How to remove drooping eyelids over your eyes quickly at home. Tips from cosmetologists

Not only older people and young women and men face the problem of a looming upper eyelid. This feature is due to individual characteristics of appearance and heredity. Additionally, the upper eyelid may droop due to severe weight loss or as a result of puffiness.

A drooping upper eyelid forms a deep crease, causing the corners of the eyes to appear drooping. The overall appearance of the face becomes tired, sad and sleepy.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of a minor but unpleasant defect, almost every woman dreams of getting rid of the looming eyelid and raising the eyebrows and corners of the eyes. Let's look at ways to remove drooping eyelids above the eyes.

Reasons for the appearance of the impending century

When the eyelids droop over the eyes, the cause is a deformation of a group of muscles: the orbicularis oculi muscle, as well as the frontal and temporal muscles. The upper part of the orbicularis oculi muscle is woven into the frontalis muscle. Therefore, the position of the middle part of the eyebrow directly depends on its condition.

With a muscle imbalance, the frontalis muscle gradually drops, changing the position of the eyebrow, creating excess excess skin.

The appearance of drooping skin over the outer corner of the eye is associated with an imbalance of the temporal muscles. Excessive overexertion causes them to contract, the skin structures on these muscles drop, changing the position of the outer part of the eyebrow and forming excess skin above the eye.

Due to poor circulation of blood and lymph in blocked muscles, excess fluid stagnates in the head area, it collects on the scalp, falls on the forehead, eyebrows and collects in the hanging excess skin underneath.

How to hide a flaw with makeup

When you need to hide the upper eyelid, and there is not enough time for cosmetic procedures, you can use decorative cosmetics.

Experienced makeup artists know how to properly hide an eyelid. With the help of properly applied makeup, this flaw can be easily masked; you just need to know a few secrets:

  • With sagging skin, it is important to maintain an elongated eyebrow shape, so the look will become more open;
  • Apply shadows only with open eyes;
  • The boundaries of applied cosmetics must be carefully shaded;
  • The inner corners of the eyes should be highlighted with a white pencil or light shades of shadow;
  • A white pencil or highlighter applied under the outer part of the eyebrow will help to visually raise the eyebrows;
  • It is advisable to choose matte, not bright, shades of makeup.

Photo from the site

Using the described methods, you can get rid of an impending eyelid without resorting to surgical intervention. Try to comprehensively apply them in practice and you will no longer need to feel complex about the shortcomings of your appearance.

Next, you can read an article about dyeing hair with henna.

Tags: eyes, rejuvenation

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15+ tips on how to tighten your eyelids non-surgically

Eye makeup

By choosing the right colors, you can refresh your eyes and make them appear larger. Light shades bring life to the eyes, while using dark shades creates depth, so you can define the upper eyelid with a winged line. Apply a little light shade to the upper eyelid and under the eyes. Try to use a light pink color for the under-eye area because it reflects light and brightens up the eyes. There are many watchable tutorials on Youtube on how to do makeup for hooded eyes. Try it out and see what works best for you.

Eyebrow shape

Don't underestimate the role of eyebrows, because their shape can make your eyes larger and more expressive. A well-arched brow will help you look “woke” and improve your appearance overall.

Ice mask for the skin around the eyes

Thanks to its cooling effect, it reduces swelling and constricts blood vessels.


Cucumber is often recommended for keeping skin looking healthy and smooth and has anti-inflammatory properties. Cucumber keeps the skin soft. The vitamin C and caffeic acid it contains prevent fluid retention in the body, which may explain the use of cucumber compresses to relieve swelling.

Green tea

The polyphenol contained in green tea (scientifically called epigallocatechin gallate) has an anti-inflammatory effect and mitigates the damage caused to the skin by the sun's rays (as a preventive measure). Drinking (high concentrations) internally or externally of green tea has been proven to increase elastin content. Theoretically, the more elastin, the more elastic and firm the skin. Unfortunately, these positive qualities only exist at high concentrations, and the effect of the polyphenol is reduced when it comes into contact with oxygen (air) and water.

Chamomile tea

Soothes and smoothes the skin around the eyes.


Lack of sleep leads to fatigue and this also affects the eyes. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep every day. On the contrary, excessive sleep can lead to puffy eyes.

Take care of the skin around your eyes

Although creams cannot tighten the eyelids, it is nevertheless important to cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin. According to some leading dermatologists, there is no need for special creams or serums for the skin around the eyes. However, moisturize the skin around your eyes more often than other parts of your face (fewer sebaceous glands).

A break from cosmetics

Avoid using cosmetics in this area for at least a few days. You can use skin creams with natural oils, soothing agents containing antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Don't wear contact lenses for long periods of time

Using hard or soft contact lenses (over long periods of time) can cause drooping eyelids. Usually, however, this is a temporary phenomenon. It is not recommended to wear lenses for more than 10-12 hours a day - unless a maximum time is specified.

Apply/remove makeup

When applying and washing off makeup, as well as using eyeliner incorrectly, you can stretch and damage the skin of the eyelids. The skin of the eyelids is very thin and should be treated with care.

Injections (botulinum toxin and fillers)

The eyebrows and upper eyelid can be slightly raised with properly administered botulinum toxin injections. And fillers can create a thin “layer” over hollow dark circles under the eyes and add volume to the skin.


Drink plenty of water (at least eight glasses a day), consume a moderate amount of salt: salt retains fluid and increases the likelihood of swelling. Drinking enough water is very important to remove toxins from the body and hydrate the skin.


A good pillow ensures proper blood circulation throughout the night. There are special pillowcases (such as satin ones) that help you wake up with “fewer wrinkles.”

Avoid irritation

Do not scratch or pull the skin around your eyes, as this may cause redness, itching or burning.

Ointment for hemorrhoids

Some models are said to use hemorrhoid ointment to reduce puffiness under the eyes (bags). Hemorrhoid ointment does reduce swelling, but is not intended for use in the eye area. So be careful.

Be careful when in the sun

Ultraviolet rays of the A and B spectrum change the DNA of cells and the structure of the skin, causing premature aging, as well as affecting the skin of the eyelids. In addition, tanning (in the sun or in a tanning bed) leads to an increased risk of developing skin cancer. When in the sun, wear a hat and sunglasses, and use products with SPF 15 or higher.

Quit smoking

Smoking ages the skin - including around the eyes - and can lead to serious health problems: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. Diabetes can cause ptosis (drooping eyelids).

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is also of great importance for the condition of the skin. Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Minerals such as zinc and selenium and compounds such as lutein, bioflavonoids, carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for eye and skin care. Vitamins C and E are oxidants that can minimize the negative effects of free radicals. Vitamin K reduces dark circles under the eyes. Antioxidants, including vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene, are found in vegetables and fruits. Greens, red or orange fruits and nuts are especially rich in them.

Rules for caring for eyelid skin prone to swelling

Preventive measures help to avoid swelling and sagging of the eyelid. First of all, it is necessary to adjust your diet: reduce the consumption of salty, spicy foods to a minimum. Include in your daily menu foods that have good draining properties: green tea, cucumbers, cabbage, celery.

Following simple rules will help prevent the appearance of a problem area on the face:

  • Always wash off makeup before going to bed. Make-up removal should be done in a gentle manner. Increased friction provokes irritation, which then transforms into morning swelling;
  • choose an eye cream that respects the age limit. Caring cosmetics should be adapted to the age-related needs of the skin;
  • night cream with hyaluronic acid, which attracts moisture from the deep layers of the skin, apply 40 minutes before. before sleep. During this time, the liquid has time to be evenly distributed in the treated area;
  • while applying the cream to the eyelids, lightly press on the bone under the eyebrow;
  • periodically interrupt long periods of work at the computer and perform eyelid exercises;
  • on bright, sunny days, hide your eyes under sunglasses;
  • it is advisable to sleep on your back, thereby avoiding the flow of internal moisture to the face;
  • quit smoking. Nicotine, which disrupts the microcirculation process, is a serious provocateur of eye swelling.

A drooping eyelid, giving the look sadness and gloominess, distorts the visual perception of appearance. You can remove a negative factor without surgical intervention by rationally choosing an appropriate set of measures to eliminate the deficiency. The key to success is a healthy lifestyle and regularity of caring procedures.

Article design: E. Chaikina

Exercises for drooping eyelids

You can improve the condition of eyes with overhanging skin on top using special exercises for youthful eyes.

Regular practice relaxes the muscles associated with the eyes and improves skin color and elasticity. During the procedure, with positive dynamics, the viewing angle increases, which helps improve vision.

The essence of the exercises is to relax the frontal, temporal muscles and tendon helmet, as well as to tighten the orbicularis oculi muscles.

A full set of exercises for youthful eyes can be studied at the link, and in this article we will present several techniques from it for tightening the temporal zone and strengthening the orbicularis oculi muscle.

Diagnosis of eyelid ptosis in children

Many parents believe that congenital ptosis of the upper eyelid in children can be detected independently and it is not necessary to visit an ophthalmologist. This is wrong. Firstly, the symptoms of this pathology are similar to other ophthalmological and neurological diseases. Without sufficient knowledge in the field of medicine, parents can easily confuse the disorders and begin self-treatment of the child incorrectly. Secondly, ptosis can manifest itself in different ways. There are several degrees of this disease. With partial ptosis of the upper eyelid, which is sometimes called the initial or primary stage, the drooping is not so pronounced, which makes diagnosis difficult. If you suspect signs of ptosis of the upper eyelid in a child, parents should make an appointment for the child to see an ophthalmologist. First, the doctor will carefully question the mother and father about the presence of hereditary diseases in the family. The information obtained will help the ophthalmologist understand whether the child is predisposed to drooping of the upper eyelid or not. During the examination, the doctor must measure the height of the eyelids, assess the completeness and symmetry of their movements. An ophthalmologist often prescribes a magnetic resonance imaging scan of the brain. This method allows you to diagnose neurogenic abnormalities that can cause the development of ptosis of the upper eyelid. Biomicroscopy of the eye is a mandatory procedure performed by a doctor if ptosis of the upper eyelid is suspected in a child. It is performed using a slit lamp and allows you to examine the structure of both eyes. If necessary, the ophthalmologist measures eye pressure. He also carries out special testing, the specifics of which depend on the age of the child.

During the diagnosis of ptosis, measuring visual acuity plays an important role, since the pathology almost always leads to a deterioration in refraction and becomes the cause of myopia or farsightedness.

Control methods at home

Develop a few habits to help minimize the risk of drooping eyelids.

  • Regularly apply ice cubes to swelling for a short period of time, this stimulates blood circulation.
  • Try not to stay in smoky or smoky rooms for a long time, as this has a negative effect on the eyes.
  • Choose a sleeping position that will increase the flow of fluid from your face and head. It is best to sleep on your back with a pillow under your head.

These are preventive measures, but how to remove drooping eyelids if they have already appeared? You can achieve results using masks and massage.

Ice cubes

Rubbing the skin with ice cubes is a physiotherapeutic procedure, the effectiveness of which is based on the body’s positive response to cooling the receptor layer.

Video demonstrating how to deal with drooping eyelids using natural remedies:

This procedure has a triple effect:

  • massage effect activates blood flow, stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen;
  • the shock reaction of the skin to cold leads first to a narrowing of blood vessels, then to the body’s response compensation - an increase in blood flow that delivers nutrients to the local skin;
  • The herbal supplement specifically solves the problem of sagging eyelids.

Sage, tea rose, and parsley as active additives in cosmetic ice help remove drooping eyelids. A decoction is made from medicinal plants and frozen in special molds. Rub the resulting ice cubes onto clean skin of the eyelids 3-4 times a week.

Temporal area lift

This exercise reduces drooping eyelids and crow's feet, improves the shape of the eyes, giving them an almond shape, and raises the outer eyebrow area.

You can do the exercise with both hands on both eyes at the same time.

Place the palm stool on the temples in their recess next to the outer part of the eyebrow;

Spread your fingers, clasping your head;

Stretch the muscle towards the back of the head and slide along it when the skin is moisturized towards the hair;

Do 10 times then, without removing your hands, return them all the way back to the point of initial tension on the temple area and from the position of your eyes wide open, slowly squint them until they are completely closed;

Stay in the closed eye position for 10-15 seconds, maintaining the tension of the upper eyelid, as well as the tension of the temple with your palm towards the back of the head.

In this technique, you can place your elbows on the table and rest your head on them, while the back of your head should be relaxed and the entire weight of your head should rest on your hands.

Types of disease

Depending on the etiology of the disease that caused drooping of the upper eyelid, ptosis is classified into the following types:

  • Neurogenic. Drooping of the eyelid occurs as a result of a bacterial or viral ophthalmic disease, traumatic brain injury, or damage to the oculomotor nerve.
  • Senile. The eyelid droops due to muscle weakness in an elderly person, without signs of myasthenia gravis.
  • Oncogenic. The result of a neoplasm in the area of ​​the orbital funnel or the upper segment of the eyeball.
  • Scar. The eyelid droops due to the formation of scar tissue, external or internal adhesions.
  • Postoperative. The eyelid may droop after eye surgery even without damage to the levator. Typically, such ptosis goes away in 3-4 months.
  • Pseudoptosis. With normal muscle function and signs of myasthenia, there is some drooping of the eyelids, however, not dangerous in this case for health - the so-called “dragging gaze”.

Doctors separately distinguish induced ptosis of the upper eyelid, resulting from the action of botulinum toxin during cosmetic procedures. This most often happens during upper eyelid blepharoplasty. If the integrity of the ciliary septum is violated, the drug penetrates into non-target muscles, it has a relaxing effect on them, making them immobile. If there was excess skin on the upper eyelid, pseudoptosis occurs.

Orbicularis oculi muscle lift

Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes, and your index fingers on the outer corners. Press lightly and stretch the corners of the eyes in different directions.

Close your eyelids tightly and you will feel tension. Count to 30-40. Open your eyes and remove your fingers. You should feel tension in the muscles. The exercise must be repeated at least 3 times a day.

Relax the area around the eyes by tapping.

Eye massage technique for drooping eyelids

Massage is a mandatory procedure in the fight against drooping eyelids. Knowing certain subtleties, you can perform massage at home yourself, without going to beauty salons.

In addition, after strength exercises, you definitely need to relax your muscles!

Before performing an eye massage for a drooping eyelid, you must thoroughly wash your hands and clean your face. Apply daily eye cream or any base oil to clean skin for glide (the skin of the eyes is very thin, folds and wrinkles easily form on it).

Technique for massaging the eyes from the looming eyelid: use your ring fingers to draw a conditional line along the upper eyelid, from the bridge of the nose to the temples and along the lower eyelid from the temples to the bridge of the nose. Perform stroking and point pressure.

It is important to maintain light pressure; movements should not be forced. A visible effect will appear within a week if you perform the exercise a couple of times a day for five minutes.

Massage techniques are in Inna Nefedovskaya’s video in the previous article.


As practice shows, there are no magic remedies that instantly and permanently eliminate a cosmetic defect. However, there are a number of ointments and creams that help tidy up the problem area after a course of use. Relief ointment is used as an emergency aid when a problem occurs.

It contains mineral, vegetable and animal oils, which are successfully used in the manufacture of expensive anti-aging cosmetics. The ointment has a powerful effect on the skin, toning it and smoothing out wrinkles. The active component of the drug - shark oil - activates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and quickly returns the skin of the eyelid to a toned appearance.

The drug is used as an adjuvant in limited doses - no more than 1 time per week.

A good remedy for preventing drooping eyelids is “Heparin” ointment. The drug improves blood flow, removes swelling and darkening of the skin. The ointment is applied with your fingertips, not too close to the mucous membrane of the eye, 1 time per day. The current drug to solve the problem is “Ointment with Zinc”, which helps restore tone to the facial muscles.

Apply a thin layer of it before bed to clean skin. Those with sensitive skin types are advised to mix the drug with a nourishing night cream. Most cosmetologists recommend Blefapogel of the first modification (there are 2 types) with a moisturizing effect for the prevention and treatment of eyelid diseases.

The gel effectively eliminates swelling, bags and puffiness.

The drug is applied to cleansed eyelid skin and eyelashes. For better absorption of the composition into the skin and stimulation of local blood flow, the application procedure is accompanied by a light massage. For effective treatment, the drug is used 2 times a day for one month. For preventive purposes, one application during the day is sufficient.

The following are recommended as basic care products for the problem area:

  • day cream with a toning, firming effect “Parsley” from the “Miracle Basket” cosmetic series;
  • moisturizing cream “Energy Charge” from the Avon series;
  • tightening cream from the Black Pearl cosmetic line.

Instructions for using creams are printed on the packaging and on a special insert. When purchasing a cosmetic product, you should always pay attention to the expiration date. The active components are active for no more than 1 year of storage.

Tightening procedures

Firming masks will help tighten the skin of the upper eyelid:

  1. Beat the egg with 0.5 tsp. salt, pour in 0.5 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil. Apply for 20 minutes.
  2. Grate the cucumber, add 6-7 drops of lemon juice, add 1 tsp. moisturizing eye cream. Apply for 15 minutes.
  3. Grind 2 aloe leaves, add 1 tsp. moisturizer, add 5 drops of tea tree oil. Keep on eyelids for 15 minutes.
  4. Grate a small potato tuber on a fine grater, add the yolk, 1 tbsp. l. sauerkraut juice. Keep the mixture for 10 minutes.

Use tightening masks regularly to significantly improve the condition of your skin and make your eyes look open and youthful.

How to eliminate morning puffiness under the eyes

Swollen eyes upon waking up are not a disaster that you should be upset about in the morning. Restoring a clear, open look in an emergency is not difficult using simple means. First of all: morning exercises, contrast shower, washing with cool water.

You can remove a drooping eyelid after activating all body systems using one of the available methods:

  • Cool the spoons in the freezer and hold them in front of your eyes until the metal warms up to room temperature. You can massage your eyelids with cold spoons or ice cubes;
  • put chilled tea bags on your eyes and hold for 15 minutes;
  • make a potato compress or protein mask;
  • Strawberries and cucumbers give an excellent tightening effect. Grind and apply the mixture on gauze to the eyelids for 15 minutes;
  • A compress with vitamin E quickly relieves swelling (the vitamin is sold in liquid form at any pharmacy). Mix a few drops of vitamin with cold water, soak a cotton pad, hold on eyelids for 10 minutes;
  • emergency help - Relief ointment.

Other techniques from the impending century - Bodyflex

By performing these exercises from Inna Nefedovskaya’s impending eyelids from the full video course of the complex every day, you will achieve an effect equated to hardware cosmetology.

Spend just 10 minutes a day on your face and your skin will tighten! We invite you to Inna Nefedovskaya’s school of face and body rejuvenation for the popular course “Correction of the upper and lower eyelids and wrinkle-free forehead.” Order the program using the link:

Wrinkles and folds or other age-related changes have different causes and will differ in type for each woman. It is impossible to choose just one effective exercise for everyone.

In the course you will learn effective exercises and techniques for rejuvenating the face and body, and receive recommendations for their implementation to avoid mistakes and get guaranteed results!

Recovery after surgery

On the first day after correction, cold compresses on the periocular area will be useful - they will reduce the severity of tissue swelling and help eliminate hematomas faster. 5-6 days after the operation you will need to come to an appointment at SM-Plastika to have the stitches removed. After 10-14 days, all the consequences of the operation will disappear.

For 2 weeks you will need to avoid intense physical activity, especially try to avoid bending over and turning your head suddenly. For a month, our doctors do not recommend visiting the sauna or taking a hot shower.

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