positive effect on metabolism and provokes the generation of a substance such as elastin. A product can be considered effective if it contains:

  • protein compounds;
  • vegetable oil components;
  • vitamins (especially A and K);
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • peptides;
  • substances that reduce swelling;
  • sun filters;
  • whitening ingredients.

Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
All of the above components must be present in a good cosmetic product.

Important ! There are also a large number of different masks that, when used regularly, help achieve positive results. Quality products include: Magic Look, Shiseido Benefiance, TonyMoly Panda Patch Dream Eye and others.

The use of tinted creams will not eliminate the root cause of the problem, however, due to the concentration of light skin pigment, it will help to disguise dark circles under the eyes and hide other skin imperfections. Such products are available in various forms (the choice depends primarily on the oiliness of the skin):

  • liquid products;
  • pencil;
  • powder;
  • cream.

Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
There are different forms of medicines

Correct use of concealer for dark circles under the eyes.

  1. It is necessary to choose the right tone of the cosmetic product - for purple circles, a yellow or peach shade is suitable, for blue ones - beige, if the circles acquire a greenish color - then pink, and for red ones - green, that is, the color itself should be opposite to the circles. If the shade of the corrector is neutral, it is best to choose one that is one shade lighter than the base.

    Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
    You need to use a suitable corrector

  2. Prepare your skin using a nourishing cream.
  3. Using a brush, blend a drop of concealer using pointed movements over problem areas, moving from the temple towards the nose.
  4. If your skin gets shiny, use a little powder.

Folk remedies will also help you cope with circles under the eyes. Using homemade masks will help give your skin freshness and remove swelling. The easiest way is to use natural products:

  • grated raw potatoes or parsley root gruel;
  • cherries crushed in a blender;
  • mugs of fresh cucumber;
  • cottage cheese with high fat content;
  • strawberry.

Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
You can use folk remedies

A homemade mask made from parsley will help make the dark circles under your eyes lighter. It helps whiten the problem area, improve skin tone and is often used in many home or professional remedies to eliminate unwanted skin pigmentation.

Important ! This component will help provide additional tightening and rejuvenate the skin well.

Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
You can use parsley to make a mask

For production you will need:

  • 6 grams of fat sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon grated raw cucumber;
  • 1 teaspoon chopped parsley;

It is necessary to mix the greens with cucumber, dilute the resulting mass with sour cream, and apply a thick layer to the area around the eyes. The mixture is left for 15 minutes, after which it is removed using a cotton pad.

Important ! After the procedure, you need to wash your face with cool water.

Folk remedies

The first aid remedy for bruising and swelling is ice. Only, unlike the advice of healers, it cannot be applied to the skin for a long time. It is better to place frozen cubes in a plastic bag and periodically keep them on bruises.

This also includes the “cold spoons” method. This method will help quickly reduce swelling of the eyelids and relieve eye fatigue. Metal spoons should be cooled in the refrigerator and then applied to the eyes. Keep until warm. Repeat if necessary.

Ice for circles under the eyes
Ice for circles under the eyes

Green tea also relieves swelling. This is a good way to get yourself in order in the morning. First you need to brew the tea, then cool the bag and put it on your eyes. This method helps remove swelling, relieve redness of the eyes and fatigue, and lighten the epidermis.

Almond oil is famous for its nourishing and brightening properties. It is not recommended to use this butter on your own - it is too heavy for the delicate skin around the eyes. To use on eyelids, it must be mixed in a 2:1 ratio with coconut milk. Apply every day before bed and do not rinse.

Even simple soda will help quickly remove dark circles under the eyes and any traces of sleepiness. You need to mix half a teaspoon of powder with the same amount of nourishing cream. Apply only in the morning, leave for no more than 15 minutes - the product can dry out the thin epidermis.

Green tea tonic and compress

Green tea is an excellent natural antioxidant; thanks to it, toxins and waste are removed from the body, blood pressure is regulated, it helps fight a number of pathologies, including eliminating bags and bruises under the eyes. The most popular way to use it at home is iced tea; it will quickly cope with the problem. You need to brew a cup of strong drink in the evening (do not add sugar) and put it in the freezer. After waking up in the morning, you should take it out and start massaging your face, paying most attention to the most problematic areas - cheekbones and eyes. This procedure must be repeated regularly.

Patches under the eyes for bruises and bags are popular.

An alternative name for this product is “plasters.” It consists of small pieces of fabric that can be completely flat or more like pads due to their volume. According to cosmetic companies, the patches they produce work in a similar way - they eliminate blemishes on the skin in the form of dark circles, swelling, etc. They can be either disposable or reusable, which is determined by the composition and material.

Achievements of modern cosmetology

Today there are many different means. There are creams on sale that contain substances that help blood and lymph circulate fully in the tissues. These are extracts from brown algae, nettle extract, horse chestnut, calendula, vitamin complexes based on vitamins K and A.

The main innovative products in the cosmetics market include the following.


Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
MDI Complex

The product is based on shark cartilage containing glycosaminoglycan. This substance promotes the production of collagen in tissues and prevents its destruction.

Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
TETe Cosmeceutical preparations

They contain a special complex of substances based on oligopeptides and yeast proteins - they promote penetration into the deep layers of the skin and tissues, have a beneficial effect on metabolism, saturate cells with oxygen and strengthen capillary walls.

Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
Ridulisse C

This is an innovative development based on an extract from soybeans - such substances help the skin become denser, recover and acquire a natural shade. The metabolism of phytoblasts, which is enhanced by their influence, helps the skin recover faster.

It is important to note that the occurrence of such a problem may not always be a sign of improper self-care; sometimes it indicates the development of a disease.

Important ! If you notice that most traditional methods do not help, consult your doctor to find out the exact cause of this problem. Only eliminating the root cause, the underlying disease, can help restore the skin to its former beautiful appearance.

Why do circles appear under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home and with the help of cosmetic procedures
It is worth consulting a doctor to find out the cause of this problem.

How to get rid of black circles under the eyes with gymnastics

Now about how to remove dark circles under the eyes with the help of gymnastics. A simple but effective exercise.

  • Sit in front of a mirror.
  • Close your eyelids, leaving a small slit.
  • Place your fingers on the outer corners.
  • Without stretching the skin, fix the upper eyelids.
  • Next, try to tense your lower eyelids.
  • Hold the tension for five seconds.
  • Relax.
  • Repeat after two seconds. Do this five times.

Add one repetition every day, up to twenty.

Another effective exercise.

  • Close eyes.
  • Use the tips of your index fingers to fix the skin on the outer corners to avoid the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, then relax.
  • Do at least ten repetitions.

It is recommended to perform gymnastics several times a day. This will help remove bruises and improve vision.

Use of cosmetics and medical products

Eliminating such an unpleasant phenomenon as dark circles under the eyes requires a lot of time and effort. There should be a whole range of products: compresses, tonics, masks. You can quickly hide fatigue and noticeable lack of sleep on your face thanks to proper hydration of the body.

The human body is configured in such a way that when there is a lack of sleep, dehydration occurs, which becomes one of the reasons for the formation of dark circles. To avoid this process, it is necessary to especially thoroughly moisturize the skin of the T-zone and face before going to bed.

The recipe is as follows: a tablespoon of lanolin, one and a half tablespoons of almond oil (if you don’t have it, you can take olive oil or glycerin), two lecithin tablets. Stir the mixture until smooth and place in the refrigerator for several hours. Then add a few tablespoons of boiled cold water and put it in the refrigerator again. After ten minutes you can use the mask. The product also helps to cope with age spots.

Potatoes will help remove bruises and bags under the eyes.

Massage and exercises for dark circles under the eyes

One of the best means to help improve venous drainage of the lower eyelid is massage. Perform it with your fingertips, treating the entire area around the eyes. It is useful to do this procedure every day in the morning immediately after washing your face.

A massage is performed with the fingertips by lightly tapping in the direction from the lower eyelid to the temples for two to three minutes. Then, using the same light tapping movements, apply the cream or gel to the skin around the eyes.

In order not to load the eyeball, you should not massage the upper eyelid. Pay special attention to the central venous and lymph node so that interstitial fluid flows normally.

A few simple exercises will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes:

  • Eyeball rotation - close your eyes, rotate your eyeballs first four times clockwise, then four times counterclockwise.
  • Look up, down - close your eyes, then look up, then down. Repeat ten times.
  • Perform the next exercise with your eyes open. Look as high up to the left as possible, then look down. Then raise your eyes up to the right. Repeat for each direction ten times.

Well, after gymnastics you can start putting on makeup. Using quality cosmetics will help retouch dark circles. Don't forget to remove your makeup in the evening and apply healing cream.

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