The best ways to refresh your face. How to get rid of wrinkles, bruises and bags under the eyes?

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? This question worries many representatives of the fair sex, starting from almost a young age. Girls already in adolescence understand how important it is to take care of their face.

It’s great if you are a cheerful woman and smile often! But sometimes this can be accompanied by the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as wrinkles around the eyes.

The skin around the eyes is especially susceptible to deformation. The layer of subcutaneous fat here is barely palpable. Systematic stretching of tissues, due to almost constant muscle contraction, only aggravates the situation. Lack of sleep and insufficient care have a negative impact on the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Try to sleep on your back to prevent wrinkles! The total duration of sleep should not be less than 8 hours.

When should you start fighting wrinkles?

This can be done both at home and in cosmetology centers. Dealing with the problem on your own is more difficult, but also possible.

Unwanted folds on the face can appear even with the right lifestyle. Premature aging can be promoted by unfavorable environmental factors or features of facial expressions.

Therefore, it is recommended to resort to conservative rejuvenation of the area around the eyes at the first appearance of problems.

The assortment of cosmoceutical stores and pharmacies now has plenty of products in the form of a variety of natural oils, vitamin products with extracts from medicinal plants, masks with fruit and vegetable extracts that can help cope with this task. But what really works? This will be discussed further.

There are technologies in cosmetology that really help reduce wrinkles. In addition, some substances can help fight wrinkles at home. But it is extremely important to know what works and what is just marketing.

Plastic surgeon Injili Kitto

How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes with proper daily care?

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes with patches

Let's look at what mandatory steps a beauty routine for skin care in the eyelid area should include:

  • Cleansing
    Choose makeup remover products marked “for the area around the eyes.” The range of active cosmetics includes the following types of cleansing products: micellar water, two-phase liquids, lotions and tonics, milk or gels.
  • Moisturizing and nutrition
    Since the eyelid area is prone to dehydration, it needs abundant hydration and adequate nutrition. Choose skincare products that contain hydrating substances, such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, natural oils, as well as a high concentration of vitamins, minerals and lipids.
  • Sun protection
    Don't be in the sun without SPF protection. In the assortment of pharmacy cosmetics, you can choose a suitable hypoallergenic sunscreen product, tested by dermatologists, which will protect the dermis from premature aging and moisturize it well. One such product is Anthelios Shaka La Roche-Posay fluid, SPF 50+/PPD 46.

Simple recommendations on how to remove wrinkles around the eyes forever

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home? There are several ways. Which one to choose is largely determined by age. For example, wrinkles can appear around the eyes even at age 25. How to remove them?

Girl holding her hands on her face

To eliminate wrinkles in the eye area, you should use the following techniques:

  • selection of the right cosmetics;
  • use of traditional medicine;
  • performing a set of exercises;
  • performing massage;
  • applying patches.

All these methods have their own characteristics. They really work. But to achieve real results, you need to be patient.

In addition, it is recommended to approach the issue comprehensively and use several options at once. Let's study them in more detail.

Cosmetics for wrinkles around the eyes La Roche-Posay

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with skincare products?

Moisturizing cream against wrinkles under the eyes


Moisturizing cream against wrinkles under the eyes

Increases skin tone and elasticity. Wrinkles are less pronounced. Suitable even for sensitive skin.

RUB 2,211 more details

Good cosmetics are the right path to perfection

To begin with, you should choose good cosmetics. Many girls take this issue lightly. They don’t think about the fact that foundations, powders, and shadows, while on the skin, gradually leave their mark.

It is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics. Even budget options can be of high quality, the main thing is to pay attention to their components and read product reviews.

Today you can find a lot of skin care cosmetics. But you need to know which ingredients and products will actually reduce and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and folds.

Plastic surgeon Grigory Mashkevich

Cosmetics must have a balanced mineral and vitamin composition and be age-appropriate. Give preference to options that suit your skin type.

From a young age you can already use balms, gels, creams that moisturize, tone the skin and slightly tighten it.

girl paints blush

It is recommended to pay attention to the following cosmetic products:

  1. Serums that contain vitamin C. This component will improve collagen production, protect against ultraviolet rays, and accelerate regeneration functions.
  2. Creams based on Retinol.
  3. Creams containing hyaluronic acid. Such products make the skin elastic and rejuvenate it.

It is recommended to contact a cosmetologist who will select the appropriate product, taking into account your skin type.

Dr. Grigory Mashkevich (a board-certified facial plastic surgeon in New York) and Jannel Astarita (a cosmetologist from New York and founder of the Just Ageless medical spa) talk in more detail about which products actually work.


Retinoid is a general term that refers to any skin care ingredient derived from vitamin A. This antioxidant helps protect the skin.

In a more concentrated form of a prescription retinoid (tretinoin) or an over-the-counter variation (vitamin A), it is an essential nutrient for stimulating cell turnover, collagen production, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Prescription retinoids contain vitamin A in the form of retinoic acid and are very fast-acting. The same cannot be said for over-the-counter retinols. They contain the ingredient in a form that your skin needs to convert into retinoic acid.

For best results, start with a low concentration of retinol. Use it before bed a couple of times a week.

Thereafter, as tolerance to the ingredient develops, increase the concentration or frequency.

Hydroxy acids

These include glycolic, salicylic, and lactic acid.

In cosmetology, all hydroxy acids are divided into two groups: alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA). They all essentially work identically, but in each case you should expect different results.

  1. Glycolic acid. A very common AHA acid. It penetrates deeply and quickly into the skin.
  2. Lactic acid. Its molecule is larger when compared with the previous substance. It is recommended for skin lightening and exfoliation. This is an AHA acid.
  3. Salicylic acid. Belongs to the BHA group. With its help, dead cells and bacteria that cause acne are eliminated.

Use hydroxy acids carefully and do not forget about sunscreen after using them.

Hyaluronic acid

When you choose a cream, serum or other product with hyaluronic acid, make sure that the molecule used is not too large.

When the molecule is larger, it simply sits on the surface of your skin and draws moisture from the environment. If you are in a humid environment, then you will get some hydration. If you are in a dry environment, the hyaluron molecule will draw moisture from your skin. An incorrectly selected product can only cause harm.

Cosmetologist Jannel Astarita


In simple terms, peptides are chains of amino acids that are essentially the building blocks of proteins in our body, including collagen and elastin in the skin.

Without these proteins, wrinkles appear and the skin loses its elasticity.

Like hyaluronic acid, peptides occur naturally in the body. According to experts, we lose 1% of our remaining collagen every year after age 30.

Applying preparations with peptides to the skin causes the body to increase collagen production.

Vitamin C

It is an antioxidant that increases collagen production and strengthens the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

But there is a problem in finding a product with vitamin C that will retain its properties for a long time.

Vitamin C is very easily destroyed by changes in temperature and light.

Cosmetologist Jannel Astarita

Vitamin C is by far the best antioxidant. But there are other options. These include green tea, niacinamide, beta-carotene, phenolic acid.

Antioxidants occur naturally and are essential ingredients for maintaining skin elasticity and blocking free radicals.

When do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

The skin in the periorbital zone is almost 6 times thinner than, for example, on the cheeks or forehead. The reason lies in the physiological characteristics of the epidermis: in this area it is devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands. Collagen and elastin (responsible for the elasticity of the epithelium) are absent, which causes dry eyelids in any skin type. Subcutaneous fat has a loose structure.

Due to this, expression wrinkles (crow's feet, small, horizontal, vertical, transverse) can form even at a young age. Therefore, experts recommend using moisturizers for the eye contour starting from the age of 20, which will delay visible changes in the epidermis.

Wrinkles under the eyes are divided according to the depth of the creases in the epidermis:

  • Expression wrinkles
    occur due to facial muscles moving, which pull on the epidermis, leaving folds on it. With age, the facial muscles and skin remember the position of the folds, and this is how the first static wrinkles appear.
  • Deep wrinkles
    are most often caused by age-related changes, during which the production of natural collagen decreases. The content of hyaluronic acid also decreases, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity and is no longer able to smooth out on its own even with intensive hydration of the epidermis

The aging process depends on the structural features of the face and facial expressions.
As a rule, wrinkles under the eyes begin to appear after 30 years. One of the main reasons is a decrease in muscle tone, they sink down and pull the skin along with them, and this is how creases and wrinkles appear. Muscle weakness can be genetic, age-related, and also depends on facial expressions. Alexander Prokofiev: Dermatovenereologist La Roche-Posay

Wrinkles under a girl's eyes

The first small expression wrinkles

The first noticeable wrinkles in the corners of the eyes appear by the age of 25. A person blinks up to 20 times per minute, using the muscles in the eye area. In the case of shallow facial rays, there will be no need for thorough corrective care; it will be enough to include an intensely moisturizing eyelid cream with a draining and softening effect in your beauty routine. Regular care is the best prevention of skin aging.

Age deep wrinkles

With age, the inner dermal layer thins, in which collagen and elastin proteins are synthesized. The skin framework, consisting of elastin and collagen fibers, the skin of the eyelids becomes thinner, its firmness and elasticity are gradually lost. The hydrolipid mantle of the already dry epidermis is damaged, the skin becomes even more dehydrated and vulnerable to negative environmental factors. The skin framework weakens, the tissues in the eye area gradually lose clarity, ptosis, dark circles and bags under the eyes begin.

For anti-aging eyelid skin care, choose corrective formulas based on hyaluronic acid and hydroacids, retinol and vitamins A, B, C, E and other antioxidants, as well as peptide complexes for accelerated cell renewal.

Traditional anti-aging methods

It is not possible to completely remove wrinkles at home (especially after 50 years), but you can reduce them a little and improve the condition of the skin. Before turning to plastic surgery or hardware cosmetology, use folk remedies that every woman has, inherited from her grandmothers.

In particular, you can resort to such a proven remedy as masks . You can always prepare them yourself, and select the components depending on your skin type and age.

Here are some recipes:

  1. Aloe juice. This component is applied to the eye area; there is no need to dilute it.
  2. Parsley mask. This greenery is crushed, placed in gauze and placed on the eyes for a third of an hour.
  3. Coconut oil. It is regularly applied to the tender area to reduce wrinkles.
  4. Use of olive oil. This natural component can stimulate an improvement in the production of collagen and reduce wrinkles. A quarter of an hour before bedtime, you should spread it on the skin. After the time has passed, the product is soaked with a napkin.
  5. Cucumber mask. This is the simplest but most effective method of rejuvenation. With its help they fight puffiness and aging. Cucumber slices are placed on the eyes for a third of an hour.
  6. Potato power. Raw potatoes are finely grated. The gruel is mixed with a spoon of cream. The resulting mixture is wrapped in gauze and placed on the eyes for half an hour. Finally, you need to wash your face.
  7. Bread mask. Pieces of white bread are placed in milk. This paste-like composition is placed on the eyes for a quarter of an hour. It is also recommended to combine the mask with olive and lemon oil.
  8. Banana rejuvenation. Many women enjoy this exotic fruit, unaware of its magical properties. The banana is mashed, mixed with 2 tsp. butter, previously melted. This mask is placed on the eyes for a third of an hour.
  9. Apple mask. Add a spoonful of sour cream to the grated apple. The mixture is placed on the eyes and removed after a third of an hour.
  10. Honey-strawberry nutrition. The berries are pureed, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey All this is wrapped in gauze and laid out over the eyes for a quarter of an hour.

Another method is herbal compresses They relieve swelling, fatigue and wrinkles. Ice from an infusion of black or green tea can be used to wipe problem areas in the morning.

yellow ice

The ice should be left on for about 15 minutes, after which it is removed. For herbal ice floes, a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or sage is suitable.

How to quickly rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. The most popular method among women is folk recipes

Home secrets in the fight against aging

To quickly remove the first signs of aging, it is necessary to carry out complex procedures (folk remedies, lifting, etc.). This elimination of signs of aging will help achieve the desired result. This includes various masks, creams, massages and other methods. All this can be done at home. Masks and lotions are prepared from available products (folk recipes). For example, you can take calendula (30 grams) and pour boiling water (200 milligrams) over it. Infuse the mixture for 30 minutes. Place a napkin soaked in the resulting solution on your face and hold it until it dries. Then it should be removed and the skin of the face should be washed in warm water. This procedure is said to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

How to quickly rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. The most popular method among women is folk recipes

A lotion made from chamomile flowers has a good effect. It will help reduce the first signs of aging. To do this, mix chamomile, sage, horsetail, linden in equal proportions (1 teaspoon). Pour boiling water (200 milligrams) over everything and leave for 24 hours. After this, the lotion is ready. These products help remove wrinkles and smooth the skin. Not only the use of various masks and decoctions have a good effect on the skin, but also healthy sleep and lifestyle restore tone. Physiognomy will help you understand this issue more deeply.

These are effective folk methods that help prevent wrinkles in the early stages. Results and photos can be found on special websites.

Quick and effective methods to maintain youthful skin

If a woman has terrible nightmares (bad dreams) about how she looks bad, then they mean that age is taking its toll. Still, sleep is of considerable importance for life. Many experts talk about premature aging of the skin in cases where a girl did not take care of herself in her youth and was deprived of healthy sleep. This can be done using a science called physiognomy.

How to quickly rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. The most popular method among women is folk recipes

Not in all cases, folk remedies give a positive result. Herbal decoctions and lotions only apply superficially to the skin and are not able to remove deep marks. After this treatment, little result is visible. These are weak means in the fight against old age. That is why women turn to doctors - surgeons who remove this defect with the help of plastic surgery.

This method helps to instantly remove all wrinkles. But they say there are many shortcomings. Not all patients are suitable for surgical operations, since in this case there are many contraindications. It is quite difficult to recover after surgery, especially if there is no proper time for sleep. Constant discomfort and pain indicate the healing process (these are far from traditional methods).

They will pursue the woman for a long time. Physiognomy will show external abnormalities. The result after the operation becomes noticeable after all the sutures have healed. It is important to have proper nutrition and timely sleep. Therefore, eliminating wrinkles on the face through surgery is not the best solution, but it is one hundred percent effective. During rehabilitation, maintaining healthy and timely sleep is of great importance. Effective results can be seen in photos on the Internet.

TOP 5 exercises against wrinkles near the eyes

How to remove expression wrinkles around the eyes at home? This is also easy to do through gymnastics . There are a number of exercises that help combat age-related changes. Here are the most popular:

  1. The sheet is placed approximately at a distance of a meter, the gaze is focused on the point, then transferred to other objects.
  2. Then the woman closes her eyes and relaxes her eyes. Movement of the eyeballs in different directions is a good prevention of the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. To tighten the skin under the eyebrows, lift them as high as possible with all your might and fix them with the phalanges of your index fingers. Then you will need to close your eyes tightly.
  4. Squeeze and then relax your eyelids. Open your eyes only after you finish the exercise.
  5. Using the pads of your index fingers, lightly press the outer corners of your eyes, and with your middle fingers, press the inner corners. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows in surprise.

Each exercise is worth repeating a dozen times. The complex is done daily, preferably 2 times a day.

girl doing eyelid massage

There are special exercises that allow you to remove wrinkles at home even after 45 years and older. They aim to tighten sagging skin without surgery. They are sometimes able to straighten the most pronounced wrinkles.

A month of systematic training will already give tangible, visible results. You will look five years younger due to the fact that wrinkles will smooth out.

How to deal with bags?

Applying cold compresses helps get rid of puffiness under the eyes:

  • from raw potato slices;
  • tea bags;
  • cucumber circles;
  • cotton pads soaked in milk.

The video talks about ways to get rid of bags under the eyes:

The best cosmetics to remove swelling from the face

  • 3LAB WW Eye Cream - luxury anti-aging cosmetics, USA.
  • THE SAEM Snail Essential EX 24K Gold Set - cream contains snail secretion, oils and gold ions, South Korea.
  • Tony Moly Hanyacho Golden Lifting Secret Eye Cream - meets the standards of care products, South Korea.
  • Skin Doctors EyeTuck is one of the best remedies for puffiness and bags under eyes, Australia.
  • Klapp A Classic “Vitamin A” - cream aimed at combating age-related changes and increasing skin elasticity, Germany.

Folk recipes

Attention. An effective traditional medicine recipe to help cope with bags is lotions.

They can be made from ordinary products:

  1. Beat the egg white until stiff foam and apply to the swelling. Leave until dry and rinse.
  2. Whip the cold cream and place it on your eyelids, wait until the mixture is absorbed and dries. Rinse with water.
  3. Boil the pumpkin, make a puree, cool and place under the eyes.

The lotions are applied to the skin and distributed evenly. The procedure time is 15–20 minutes.


A good effect is achieved by massaging the outer corners of the eyes with your fingertips, raising the eyebrows and closing the eyes.

You can also massage the eye area for preventive purposes. Cosmetologists advise using some oils or other fatty products during massage. They will prevent stretching of the skin.

By massaging the skin, you can achieve good results, as blood circulation, oxygen and important substances will improve.

Hands on face

During the procedure, there is no need to put excessive pressure on the skin.

The massage itself is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Take any oil that is beneficial for the skin and apply it to the affected area.
  2. Next, the movement of the fingers begins: from the upper eyelid it moves to the temples, then returns back. The same manipulations are performed for the lower eyelids.
  3. The number “8” is made with your fingers from the outer corner to the inner one.
  4. Various points in the area being massaged are pressed alternately.
  5. Lightly pull the skin towards the temples using your fingers.

To get a noticeable effect, you should repeat the exercises at least 3 times a week.

Do not self-massage uncontrollably! At least in the first stages, a specialist should observe your actions.

How to do a massage yourself

Massage is recognized as an effective means of combating early skin aging and an effective way to eliminate wrinkles. The procedure improves blood circulation, increases the tone and elasticity of the skin layers. A few professional recommendations for self-massage:

  • clean the skin, apply a layer of cream or warm vegetable oil;
  • the procedure is carried out using the pads of the ring fingers;
  • movements are precise, careful, careful.

When performing a massage, it is important to follow the scheme and sequence of manipulations:

  • middle fingers are placed in the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes;
  • the fingers slowly slide along the lower eyelid along the line that ends with the outer corner of the eye;
  • then, the same movement is repeated along the upper eyelid.

The final step is to gently tap your fingertips around the eye. During the massage process, it is important not to stretch the skin, because this can cause the formation of new wrinkles.

Patches are a useful device

Today, patches that are created to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes and swelling are considered quite popular.

Patches under the eyes

Patch is a patch that manufacturers have impregnated with useful substances. They are easy to use: simply stick to clean skin. In the future, the woman can continue to do her business.

Reviews from many people speak about the effectiveness of the technique.

Glue the patches carefully, evenly, closer to the wrinkles in the corner area of ​​the eye.

Dermatologist Laura Schilling

Reasons for the appearance of folds

Every girl wonders why wrinkles appear under the eyes? This does not always mean aging skin. A person may be more susceptible to wrinkles for a number of reasons:

  1. Smoking and alcohol abuse contribute to the evaporation of collagen, resulting in the formation of voids and folds under the skin;
  2. Active people are more susceptible to wrinkles. Smile marks, crow's feet when smiling - this is a normal process, for the most part they add charm. In addition, physiognomy claims that people with early signs of happiness live longer;
  3. Inappropriate care: forgetting to remove makeup before bed, not using night cream, washing with plain soap.

If depressions suddenly appear, it makes sense to think that a network of wrinkles may indicate diseases of some internal organ. Video: exercises against wrinkles around the eyes

TOP 5 cosmetic injection procedures

Small expression wrinkles can be removed using more radical methods. Various ultra-modern techniques used in aesthetic centers make it possible to tighten flabby tissue almost without any discomfort and in a short time.

When choosing a method, the specialist will take into account such phenomena as:

  • excessive dry skin;
  • puffiness, blueness under the eyes, resulting from the fact that venous blood flow is reduced;
  • wrinkles.

The most effective methods are considered to be:

  1. Mesotherapy is a cocktail of drugs that a cosmetologist selects individually. This formula is enriched with a vitamin complex, antioxidants with the addition of hyaluronan, which is injected under the skin with the finest needle.
  2. Biorevitalization is almost an analogue of mesotherapy, only the chemical formula includes hyaluronate to a greater extent.
  3. Introduction of fillers - hyaluronan gels with the addition of mineral elements. The saturation and formula of the fillers are determined by the doctor.
  4. Plasmolifting. The mechanism is similar to mesotherapy, but the tightening effect is achieved by introducing the patient’s plasma into the periorbital area. This is especially convenient if she may have allergic reactions to any medications.
  5. Botox. A salon procedure, which is allowed from 25-30 years of age, is botulinum therapy. Botox injections are not the best option, despite the noticeable quick effect. Unfortunately, the drug is addictive. The duration of the effect is significantly reduced in subsequent sessions.

Recently, more and more young people are deciding to use Botox as a preventive measure. And this is a great method to help protect yourself from creasing.

Plastic surgeon Grigory Mashkevich

girl and injection

Remember that Botox does not rejuvenate the skin, but only relaxes the facial muscles!

Chemical peeling can help reduce wrinkles.

What to consider when choosing skincare products

The result of eliminating and trying to prevent the formation of wrinkles under the lower eyelid depends on the correct choice of cosmetic products. Before purchasing, you should study the composition, which should contain the maximum amount of natural ingredients, without the use of hormones and glycerin. Effective products, in addition to herbal ingredients, must contain:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • silk extract, pearls;
  • allantoin,
  • ceramides,
  • extracts from sea mollusks.

Manufacturers of cosmetic preparations offer a wide range of products for women of different ages and skin types, helping to cope with the most complex problems. When purchasing, it is important to evaluate the brand's reputation. Responsible manufacturers offer to familiarize themselves with the results of using their developments.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

I can exclusively advise all girls to adhere to important rules. First, never forget to remove your makeup before going to bed. Secondly, from a young age you need to provide the skin with nutrition and moisturize it. There are a lot of suitable products on sale for this purpose. Remember that you need to apply the cream precisely. Thirdly, don’t forget about toning. To do this, you should use lotions and tonics. But even careful care cannot prevent age-related changes. To begin with, you can use home secrets, but when they are powerless, I advise you to use cosmetic procedures.

Sanas Kharirchyan

plastic surgeon

I advise you to take care of your skin from an early age, taking into account your skin type. But aging is an irreversible process. Good and regular care will improve the condition of the epithelium, but it will not be able to eliminate deep wrinkles and sagging skin. In this case, you should pay attention to injection and hardware procedures. Plastic surgery can also come to the rescue. Patients who want to remove wrinkles from the eye area undergo blepharoplasty. The operation will help you look 10-15 years younger.

How much does smooth skin cost? (price)

Procedure nameapproximate cost
MesotherapyAbout 3000 rubles
BiorevitalizationFrom 7000 to 13000 rubles
FillersFrom $300 to $500 per syringe
PlasmoliftingFrom 6,000 to 51,000 rubles
PhotorejuvenationFrom 2500 to 7000 rubles
Russian Federation liftingAbout 3,000 rubles

How to take proper care of the skin under your eyes

Regular and proper care of the problem area will prevent early aging and create conditions for successfully combating wrinkles that have already appeared. For this purpose, four cosmetic procedures should be performed regularly.

  1. Cleansing. Removing cosmetics at the end of the day will significantly prolong the natural youthfulness of the skin in the area around the eyes. Makeup remover products must be selected according to the woman’s age and skin type. The manipulation should be carried out carefully and carefully, avoiding stretching or excessive pressure.
  2. Hydration. Manufacturers of skincare cosmetics offer a wide range of moisturizers. For this purpose, you can purchase cream, milk, emulsion, micellar water or spray. Daily consumption of the established norm of liquid has a positive effect on the process of moisturizing the layers of the epidermis. It is recommended to carry out systematic spraying of the skin. Using a humidifier will help create comfortable conditions for your skin.
  3. Nutrition. Receiving a full range of nutrients ensures the health and youth of all layers of the skin. Therefore, you should choose a nutrient that contains the necessary complex of nutrients. The skin around the eyes is thin, so the cream is not rubbed in, but applied with delicate, patting movements of the fingertips.
  4. Toning. To return the natural tone to the muscles of the skin under the eyes, it is important to regularly use special cosmetic products. These can be lotions, tonics, sprays, serums that contain vitamin and mineral complexes, extracts and extracts from medicinal plants. To get a positive result, you need to take baths of tonic preparations once a day (apply cotton pads soaked in lotion or tonic).

It is important to understand that procedures must be performed daily. This will help prevent or eliminate wrinkles in the area under the eyes.

Taking care of the skin under the eyes will help get rid of wrinkles under the eyes



“Before the biorevitalization itself, the doctor applied an anesthetic cream for 10 minutes, and then gave an injection. I took it easily, like a mosquito bite. The effect is noticeable almost immediately, as soon as the injection marks have passed. That is, already in the first week the wrinkles around the eyes decreased.”


“I’m very afraid of plastic surgery and all these newfangled cosmetic procedures. That’s why my grandmother’s remedies always suited me. Ice, masks... Maybe because I don’t have a particular tendency towards wrinkles. I’m in my fifties, but no one is older than 35.”


“I have trouble with wrinkles around my eyes. I dared to try Botox. At first I was wildly delighted, then the joy diminished. We have to resort to the services of cosmetologists more and more often. I'll soon go broke on beauty..."


“I am very happy with kelp masks. The skin after each session is like new. And, in general, girls, you just need to systematically take care of yourself with love, and everything will be fine!”


“I used fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which breaks down directly in the tissues; there is no need to remove it. I'm happy with everything except the price."


“Wrinkles around my eyes began to appear when I was 15. I immediately started using my mother’s cosmetics, probably in vain.
The problems only got worse by the age of 30. On the advice of a friend, I tried Botox, but there was no noticeable effect either. But microcurrents helped. Now I can’t tear myself away from the mirror for hours, I look and can’t get enough of it.” From the above, we can draw the following conclusion - in order not to suffer from wrinkles around the eyes, start taking care of yourself from a young age and choose cosmetics wisely. If there is no effect, injection and hardware methods of aesthetic cosmetology will always come to the rescue.

Ways to get rid of wrinkles

There are many measures to combat the appearance of folds in the eyelid area. They have different effectiveness. And if one method helps get rid of the first, small creases, then it will not affect the deep wrinkles under the eyes.

That is why, when choosing specific procedures and products, it is necessary to rely on the condition of the dermis and its ability to restore its elasticity.

Massage the skin around the eyes
Daily massage of the area around the eyes will improve skin tone, improve absorption of care products and, accordingly, smooth out wrinkles

Traditional methods

Folk remedies allow you to take care of your skin at home without spending a lot of money on it. At the same time, many masks, when used regularly, give very good results that are not inferior to store-bought cosmetics.

You can make homemade eyelid masks once or twice a week. But it is important to understand that they will really help only if there are no serious problems, but in the fight against deep folds they may turn out to be useless or insufficiently effective.

You can also read:Masks for wrinkles under the eyes

Here are some examples of good masks:

  • combine the egg yolk with olive oil and the contents of the vitamin E capsule;
  • Grind the peeled pulp of one cucumber in a blender and mix with oatmeal;
  • grate medium-sized raw potatoes, add a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • combine starch with olive oil to the consistency of sour cream;
  • Brew oatmeal with strong tea, add a few drops of almond oil.

Any of these products can be applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes. For a more pronounced effect, it is better to do a course of procedures (8–10 repetitions), and the recipes can be alternated. More examples of home remedies can be found here.

It is very useful to use cosmetic ice to tone the skin of the eyelids. It can be prepared from ordinary drinking water or, for example, from strong tea, in order to additionally eliminate bruises and swelling.

Creams and masks

When choosing a cream for the skin around the eyes, you need to study its purpose and composition. It is important to pay attention to the age category of the product; it can be made for young skin, and also have marks of 25+, 35+, etc. But you need to understand that all numbers are only approximate. If at the age of 30 you already have severe wrinkles, you can purchase a more intense cream.

If we talk about the components that may be present in the composition, it is worth noting that the following ingredients are very beneficial for the skin of the eyelids:

  • blueberry extract;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley extract;
  • vitamin C.

These substances are responsible for hydration and elasticity, and also help whiten the thin dermis, which is prone to dark circles and bruises due to the close proximity of blood vessels.

Ready-made masks are more convenient to use than homemade ones, and their prices are not always high. A variety of patches soaked in rich serums are very popular now. They are glued to the area under the eyes for a certain period of time (from 15 minutes, sometimes even overnight) and give an immediate visible lifting and whitening effect.

Gymnastics and massages

We can talk for a long time about the benefits of face fitness, that is, gymnastics for the face. Its greatest value is that exercise increases blood flow and, as a result, saturates the dermal cells with useful substances and oxygen. In addition, regular training restores muscle tone, the skin tightens, and stops sagging and folding.

Eyelid exercises are aimed primarily at getting rid of problems such as wrinkles around the eyes, as well as at opening up the eyes.

  • Place your index fingers in the corners of your eyes and press firmly. Try to close your eyes, creating resistance for yourself. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Place your index fingers horizontally on the bones under your eyes. Lift your lower eyelid up, tensing it. Repeat 20 times, then hold in this position for 10 seconds.

Line for applying cream to the area around the eyes
Wrinkles can also appear due to constant stretching of the skin. That is why it is important to apply caring creams correctly, namely in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer when moving along the upper eyelid, and in the opposite direction when moving along the lower eyelid

Place your index and middle fingers at the outer and inner corners of your eyes. When you feel tense, close your upper eyelids. Repeat 25 times.

It is very useful to carry out such gymnastics daily, as well as combine it with a light massage. It's very easy to do:

  • take a small amount of any cosmetic oil and rub it lightly with your fingertips to heat it up;
  • Using your fingertips, begin to actively pat the skin above and below your eyes;
  • Without pressing too hard, move in smooth circular movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer along the upper eyelid, and along the lower - in the opposite direction.

These simple manipulations, combined with proper care, will help you get rid of fine wrinkles and also reduce deep ones. But all procedures must be carried out regularly.

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