Diseases and disorders
The eye diseases conjunctivitis and stye have similar symptoms, so they can be confused.
Published by: Laima Jansons The organs of vision, protecting themselves from pathogenic influences or adapting to them, respond
The difference between myopia and astigmatism cannot always be understood even by a person who has encountered
Laser vision correction is one of the simplest and yet very effective methods.
Local side effects What local side effects can the drug "Midrimax" (drops) cause? The instruction informs
With the natural aging of the body, a number of diseases accumulate in a person after seventy years, including
Description Amblyopia is a physical condition of a person when one eye does not see at all, or sees
In pigmentary glaucoma, both eyes are affected. In this case, the pigment is washed out from the epithelial cells
Severe myopia, or myopia, begins with a deterioration in the visibility of objects at a distance from an indicator of
Sometimes parents find a small reddish spot on the skin of newborn babies. It could be