For myopia massage – Eye treatment

Tips and tricks

To prevent age-related vision loss, massage your fingers and toes daily.
This improves blood supply to the eyes, promotes the tone of the eye muscles and the elasticity of the lens. Each finger should be massaged for a minute, thoroughly, until the muscles are completely relaxed (first on the arms, then on the legs).

The number of children diagnosed with myopia is growing every year. Due to the widespread prevalence of the disease, it is surrounded by controversy and popular speculation. In order to prevent or effectively treat myopia in children, it is necessary to have complete and reliable information about the first signs of the disease, the causes of its occurrence, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

A child's eye with 100% vision is designed in such a way that the perceived image is transferred to the retina. But if the eyeball is not round, but elongated in the horizontal plane, the image does not reach the retina and is displayed in front of it.

Myopia is a decrease in visual acuity associated with impaired optics of the eye and manifests itself in blurriness and clouding of objects at a distant distance. Treatment largely depends on the type of disease; vitamins, medications, physiotherapy, gymnastics, and folk remedies can be prescribed.

The decision on how best to treat myopia in children is made by an ophthalmologist, taking into account the degree of its severity. With slight progression, less than ? diopters per year, observation and strengthening of preventive measures is necessary: ​​vitamins, alternating exercise, general strengthening of the body.

If vision deterioration occurs more quickly, then complex therapy, which includes the following methods, will help cure myopia:

  1. Optical correction. that is, the selection of points. Treatment of myopia in children of senior school age can be carried out using contact lenses. With myopia of more than 6 diopters, as well as with a progressive course, constant wearing of glasses is required.
  2. Gymnastics. which includes various eye exercises, is performed for myopia in children and for its prevention. The exercises are based on blinking at different frequencies, closing your eyes, fixating on moving objects, alternating focus on close and distant objects, massaging the eyelids and various movements of the eyeballs. Gymnastics, in particular massaging, can be used even in newborn children.
  3. Treatment with medications is a complex administration of medications. Includes eye vitamins specifically designed for children of different ages with myopia. These are, as a rule, complexes with B1, B6 and B. It is also necessary to use eye drops that improve metabolic processes in tissues, and drugs that dilate blood vessels.
  4. Treatment of myopia (myopia) in children with folk remedies is based on the consumption of foods containing vitamins and microelements. Good results as part of complex therapy can be achieved by taking decoctions of rose hips, nettles, eyebright, syrups of spruce needles, lingonberries and cranberries. You can also make compresses from cherry leaves or green tea. Folk remedies can enhance the nutrition of the retina and blood vessels, and cure myopia in combination with other methods. Treatment with folk remedies in newborns should be used with caution, this is explained by the high prevalence of allergic reactions.
  5. Physiotherapy includes laser treatment, vacuum massage, electrophoresis. Recently, hardware treatment of myopia in adolescents and children over 3 years of age has proven its effectiveness. This method is based on training accommodative muscles using computer programs. It can also be used to relieve accommodative spasm (false myopia).
  6. Surgery. This method can be recommended for the treatment of children and adolescents with a high degree of myopia with progression. This does not include laser correction, which can only be performed after reaching 18 years of age.

Is it possible to cure myopia in a child using one method? No. Despite its apparent simplicity, myopia is a disease that requires comprehensive coverage of treatment measures and auxiliary means.

Practice shows that if you perform the exercises correctly for just ten minutes a day, results can be seen within a month.

Not only a relaxing and tonic effect is observed, but also the cure of a number of diseases.

It’s all about activating the circulatory system in the process of targeted impact on the eye area: the better the blood circulation system works, the more intense the saturation of the capillaries of the eye with oxygen, and this is one of the most important conditions for the stable and proper functioning of any human organ.

As a result of neglect of the organs of vision, the eye muscles begin to weaken from the age of 35-40, and in advanced cases this leads to their atrophy.

Even non-professional self-massage in such cases helps to stop these processes, and professional procedures help not only relieve symptoms of tension and fatigue, but also, thanks to the targeted effect on receptors, prevent age-related changes in the muscles of the eyeball.

Therapeutic and health-improving eye massage, with the right technique, promotes:

  • improving blood flow and lymph circulation due to a targeted effect on receptors;
  • improving the stimulation of release into the blood of processes important for the eye;
  • stimulation of the immune system, as a result of which a number of ophthalmological diseases can be avoided.

But eye massage to restore vision is not suitable for everyone, despite the fact that in general this procedure is harmless.

Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov has developed a special technique that affects not only the eyes, but also other areas of the face.

This technique allows you to get rid of myopia and mild astigmatism. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The center of the forehead (the point just above the junction of the eyebrows) is lightly massaged for 20-30 seconds with the tips of three fingers folded together, after which this area should be lightly stroked with the palm of your hand.
  2. This is followed by massaging the eyebrows themselves with the tips of your middle fingers. Massaging occurs until warmth is felt in the eyebrow area.
  3. In the same way, the temples are massaged with the tips of the index fingers for half a minute, after which the upper (under-eye) cheekbones, the bridge of the nose and the area above the upper lip are massaged in the indicated order.
  4. After this, you need to stretch and massage your neck with two palms, then you can return directly to the eyes.
  5. Light pressure is applied to the closed eyes in the center with your fingertips, while creating a slight vibration.
  6. Soft massaging movements are made with gradual advancement from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones.
  7. Using the tips of four folded fingers, completely massage the surface of each eye in a circular motion.

Any massage requires prior consultation with a specialist, since firstly, the full effectiveness of such treatment has not been proven today, and secondly, incorrect placement of hands, fingers and incorrect execution of techniques can lead to the opposite effect, and instead of quick treatment, massage can lead to deterioration of vision .

  • genetic predisposition;
  • deficiency of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients in the body;
  • eye strain caused by many reasons (for example, working at a computer for a long time without breaks);
  • in the early stages of the disease, incorrect vision correction (for example, incorrectly selected glasses or lenses), which leads to progression of the disease;
  • congenital pathology;
  • some eye diseases, such as strabismus;
  • increased pressure inside the skull and fluid pressure inside the eye;
  • various hormonal disorders in the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • skull injuries and brain dysfunction.

The main cause of the disease is a hereditary predisposition and is most common in children aged 6-14 years. Parents need to carefully monitor the state of their child’s vision and consult a doctor if there is the slightest change.

Myopia symptoms

To understand that a person suffers from myopia, you need to pay attention to how he behaves. For example,

  • squints when trying to look into the distance;
  • complaints of headaches and eye pain;
  • reading books and other literature at close range;
  • constant rubbing of the eyes;
  • the sclera has a bluish tint;
  • complaints of floaters, strings and flashes before the eyes.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Viral conjunctivitis treatment with interferon.
This technique involves performing a massage not only directly on the eyes, but also over the entire face. Used for various refractive disorders, including myopia. It is performed as follows, maintaining the sequence of techniques:

  • massage your forehead with your index, middle and ring fingers, and then lightly stroke it;
  • massage your eyebrows in the same way, paying more attention to the dimple in the middle of the eyebrow;
  • massage the temporal area using two fingers;
  • Using stroking movements, massage the upper part of the cheekbone under the orbit of the eye;
  • Using the pads of your index fingers, massage the areas of your face located above the sinuses of your nose;
  • massage and stroke the indentations located between the cheek and ear on both sides;
  • massage the back of the neck;
  • massage the upper eyelid using vibrating movements of the index and middle fingers;
  • massage the eyeball with your middle fingers, moving from the corners to the middle;
  • now massage the eye using four fingers;
  • close your eyes and use your index finger to massage the inner corners. These are the so-called astigmatic points;
  • and finally, close your eyelids three times forcefully and slightly stretch the outer corners of your eyes.

Before starting an eye massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands, warm them by rubbing your palms or hold your hands under running warm water for several minutes. This massage technique is considered one of the most popular and is often used to restore visual function in cases of myopia and astigmatism.

Massage technique according to Zhdanov’s method

Zhdanov’s technique involves performing a massage both on the organs of vision and over the entire face. This technique is suitable not only for myopia, but also for other pathologies of the visual organs.

It must be performed by observing the alternation of exercises:

  • Massage the forehead with the index, middle and ring fingers. Then they stroke it lightly.
  • A similar technique is used to massage the eyebrows, paying special attention to the hollow between the eyebrows.
  • Massage the temporal area using two fingers.
  • Stroking the upper area of ​​the cheekbone under the eyes.
  • Using the pads of the index fingers, massage the part of the face above the sinuses of the nose.
  • Rub and stroke the depressions located on both sides between the ear and cheek.
  • Massage the back of the neck.
  • Vibrating movements of the index and middle fingers will massage the upper eyelid.
  • Massage the eyeballs with the middle fingers. Movements are carried out from the corners to the middle.
  • They do an eye massage using four fingers.
  • Cover the organs of vision, massage the inner corners with the index finger. These are the so-called astigmatic points.
  • The procedure is completed with the following exercise: the eyelids are tightly squeezed 3 times and the corners of the eyes are slightly stretched.

Ear massage will stop myopia

When my daughter went to school, she was diagnosed with myopia. We began to improve our eyesight with the help of simple exercises that my grandmother told me about. By the way, she is 76 years old and reads without glasses.

With the help of grandma’s exercises, we managed to stop our daughter’s progressive myopia. Now her vision is normal, but we still continue to do exercises every evening for prevention. These are the exercises.

Using the tips of your index fingers, massage the points at the inner corners of your eyes. Continue the massage until a smooth black field appears under your closed eyelids.

The main points responsible for vision are located on the earlobe. Grasp the earlobe with your thumb and forefinger and knead it for 10 seconds. Repeat this massage 5 times, with short breaks. Ear massage relieves fatigue well, and there is a feeling that the eyes begin to breathe actively and are abundantly washed with tears.

Stops myopia and proper nutrition. Be sure to include beef liver or cod liver, buckwheat porridge and honey in your menu and, of course, not a day without carrots!


What are the benefits of massage for myopia?

The main advantage of massage for myopia is that it helps not only to stabilize the condition, but also to prevent the progression of vision deterioration. Daily 10-minute sessions have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease in children and adults, helping:

  • strengthen and relax tense eye muscles;
  • improve visual acuity;
  • improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in eye tissues;
  • increase the amount of nutrients supplied to the organs of vision;
  • reduce IOP (this is achieved due to the fact that the nerve endings are irritated during the massaging process).

During massaging there should be no painful sensations - if they do, it means you are doing something wrong. As for the duration of the sessions, it is selected by the attending physician individually, taking into account the severity of the illness.

It is important to consider that neck massage for myopia will be ineffective if a person neglects a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.


Despite the high effectiveness of eye massage in improving the ability to see perfectly, there are still some contraindications to it. They cannot be ignored, because instead of benefiting health, they can cause significant damage to it.

When starting a course of eye massage, it is advisable to consult with an ophthalmologist who will conduct a thorough examination to rule out the presence of pathological conditions.

It is prohibited to apply mechanical force to the eyes:

  • during the recovery period after laser vision correction or other invasive interventions on the visual organs;
  • with local or general purulent processes;
  • with perforated wounds of the eye, increased fragility of blood vessels, ulcerations of the corneal layer;
  • in case of high degree of myopia, decompensated glaucoma, malignant formations in the eye and head area.

Contraindications for massage are diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, hyperthermia, tuberculosis, increased mental excitability, skin diseases at the site of massage, etc.

Like any other type, a wellness massage for the eyes is not recommended for a person’s general serious condition, which can be caused by chronic, colds and viral diseases.

Also, eye massage is contraindicated for the following disorders and diseases:

  • trauma to the skin in the eye area;
  • high body temperature;
  • severe chronic pain that can only be relieved with medication;
  • any dermatological diseases that appear in the eye area;
  • tendency to bleeding due to blood diseases;
  • oncological tumors (both malignant and benign).

For these reasons, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting a massage to improve your vision.

Rules for performing massage

Massage involves four forms of influence:

  1. Massaging the eyes with your palms.
  2. Light stroking.
  3. Vibrating movements.
  4. Light kneading movements.

Before starting the exercises, you need to warm up your palms by rubbing them together, and then apply them with the inner surface to your eyes for a few seconds: the eyelids should be comfortable, and the touch should not feel cold.

Regardless of the chosen technique, all pressure and rubbing should be noticeable, but soft, so as not to damage the eyes or cause pain.

Among the most popular methods are the Zhdanov technique, shiatsu massage, Taoist massage and classical. We will talk about some of them below.

How to properly massage your head for myopia

Now let's figure out how to properly massage the head to improve myopia. It has a beneficial effect on the eyes for any refractive error, relieving general tension and improving blood supply to the visual organs. So here it is:

  1. They perform a neck and occipital massage, which I wrote about above. This helps improve blood flow from the head to the eyes.
  2. Tilt your head down, then smoothly lift it up and gently tilt it back. Do 5 reps.
  3. For 3 minutes, massage the skin around the eyes with the pads of your index and middle fingers, moving clockwise and then counterclockwise.

This massage is recommended for both adults and children with myopia. A video on how to properly massage your head to eliminate eye diseases will help you quickly achieve the desired result.

Eye pressure - symptoms, causes and treatments

Eye massage for myopia helps correct vision in the early stages of the disease if performed correctly.

Execution rules:

  1. The first technique is to press on a point located on the inside of the wrist. Many people are surprised by this beginning, since the point is located far from the eyes, but scientists have established a direct connection between this point and the activity of the organ of vision. For the first minute, you need to press intensely until discomfort appears, and then stroke for 2 minutes on each hand, without lifting your finger from the skin.
  2. The next step will be stroking the points located at the transition of the neck to the back of the head for 2 minutes.
  3. The third zone of influence is located on the inner edge of the orbit, closer to the bridge of the nose. You need to massage both sides at the same time for 2 minutes.
  4. Directly under the eye in the middle there is also the desired area that needs to be massaged for a minute.
  5. The points located on the outside of the eyes, towards the temple, should also be massaged for a minute.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the gene responsible for myopia

The total duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. The duration of the therapeutic course is 10 procedures. Adults are recommended to do two approaches a day; children need one.

In the evening, it is useful to do a relaxing massage that will relieve puffiness and bruises under the eyes. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to cleanse the skin of cosmetics, wash and use toner.

  1. All movements are performed easily and smoothly with the pads of your fingers. The first step will be stroking the upper eyelid clockwise.
  2. After this, it is necessary to apply light pressure in the opposite direction.
  3. Next, alternately press on the lower and upper eyelids with the pads of four fingers.
  4. Press on the inner and outer corners of the eyes 10 times.
  5. Stroking and pressing on the area located under the eyebrow arches.
  6. We end the session with stroking.

After the procedure, it is recommended to wash your face using a contrast method: 10 seconds under cold water, 10 seconds under warm water. Regular implementation of this complex will not only relieve fatigue, but also smooth out fine wrinkles, toning the skin.

Zhdanov's technique

This technique is most often used to restore vision. Effectively combats astigmatism and myopia in the initial stages.

  1. At the first stage, you need to massage your forehead from the center to the temples. Duration is 1 minute.
  2. Next, we work on the eyebrow arches. You need to find a point located right in the middle. This point is the exit of the trigeminal nerve branch.
  3. Massaging your temples with two fingers.
  4. Light impact on the cheekbones and under the eyes.
  5. Pressing on the sinus area near the nostrils.
  6. Intensive massage of the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose.
  7. Next, you need to move on to the ear dimples and massaging the back of the neck.
  8. Impact on eyelids and eyeballs.

After the procedure, you should close your eyes tightly several times. This technique has a beneficial effect on the overall emotional state and helps restore visual function.

With the help of timely detection of myopia in a child, it is possible to cure it in a shorter time or slow down the development of the disease and prevent its transition to a more severe degree. The main difficulty in determining symptoms is the absence of complaints from the child.

The gradual progression of the disease often goes unnoticed, as it does not cause significant discomfort. Only with a high degree of myopia are complaints voiced.

  • low tilt of the head to the working surface when reading, writing, drawing and other activities related to the recognition of small objects;
  • the appearance of fatigue and headaches with prolonged eye strain (watching long films, reading books, etc.);
  • the appearance of squinting when it is necessary to see an object in the distance;
  • How to treat myopia in children? In order for the treatment to bring results, the doctor will need data from diagnostic examinations. The first thing the ophthalmologist will do is examine each of the child’s eyes, taking into account the shape, size and location of the eyeballs.

    Myopia in children under three years of age, including newborns, is determined by the presence or absence of focusing their gaze on bright toys. Starting from the age of three, visual acuity is checked using tables with images of objects and animals, using corrective lenses.

    The condition of the corneal layer, anterior chamber, fundus and lens is examined using bomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy. Clinical refraction is described after skiascopy and refractometry. An ultrasound can be performed to clarify the structural characteristics of the eye.

    False myopia is detected by determining the volume and reserve of accommodative capabilities: in the absence of muscle spasm, the child is able to see an object when using a lens with excessive or insufficient correction.

    Execution algorithm:

  1. Forehead massage. Using three fingers (ring, middle, index) make light stroking movements from the center of the forehead to the temporal region.
  2. Brows. It works the same way. You need to find the dimple located in the center of the brow arch - the optic nerve - and stimulate it.
  3. Massaging the temples (do it with two fingers).
  4. Cheekbones (using three fingers) – stroking the cheekbone area under the eyes.
  5. Stimulating the sinus area near the nostrils with the index finger.
  6. Massaging the bridge of the nose and the surface of the nose (with the middle finger).
  7. Ear dimples (located at the end of the cheeks).
  8. Back neck massage.
  9. Massaging the eyelids - lightly press two fingers on the closed eyes. Start from the corners of the eyes. The eyeball is massaged with 4 fingers. Pay attention to the astigmatic point.
  10. The procedure ends with intense squeezing of the eyes (three times).

Since massage is performed not only on the eye area, but also on the entire face, manipulation has a positive effect on the general physiological and emotional state of a person. Simple exercises can improve the quality of vision if done regularly.

The Japanese shiatsu technique involves acupressure to restore visual functions. This is the stimulation of certain points on the body by pressing on them with your fingers or palm. The method promises to reduce eye fatigue, is used to improve visual acuity, and normalizes intraocular pressure. The massage program is contraindicated for glaucoma, hypotension, and infections of the visual organs.

All movements must be gentle. They should not cause discomfort.

Impulsive or too intense pressure is prohibited.


  1. The index, middle, and ring fingers are placed along the upper edge of the eye socket, gently pressing in the direction of the eyebrow (7 seconds). The eyeball is not involved. Do the same along the lower edge of the eye socket.
  2. Place the ring and index fingers along the edges of the eyebrows, and the middle finger at the same time on the center of the eyebrow arch. The impact lasts 7 seconds.
  3. Press on the inner corners of the eyes and the outer ones with your fingertips (7 sec.).
  4. Pressing the inner surface of the thumb on the eyelids (10 sec.).
  5. Impact on the cheekbones or temples - pressure with three fingers (7 sec.).

You need to consult a doctor before performing the shiatsu system and other massage manipulations. The doctor will give precise instructions on the use of techniques to restore the ability to see clearly and improve the condition of the visual organs. Improper conduct of the session can lead to problems with the visual organs and health in general.

How to massage at home for eye diseases

Doctors recommend self-massage as an additional treatment method for vision pathologies. When performed correctly, it allows you to stop the progression of the disease, reduce the development of complications, and improve the quality of vision.

Self-massage of the eye area


Glaucoma is a dangerous eye disease associated with complete loss of vision. It develops against the background of impaired blood flow, resulting in a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the optic nerve. This leads to the gradual death of cells and disruption of their functioning. As a rule, a reduction in blood flow to the eyeball occurs with an increase in intraocular pressure against the background of impaired production of intraocular fluid and its drainage.

Massage for glaucoma can reduce the severity of the clinical picture and stop the development of the disease, thanks to:

  • relaxation of the muscles of the eyes and face;
  • improving blood flow;
  • preventing lymph stagnation;
  • decrease in intracranial pressure.

Glaucoma of the eyeball

Massage should be carried out only on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist in the absence of contraindications. Before the procedure, it is recommended to do a warm-up (rolling the eyes, looking to the sides, up, down).

Massage for glaucoma should begin by warming up the frontal and temporal areas. To do this, you need to use your index, middle, ring, and little fingers to perform stroking movements for two minutes in the direction from the center of the forehead to the temporal areas. After a minute, the intensity of movement must be increased by adding slight pressure on the area being worked on.

After the forehead, you should start massaging the temples. This is done with the index and middle fingers, and the little finger in a clockwise direction with light pressure. The duration of the manipulation is about two minutes. Next, use patting movements to work the area of ​​the forehead and temples for two minutes.

After the described manipulations, it is necessary to proceed directly to the eye area. To do this, you need to close your eyes, use your index and middle fingers to lightly press on your closed eyelids for 1-2 minutes. Next, use your index finger to rhythmically move the eyeball from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.

Self-massage for glaucoma

At the end of the procedure, close your eyes and rest in this position for 5-10 minutes. The massage can be supplemented by influencing points that are located throughout the entire eyebrow, to the left and right of the bridge of the nose, as well as in the outer corners of the eyes.

Massage for glaucoma gives a positive effect only together with regular use of medications prescribed by an ophthalmologist.


Myopia or myopia is a pathology of the visual organs in which the patient does not clearly see objects located at a far distance. As a rule, the disease is hereditary, often aggravated as a result of intense visual stress, insufficient intake of calcium, zinc, selenium, unfavorable environmental conditions, trauma or sclerosis of the lens.

Today, medicine uses such methods of vision correction as glasses, contact lenses, and laser correction. At the initial stages of the disease, as well as for its prevention, it is recommended to massage the eyeballs daily. For myopia, a targeted effect is applied to the following areas:

  • on the inside of the wrist;
  • above the first cervical vertebra;
  • between the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose;
  • in the middle of the lower eyelid;
  • on the outside of the eye socket;
  • on the outer edge of the eyebrow.

Acupressure self-massage for myopia

The impact on each point lasts from one to two minutes, so the massage time does not exceed 12 minutes. It must be done twice a day for 10 days. After a ten-day break, the course can be repeated.


Farsightedness or hypermetropia is a disease of the visual organs in which it is impossible to focus the gaze on an object located nearby. It is genetic in nature and is associated with a reduced size of the eyeball on the anterior-posterior axis, and at older ages with impaired ability of the lens to change curvature.

Glasses or contact lenses are used for treatment. Among modern methods of vision correction, refractive surgery is used. Massage and eye gymnastics, which should be carried out at home in courses aimed at reducing eye muscle tension and improving blood flow, have a positive effect. Massaging is carried out by influencing active points, which are located:

  • on the outside of the wrist using light pressure for 60 seconds;
  • on the outer corner of the eye in a circular motion, without pulling the skin for 2 minutes;
  • along the upper border of the orbit from the inner to the outer corner of the eyelids with stroking movements for 1-2 minutes.

    Impact on the upper border of the orbit


Astigmatism is a vision defect that occurs when the shape of the lens, cornea or eye changes, which leads to an impairment in the ability to clearly perceive the surroundings. The pathology can be recognized by impaired perception (objects are perceived in a curved or split form), rapid eye fatigue during work, and frequent headaches. Astigmatism can be congenital or acquired. The latter type is associated with various injuries, including during operations.

Vision correction is carried out using glasses, contact lenses or laser. In addition to the chosen treatment method, doctors recommend gymnastics and massage aimed at accelerating blood flow and relaxing the eye muscles. The algorithm is as follows:

  • With the index, middle, ring finger, press lightly along the brow arch from the bridge of the nose to the temporal region, then along the eyebrows;
  • Using the pads of your middle fingers, in a circular motion with light pressure, massage the outer corners of your eyes and temples;

    Massaging the outer corners of the eyes

  • With the index and middle fingers, press along the lower border of the orbit from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge;
  • With your index finger, pressing on the skin, move from the inner corner of the eye under the cheekbones to the temporal region;
  • use your index finger to massage in a circular motion behind the ear, neck from bottom to top along the spine;
  • Use your index, middle, and ring fingers to press on your closed eyelids;
  • pressing the middle finger on the edge of the eye socket, work it clockwise;
  • Use your index, middle, and ring fingers to press on your closed eyelids, increasing the pressure;
  • Use your middle finger to work the inner corners of your eyes, quickly pressing and releasing.

Eyeball massage is a unique way to treat and prevent many diseases of the visual organs. It helps improve vision by normalizing blood flow, local metabolism, as well as relaxing and toning muscles. Therefore, the desire to rub dry eyes after long work is not a bad habit, but a kind of relaxing and restorative massage.

Classification of myopia

Depending on the causes and time of occurrence, myopia can be congenital or acquired. Congenital occurs as a result of the negative influence of certain factors during pregnancy, and can also be caused by heredity.

In addition to congenital and acquired myopia, false myopia (myopia) is sometimes detected in children. In this case, clear vision of objects is impaired due to spasm of the accommodative muscle of the eye, the tone of which affects the shape of the lens.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Myopia, I can’t see well near – Eye diseases

In fact, this is not myopia, but a functional visual impairment that can be corrected; gymnastics and hardware treatment will bring a noticeable effect. If you do not seek medical help in time, false myopia can develop into mild myopia.

The second basis for classifying myopia is the severity of the defect. It can be weak (first), medium (second) and high (third) degree. The first and second ones are safer, since they do not progress and do not cause significant discomfort.

Myopia is highly progressive, objects are blurry not only at a far distance, but also at a fairly close one. Often accompanied by astigmatism, which causes double vision and distortion of objects. It is much more difficult to cure this degree; vitamins and folk remedies will not help.

Classic eye massage

The result of a classic back massage is relief from diseases of various systems and organs, including this procedure helps with ophthalmological diseases.

There are four techniques of classical massage, which can go in any order, but must begin and end with stroking:

  1. Stroking movements.
  2. Rubbing with palms.
  3. Kneading movements.
  4. Patting or tapping.

Stroking is performed with the surface of open palms, which move from the lower border of the chest upward, to the base of the neck, and ends in the shoulder area.

The stroking movements should also be directed upward and to the sides, away from the spine. When massaging the cervical spine, the direction of stroking is the opposite (toward the spinal column).

This technique is performed with noticeable force, but should not be too strong so that the skin does not gather in folds.

Then rubbing is carried out, during which forces are acceptable, leading to the formation of folds under the hands of the massage therapist.

This technique can be performed in different directions, while each hand can move separately from the other, without maintaining symmetry and uniformity of movements.

After several such movements, kneading can be done with both the palm and fists, pressing several times on each area.

One pressure should take from one to three seconds. The direction of movement of the hands when kneading is from the spine to the sides.

The exercises end with light pats, which should cover the entire back, and the patient, at the end of the procedure, must perform ten circular eye movements in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction.

This massage has the effect of improving visual acuity after a month, during which the exercises are performed three times a week.

Eye massage for myopia: how to do it?

Before starting an eye massage, it is important to increase blood circulation in your palms - to do this, you should rub them together for half a minute. Massaging is performed using classic massage techniques, involving stroking the eyelids, kneading and rubbing. So, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Close your eyes and do palming to relax your eyes. Cover them with your palms to prevent light from entering, and try to relax all your facial muscles as much as possible. The duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.
  2. Repeat the previous manipulation, increasing the pressure of your palms on your eyes (but do not overdo it!).
  3. Make fists with your hands and rub your eyeballs without applying too much pressure.
  4. Close your eyes and massage them with the back of the 2nd phalanges of your thumb, applying slight pressure. Move in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat 15 times.

Please note that your eyes should not get tired during the massaging process. Upon completion of simple exercises, perform 5 minutes of palming or blinking for 30 seconds.

Shiatsu massage

Shiatsu massage (acupressure of the eyes to improve vision) originated about a hundred years ago in Japan and is based on the principle of applying pressure to various key points of the body (acupuncture).

During the process of such influences, metabolic processes in the body are activated, and when working with the facial area, the blood flow of the eye vessels begins to improve.

According to the theory of Takuhiro Nakimoshi, the creator of this massage, there are ten points on a person’s face, massaging which helps improve vision.

In addition to improving vision, such exercises can normalize eye pressure, tone the eye muscles and relieve fatigue.

Shiatsu massage is performed as follows:

  1. The tips of the ring, middle and index fingers must be placed on the upper edge of the eye socket (this is where the upper eyelid begins), but so that the fingers rest against the bone above the eye itself. For seven seconds, it is necessary to press the bone from bottom to top, without touching the eyeball. Then the same pressure is applied to the lower part of the eye socket.
  2. The ring, middle and index fingers are positioned so that all three fingers are on three points of the eyebrow: at the beginning, end and middle. In this position, pressure is applied for seven seconds.
  3. Place your index finger on the outer corner of your eye, and your middle finger on the inner corner. Using two fingers, alternate pressure is applied to the corners of the eyes for seven seconds, after which the procedure is repeated for the second eye.
  4. Finally, use the tips of three fingers folded together to apply pressure on the temples for seven seconds.

Before performing such a massage yourself, you should consult a doctor, since the shiatsu technique is contraindicated for infectious ophthalmological diseases, glaucoma and low blood pressure.

Types of massage

Depending on the massage techniques, methods of influence and results, there are several classic, acupressure, lymphatic drainage, shiatsu and hardware eye massage. Before exposure in any way, it is necessary to prepare the skin and hands:

  • remove makeup from the face, the secretion of the sebaceous glands with micellar water or wash with cleansers;

    Removing eyelid makeup

  • wash your hands with soap and running warm water;
  • relax your facial muscles with eye exercises;
  • warm up your hands through active friction.


The classical technique activates the receptors of the eye zone. It should begin by warming up with palms folded into a bowl shape, which should be placed on the eyes for a few seconds. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times. After this, repeat the technique 5-6 times, only with straight palms. During contact of the eyeballs and hands, apply light pressing movements. At the final stage, rub your eyes with your hands gathered into a fist up to 7 times.

Massaging the eyes with your palms

It is important that during a classic massage all movements are smooth and avoid strong pressure.


There are many points on the human body where blood vessels and nerve endings are concentrated. By influencing them, you can influence the functioning of organs, cure and prevent many diseases. For eye massage, 6 points on the body are used. They are affected by fingers using pressure, pulsation, and circular movements.

The first point is located in the middle of the upper eyelid between the eyeball and eyebrow. It is massaged for 5-7 seconds up to 10 approaches.

The second point is in the center of the lower eyelid. Impact on this area is responsible for the functioning of the lacrimal canal. The processing time for the point is 3-5 seconds. The exercise is performed up to 10 times.

To find the third point, you need to visually divide the eyebrow into two parts. The active spot is in the middle of the half, which is located closer to the outer corner of the eye. It is necessary to influence it with light pressure in 10 approaches of up to 10 seconds each.

Active points to relieve eye fatigue

The fourth and fifth points are located on the outer and inner corners of the eyelids, the work of which should not exceed 3 seconds with the number of approaches no more than 7.

To massage the sixth active point, you need to close your eye and lightly press on the center of the eyelid for 10 seconds.

The last point on the face responsible for vision is the middle of the line drawn between the cheekbone and ear. The impact on it lasts up to 10 seconds. Number of approaches – up to 15.

In addition to active points on the face, massage therapists use points all over the head to improve vision, relieve tension, and prevent eye diseases. Here are a few of them:

  • behind the ear between the lobe and the hairline;
  • in the center of the frontal region;
  • at the junction of the parietal bone and the frontal part;
  • above the first vertebra.

There should be no pain or discomfort during the procedure, otherwise the intensity of pressure should be reduced.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage for puffiness under the eyes

This type of massage is needed to improve blood flow and lymph flow, which makes it possible to:

  • cope with signs of aging in the skin around the eyes;
  • relieve swelling of the eyelids;
  • increase endurance;
  • prevent visual impairment.

The lymphatic drainage massage algorithm is as follows:

  • massaging with light pressure on the lower and upper eyelids with the pads of the index and middle fingers in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise for 1 minute;
  • pressing with four fingers of the palm for 5-7 seconds, first on the lower, then on the upper eyelid;
  • patting with fingertips around the eyelids from the outside to the inside for 30 seconds;
  • rolling with a vertically placed finger from the outer corner of the eye socket to the middle of the bridge of the nose along the upper and lower eyelids, eyebrows, the number of trips is from 5 to 10;
  • rolling a finger from the outer corner of the eye to the inner along the upper and lower eyelids with light pressure;
  • massaging in a circular motion with pressure from the temporal region along the superciliary arch to the inner corner of the eye, along the lower cheekbone back to the temporal region;
  • relaxing the skin around the eyes, cheekbones, and brow ridge with light tapping with your fingertips.

Rubbing the area around the eyes with an ice cube

Upon completion of the lymphatic drainage massage, it is recommended to rub the treated area with an ice cube with herbs or wash with frequent changes of hot and cold water. It is important that contrast showers begin and end with cold.


Shiatsu is a Japanese eye massage technique based on acupuncture to improve vision. Involves influencing active points of the body. Helps improve local metabolic processes and increase blood flow.

The creator of shiatsu, Takuhiro Nakimoshi, claims that there are ten active points on the face, the impact of which helps improve vision, increase the tone of the eye apparatus, cope with fatigue, and prevent cell atrophy.

Shiatsu massage is performed in accordance with the following algorithm:

  • Place the index, middle, and ring fingers on the upper edge of the eye socket, pressing on the bone from bottom to top for 10 seconds. Apply the same effect to the lower edge of the orbit. During manipulation, the eyeball should not be touched.
  • Place the index, middle, and ring fingers at the end, middle, and beginning of the eyebrow, and simultaneously press on the points for 7 seconds.
  • Place your index and middle fingers on the outer and inner corners of the eye, alternately pressing on the active points for 5-7 seconds.
  • Use your index, middle, ring and little fingers to simultaneously press on your temples for 10 seconds.

Shiatsu massage can harm people with glaucoma, hypotension, and infectious pathologies during the acute phase of the disease.


Hardware massage involves the use of devices to massage the eye area and the skin around them. For this purpose, special glasses or masks are used, which are fixed on the face due to their anatomical shape.

Hardware massage of the eye area

Hardware massagers are the result of collaboration between American and Chinese scientists. They do not cause allergies, as they are made of hypoallergenic materials, and the soft effect eliminates mechanical damage to the skin and eyes.

There are several types of hardware eye massagers:

  • Acupuncture glasses are glasses with soft silicone rubber bands inside, which during operation affect the skin around the eyes, thereby improving the flow of blood and lymph. It has a warming, tonic and rejuvenating effect.
  • Acupuncture-magnetic - the device, similar to an acupuncture device, has rubber bristles that normalize muscle tone, stimulate blood and lymph flow, and improve metabolic processes. Magnetic impulses emitted by the glasses affect the tissues of the eyeball, restore them, and help cope with visual defects.
  • A spa massager is used for cosmetic purposes to tone the skin around the eyelids, thereby eliminating fine expression wrinkles.
  • An ultrasonic massager is used to improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids, as well as to correct vision in various ophthalmological pathologies. Ultrasound also helps to cope with eye diseases of inflammatory etiology.
  • A vacuum massager is a type of goggle that operates using differential pressure. Stimulates blood flow, improves metabolism. Designed for vision correction and prevention of eye diseases. In addition, it helps cope with puffiness, fatigue, and fine expression wrinkles.

    Eye Massager

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