Six ways to use black tea to treat various problems

What are the benefits of tea compress

  • Thanks to increased blood circulation, the skin around the eyes is restored and takes on a healthy, radiant appearance.
  • Within a couple of minutes, it relieves even severe swelling and signs of eye inflammation.
  • Tea brewing contains active substances - a natural anti-aging complex that improves intercellular interaction and enhances collagen production.
  • Tea compresses tone the skin around the eyes and help smooth out fine wrinkles.
  • This is the most affordable and budget way to care for the delicate area around the eyes.

It is worth noting that white and green tea have more pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, so they are excellent for caring for aging skin.

Black tea is most often used as a decongestant and to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Features of using tea bags on the eyes

When using tea lotions, follow these rules:

  • for the procedure, it is better to take large-leaf tea, which has undergone the least processing and retains all the beneficial properties and active substances;
  • choose tea without additives or flavorings;
  • It is not recommended to use compresses before bed, as tea leaves have a strong tonic effect on the eyes;
  • keep tea bags for no longer than 20 minutes, otherwise the skin around the eyes may become stained;
  • Cold compresses can quickly remove bags under the eyes, but this procedure is not suitable for skin prone to rosacea.

Tea brew for bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes do not make a woman look good at all and give a tired, heavy look to the eyes. If you suffer from a similar problem, then use a simple and accessible method that gets rid of bags under the eyes in a matter of minutes:

  1. Brew 1-2 tablespoons of pure black or green tea with a glass of boiling water. Cool the infusion to room temperature. Soak cotton pads in the tea leaves and apply a compress to closed eyelids. You can also apply the tea leaves themselves - this way the effect will be more pronounced. However, do not forget that you need to keep such a compress for no more than 15-20 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, rinse off the remaining tea with warm water.
  2. You can remove bags and circles under the eyes using contrasting procedures. Alternately apply warm and cool tea compresses to your eyes for 10 minutes. The skin will take on a fresh look and natural glow.

Benefits of black tea for eyes

Very few studies have specifically examined the benefits of using tea bags on the eyes. Some evidence suggests that there are benefits to using cold and warm compresses on the eyes, and tea bags are the ideal size to use as an eye compress; if you want to further your knowledge, we recommend checking out this resource which goes into more detail about the processes, benefits and benefits of black tea for the eyes. Researchers have also studied tea's beneficial properties, such as caffeine and polyphenols.

Cool lotions

Benefits of using tea bags as a cold compress include:

  • Reduction of dark circles under the eyes . Dilated blood vessels under the eyes may play a role in the formation of dark circles. Holding a bag of iced tea on the surface may cause blood vessels to narrow, simply place the remaining black tea brew under your eyes;
  • Reduction of bags under the eyes . Also, black tea is useful for bags under the eyes. Cooled lotions can relieve puffiness or dark circles under the eyes, which is a very common problem for many people since phones have become a modern pandemic;
  • Pink Eye Relief . Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, occurs when the mucous membranes become inflamed and swollen. Cool lotions will help reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • Soothing red eyes . If you don’t close your eyes for a long time, sit down at the computer or a book and don’t look up from this activity for hours, then the small vessels located on the retina strain and tear, which causes redness of the eyes. Placing cold tea bag compresses over the eyes can help ease this irritation;
  • Relief of minor eye injuries . If the eye is hit by a ball, elbow or other hard object, placing a cooled tea bag for 15 minutes will help reduce pain and swelling.

Like a warm compress

The benefits of using warm soaks include:

  • Reducing blepharitis . Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids caused by bacteria, dandruff on the scalp, or problems with the oil glands of the eyelids. Holding a warm tea bag over your closed eyes for at least 1 minute can loosen flakes stuck to your eyelashes and prevent clogged oil glands;
  • Drainage of the tier . A stye is a red, painful lump that grows under the eyelid or at the base of the eyelid, usually due to infection. Applying heat with a warm tea bag compress to the stye for 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a day can help release the pus and cure the stye;
  • Treatment of chalazion . A blocked sebaceous gland usually causes a chalazion. Using a warm tea bag on your eyelid for 10-15 minutes 4-6 times a day will help clear a clogged duct;
  • Relief from dry eyes . Dry eyes occur because the eyes do not produce enough tears (the person rarely blinks) or if the tears evaporate too quickly. Placing warm tea bags in the eyes can cause the glands to release oil and improve the quality of tears.

In folk medicine, it is recommended to wash the eye with black tea if any dirt gets into it. However, there is no evidence that using a tea bag is better than using a clean washcloth soaked in cold or warm water.

Tea for bruises under the eyes

The consequences of a sleepless night immediately affect your appearance in the form of the formation of foci of inflammation and bruises under the eyes. You can get rid of these negative manifestations with the help of eye tea bags. To do this, take two tea bags after using them for their intended purpose and place them on your eyes for 10 minutes. Make sure the compress is always warm and moist. If necessary, dip the bags into warm tea leaves and repeat the procedure.

Ice cubes, which can be easily prepared at home using tea leaves, will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

To do this, brew 1 tablespoon of large-leaf green tea with a glass of boiling water and cool the infusion to room temperature. Pour tea into ice cube trays and freeze. The cubes should be used in the morning after washing your face, rubbing them in a circular motion over the skin around the eyes for 5 minutes.

Tea compress is the best remedy for swelling and bruising under the eyes

You cannot use tea for bruises if you have the following contraindications:

  • irritation and dryness of the skin around the eyes;
  • the presence of spider veins and a tendency to rosacea;
  • dermatological skin diseases.

Washing a child's eyes

When performing such a procedure on newborns, it is important not to introduce infections. To do this, wash your hands and use sterile materials.

If the child’s eyes are fine, then there is no need to use any solutions. You can rinse your eyes with warm water or weak tea leaves.

If the baby's eyes are watery, then make decoctions for rinsing based on sage, calendula, chamomile or linden. To create such a solution, pour about 1.5 tablespoons of tea leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. When the solution is ready, follow the same instructions as for an adult.

For children from 3 months old, this procedure can already be replaced with drops.

Please note that if your child develops inflammation, purulent discharge, swelling, or crusty eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Strong tea

Tea bags for medicinal purposes

Tea helps to cope not only with cosmetic imperfections, but also with diseases of the mucous membrane of the eye. Thanks to its antiseptic and astringent properties, it relieves inflammation and eye fatigue, and also fights colds such as conjunctivitis.

If inflammation develops, use the following recipe:

What is Koporye tea (video)

  1. Brew strong tea and leave it overnight to enhance its astringent properties.
  2. Generously soak cotton swabs in the infusion and wipe your eyes with them towards the center of your face.
  3. Apply a compress in the form of warm tea bags to your eyes and leave for 10-15 minutes to enhance the effect.

A positive effect can be noticed after 2-3 procedures, depending on how long the compress was kept in place. This recipe will also be safe for children, including as a preventive measure during periods of exacerbation of colds.

Tea compresses will help quickly get rid of stye on the eye.

To do this you need to warm up:

  1. Brew black tea and apply the remaining warm, slightly squeezed bag to the sore spot.
  2. After 15 minutes, re-moisten the bag in the remaining tea leaves and repeat the procedure.

Thanks to the tannic acid it contains, tea has an antibacterial effect and relieves inflammatory swelling. Repeat the procedure of applying the compress for a week to achieve lasting results.

The use of tea bags for the eyes is an effective and affordable remedy that can solve more than one problem, and does not require material investments in maintaining beauty.

Use this natural and safe method if you don’t want to spend a lot of time and effort on caring for the skin around your eyes and always look your best, captivating with a radiant look.


Anna: “I first tried to make a tea compress in my student years, when I suffered from lack of sleep. Literally 5 minutes after this procedure, the swelling begins to subside and the face takes on a rested appearance.”

Antonina: “I use tea bags for inflammation of a child’s eye. My mother also used this method. I apply a warm compress to the inner corners of my eyes and leave the bag until it cools. Unlike the use of drops, this method of relieving inflammation is safer, and the child reacts calmly to such a procedure.”

Natasha: “I’m a big tea lover, so I always have tea bags or leftover tea at home. It’s not always possible to make a refreshing compress in the morning, so I do this procedure in the evenings. And it works – it removes signs of fatigue as if by hand.”

Larisa: “I often don’t get enough sleep and found a good remedy to make my eyes rested and fresh. These are lotions made from tea leaves. Every morning I put the bags on the area around my eyes and leave them on for about fifteen minutes. I’ll be honest, the result makes me happy: the swelling and blue circles disappear.”

Chemical threat

In the above study, plastic tea bags released nylon and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) particles into boiling water. It is known that PET bottles and containers can release harmful substances into water already at a temperature of 40 degrees. These substances include formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and antimony. In the experiment, when heated to 60 degrees, their concentrations in water did not exceed the norm. It is unknown whether the concentration of harmful substances reaches a critical level in tea brewed from a plastic bag.

Even paper bags can contain hazardous substances. Epichloropidine, a possible carcinogen, may be used to strengthen the paper (this has only been confirmed in animal studies). We were unable to find data on its possible concentrations in tea. An additional risk occurs if the paper is bleached. In 1990, scientists discovered significant amounts of dioxin in tea bags that had been bleached with chlorine. However, the amount of the dangerous substance did not exceed the norm. The available evidence does not allow us to firmly state that paper bags may be harmful to health.

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