Diseases and disorders
General information No one is immune from a black eye that is of traumatic origin. Similar
Reasons for the appearance of a seal on the eyelid All ophthalmological diseases have different etiologies. But there are factors
What types of cataracts are there? Cataracts are classified by location: In the photo there are types of cataracts: 1 - anterior
One of the most frequently identified ailments that are diagnosed in prematurely born babies is
Types and degrees There is an extensive classification of myopia in ophthalmology, there are degrees of development of this disease.
Every person knows about such a problem as barley (hordeolum). But not everyone has encountered
Symptoms of eye allergy Signs of an allergic reaction usually develop within 2–5 minutes after exposure
Author: Zoya Viktorovna Kozharskaya, ophthalmologist at Butovo salons, Central Children's Medical Center Author: Anna Grigorievna Estrina, ophthalmologist at the salon
How to find conjunctivitis according to the ICD In the international classification, conjunctivitis corresponds to code H10. Wherein,
Description Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Damage to the nasal mucosa and conjunctiva resulting from contact with the cause