Swelling of the right side of the face causes

Dental treatment

If the dentist does not treat the tooth correctly or completely, it can cause swelling in the cheek.


  1. Allergic reaction.

    It appears in the patient as a result of intolerance to the components of the filling. To eliminate swelling, you should visit a doctor and replace the installed filling with a hypoallergenic one.

  2. Removal of a tooth.

    If the cheek is swollen after surgery, then the patient probably ignored the doctor’s recommendations and ate solid or hot foods.

  3. Nerve removal.

    Swelling occurs if part of the nerve is not removed. It is important to see a dentist immediately so as not to lose a healthy tooth.

  4. Gum section.

    Usually required to remove accumulated pus. If the swelling does not subside while taking anti-inflammatory drugs, this may be a serious symptom that requires the attention of a specialist.

Allergies to bites, cosmetics

If you have allergic swelling of the left eye, the reasons for its appearance:

  • insect bites, which is especially important in the summer,
  • cosmetics, etc.

That is, all the same factors as with right-sided edema. The accompanying symptoms will help you understand that this is an allergic reaction:

  • itching and burning,
  • pain,
  • pallor or bluishness of the skin of the eyelid.

Sometimes the swelling of the eye on the left can spread lower - down to the cheeks or corners of the mouth. In case of allergies, swelling occurs immediately and after 12 hours (or several days) disappears completely. General health may deteriorate. For severe swelling and angioedema, which we have already written about, the help of a doctor is required.

  • chemosis of the conjunctiva, that is, the risk of secondary glaucoma,
  • exophthalmos,
  • outward displacement of the eyeball.

What to do if your cheek is swollen

To reduce swelling, you can use one of the following tips:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a solution of salt and soda.

    This remedy has an antiseptic effect and helps destroy pathogens. You can enhance the effect by adding a couple of drops of iodine to the solution.

  2. Use chamomile infusion to rinse

    , sage or other medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties.

  3. Apply a cold compress to the swollen cheek

    if the swelling is caused by a bite or mechanical injury. This method is contraindicated in patients who have an elevated body temperature or a tumor that develops due to inflammatory processes. Warming compresses are not recommended.

  4. Lotions with aloe or Kalanchoe juice.

    A cotton wool soaked in the juice of the plant is applied to the inside of the affected cheek.

If the described methods do not eliminate the problem, you should seek help from a doctor. The day before, you should not take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, so as not to complicate the diagnosis.

Methods for eliminating the defect

Of great importance for effectively solving the problem is the accuracy of identifying the cause that caused swelling of the face.

  • If it is triggered by stress, lack of sleep, general overwork of the body, the answer is clear and simple - calm down, have a good rest, try to completely relax.
  • If you use night care cosmetics, you must apply it no later than 3 hours before going to bed, otherwise the moisture and lipids contained in the composition will remain on the surface of the skin and cause swelling.
  • Performing simple massage effects by lightly and gently tapping your fingertips in the direction of the massage lines can give excellent results by activating blood circulation, eliminating congestion, accelerating lymph outflow and improving metabolic processes.
  • Rubbing the skin with ice cubes prepared from decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, string, linden, sage or mint has an excellent effect, quickly eliminating swelling by accelerating blood flow, training blood vessels, improving metabolism and metabolic processes.
  • A short-term refusal of salt, especially if you have previously abused salty foods, provides quick relief from facial swelling.
  • Eating diuretic herbs (corn silk, rose hips, bear's ears) can also get rid of a swollen face, and very quickly.
  • The use of home mechanical and other types of massagers is recommended for any skin, especially those with swelling, as it promotes blood flow to the face, eliminates stagnation, and improves lymphatic drainage and metabolic functions.
  • Homemade masks based on raw and boiled potatoes, cucumber, aloe, green tea, parsley, dill are great for getting rid of swelling, improving local tissue trophism and the general condition of the skin.
  • Compositions such as heparin ointment, lyoton gel, blefarogel will be effective helpers in the fight against a swollen face.
  • Contrast compresses with alternating application of warm and cold napkins soaked in decoctions of medicinal herbs perfectly tone, improve blood circulation, and remove excess intercellular fluid naturally.

We wish you to get rid of this problem easily, quickly and effectively!

Liver diseases

Speaking about why the face and eyes swell, it is worth knowing that the cause of this symptom may be liver disease. Swelling appears on the hands. If the cause of severe swelling of the face and eyes lies in these ailments, then the following symptoms may appear:

  1. Bitterness in the mouth.
  2. Painful sensations on the right under the ribs.
  3. Nausea, heartburn, belching.
  4. Dark urine and light stool.
  5. Yellow tint to the whites of the eyes.

The liver is an organ that can regenerate, so the resulting pathology in the functioning of the organ may not manifest itself in any way for a long time. If the cause of swelling of the face under the eyes lies in liver disease, then the following drugs may be prescribed for treatment:

  1. “Hypophysit”, “Flamin” and “Olimethin”, which have a choleretic effect.
  2. “Karsil”, “Livolin”, “Essentiale Forte”, “Hofitol” - to protect organ cells from various types of damage.

Preventing the appearance of swelling on the face

How to get rid of swelling or minimize facial swelling as much as possible?

  1. It is necessary to visit a doctor to make sure that the cause of the swelling is not pathological (it is not a symptom of any disease).
  2. Periodically take courses of a diuretic: either medications prescribed by a doctor, or decoctions and infusions of lingonberry leaf, half-poly, orthosiphon stamen.
  3. Reduce consumption of salty, smoked, fried, canned foods, coffee, strong black tea and alcohol to avoid unnecessary fluid retention.
  4. If there are no problems with the kidneys, drink from one and a half to two liters of clean water per day, ending the consumption of liquid no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  5. Establish a work and rest schedule, go to bed no later than midnight, sleep 7-8 hours.
  6. Regularly take a contrast shower and wipe your face with ice, either plain or from herbal decoctions or infusions.
  7. If necessary, use cold compresses and decongestant masks.
  8. Using a high pillow while sleeping will improve the flow of fluid from the head.

How to treat facial swelling?

Facial swelling is typical for people with endocrine diseases. So, in particular, patients with Cushing's syndrome have a swollen, moon-shaped face. Myxedema is another endocrine disease that leads to severe swelling of the facial skin and subcutaneous tissue. This severe form of hypothyroidism, caused by a lack of thyroid hormones, is treated with hormone therapy. After hormonal balance is restored, lymph outflow normalizes and swelling goes away.

Regular swelling cannot be ignored. Treatment of facial swelling begins with a visit to a therapist - he will refer the patient for the necessary tests and consultation with specialists. If the cause of facial swelling is renal or heart failure, the patient must undergo an appropriate course of treatment. When the functioning of the diseased organs is normalized, the swelling will disappear on its own.

If the cause of swelling is an allergic reaction, the first priority is to identify the substance that acted as the provoking allergen. The patient is prescribed a course of antihistamines.

How to distinguish allergic edema?

The main symptom of an allergy is itching. The reaction can be provoked by:

  • medications;
  • household chemicals;
  • a bite of an insect;
  • some food products;
  • stressful situations.

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But in any case, regardless of the cause, itching will accompany the developing swelling of the soft tissues.

;It is almost impossible to relieve allergic swelling without the use of special ointments. You will also need to use antihistamines.

General recommendations for facial swelling

For regular swelling of the face, it is advised:

  • drink clean, or even better, melt water - at least eight glasses daily;
  • if you cannot drink that much water, replace it with herbal tea, but be sure to replace sugar with honey;
  • drink diuretic herbs that are good for relieving swelling: bear's ear, corn silk and others;
  • drink bay leaf infusion - brew 3-4 leaves in a glass of boiling water, drink a tablespoon throughout the day;
  • sleep for at least eight hours, and the pillow should be firm and low;
  • You can't eat at night.
  1. By applying a mask of grated raw potatoes to the face, the swelling can be removed in a quarter of an hour.
  2. A mask made from grated parsley roots helps relieve swelling of the face and eyes.
  3. People prone to swelling should have on hand ice cubes made from a decoction of chamomile, celandine and rose petals.
  4. It is recommended to drink a cup of green tea, and also apply a napkin soaked in strongly brewed green tea to your face.
  5. You can use a pumpkin mask made from two tablespoons of grated pumpkin and a small amount of water. After bringing the mixture over low heat until smooth, add a spoonful of honey. Apply the cooled mixture to your skin. After 10 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.

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Facial care after electrolysis

There are certain rules and recommendations for facial care after electrolysis:

  • To avoid accidentally causing an infection, you should not touch the treated area with your hands;
  • after electrolysis, you should not wash your face for a full day;
  • after the procedure, you must avoid visiting the solarium and bathhouse for at least a week;
  • after electrolysis, you should not use decorative cosmetics, as well as creams and lotions for the face;
  • Quite often, severe itching is felt in the area of ​​electrolysis; the use of any antipruritic drugs, much less scratching the skin, is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, noticeable scars may remain.

After the procedure, facial swelling may occur. The applied aloe leaf paste will help alleviate the condition and to some extent reduce swelling after the electrolysis procedure. You should not use any decongestant herbs for compresses or drink a diuretic.

Swelling on the right side of the face - what is the reason?

Swelling of half the face can be due to various reasons. It could be:

  • injury caused by a fall;
  • reaction to an insect bite;
  • symptom of local inflammation;
  • angioedema (redness of the lower half of the face is typical for this case), etc.

Only a qualified specialist can establish the true cause of the development of edema on only one side of the face, based on the research results obtained.

In some cases, swelling of the right side is observed. There are many reasons for this. In particular, swelling of the right side of the face can be caused by:

  • dental problems;
  • diseases of the facial nerve;
  • vascular pathology (“red” face);
  • allergy;
  • angioedema;
  • right-sided otitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis.

But it is the right side of the face that swells even with a common cold.

Swelling of the face as a result of an allergic reaction

In some cases, the cause of soft tissue swelling is an allergy. In this case we are talking about angioedema. In addition to swelling - sometimes of a specific part, sometimes of the entire face - the condition is accompanied by the development of the following symptoms:

  • itching;
  • labored breathing;
  • hives.

With allergic edema, most often the lips and eyelids become enlarged. The face becomes red. To relieve severe symptoms, in particular itching, it is recommended to use antihistamines.

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