When there is a headache and red eyes the reason


The main causes of headaches, which are accompanied by redness of the eyes:

  • migraines – this causes panic, fear, sensitivity to light;
  • sinusitis - pain is localized not only in the sinuses, but also in the frontal part;
  • neoplasms in the brain - decreased performance, memory impairment, decreased concentration;
  • increased intracranial pressure - accompanied by severe pain;
  • meningitis - with this disease, the membranes of the spinal cord and brain become inflamed;
  • hematomas of the head - this is caused by injuries and blows.

Headache and red eyes: reasons, what this can mean, how to help a child and an adult

After a busy day at work, many people complain of discomfort in the head, pain in the eyes, and general weakness. Headache and red eyes are signals from the body that require examination by a doctor, since before starting treatment it is necessary to find out the cause of their appearance. Associating these far from harmless signals with ordinary overwork, a person does not pay attention to them.

However, this problem cannot be ignored. The anatomical structure of the ocular apparatus is complex, and the optic nerve directly connects it to the brain. Unpleasant sensations can appear either due to an external stimulus or due to an internal problem.

Migraines and red eyes are common symptoms in medical practice that indicate a common cold or more serious illnesses.

The main reasons why your head and eyes hurt at the same time

There can be many reasons why you have a headache and it is painful to move your eyes. It is possible that the malaise is a consequence of spending a long time in a stuffy room or working at a computer for a long time. In this case, the discomfort goes away quickly if you rest a little and go out into the fresh air.

There are also more serious reasons. If your head hurts for a long time and there is pressure in the eye area, in the back of the head, movements of the pupils are painful, the nature of the pain is pulsating, you should undergo an examination. The probable causes of pain are presented below.


Headache is the leading symptom in infectious and inflammatory diseases. Meningitis, an inflammation of the lining of the brain, is especially dangerous.

Pain occurs due to increased secretion of cerebrospinal fluid and swelling of the meninges. I want to sleep, apathy arises, it becomes cloudy, my mood disappears.

This serious illness requires immediate hospitalization. Home regime is excluded, otherwise death is possible.


Excessive tension is one of the main reasons why pressing pain occurs in the orbital area. In most cases, this is due to prolonged work at the computer, stress and nervous fatigue.

In severe cases, general weakness, nausea, and dizziness occur. The eyes turn red, the conjunctiva becomes irritated, which is accompanied by lacrimation and dryness.

Tired eyes

Fatigue can also cause persistent cephalgia, which radiates to the left or right eye. This may be due to incorrectly selected lenses or glasses.

When the eyes see poorly, they are forced to constantly strain and get tired quickly. The eyes become watery, red, dizzy, and may even feel nauseous. Correctly selected optics will help get rid of the symptoms.

Then the veil will fall, the feeling that sand has been poured into them will go away, and it will immediately become easier.

Sinusitis, sinusitis and sinusitis

There is a unilateral headache arising from the side of the affected sinus. It hurts from the inside behind the right or left eye, respectively, it compresses the area of ​​the temples and the frontal part, nasal congestion, swelling of the face, and high temperature are observed.

Elevated temperature always indicates an inflammatory process, so this condition requires treatment. You should visit an otolaryngologist to avoid complications.

Migraine pain

During migraine attacks, the pain is localized on one side, affecting the temple, back of the head and eye area.

It can hurt separately on the left or right, and is characterized by visual disturbances, distortions, goosebumps, blinking and flickering before the eyes.

During a severe attack, it is painful to look at the light, it begins to feel nauseous, chills, dizziness, fear of noise, jitters, nausea and vomiting. This condition can last up to 3 days.

Liquorodynamic disorders

In this case, the headache is accompanied by high body temperature, decreased heart rate, lack of appetite, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

The causes of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics disorders are various inflammatory processes occurring in the brain tissue, due to which the movement of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted:

Also, a similar problem can be a consequence of injuries to the back with damage to the brain and spinal cord.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cephalgia is a constant companion of cervical osteochondrosis. This disease is often diagnosed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

With constant immobility of the spine, it becomes deformed, pinching of nerve endings occurs, which leads to severe discomfort.


Such manifestations generally indicate the presence of serious illnesses. Headache, which is accompanied by redness of the eyes, rarely occurs without a reason. In this case, the patient experiences:

  • feeling of heat;
  • throbbing pain of different localization;
  • redness of the eyes and a feeling of heaviness;
  • the face turns red;
  • performance decreases;
  • Sensitivity to light appears.

If such symptoms develop, you should immediately consult a doctor. A thorough examination will be required. After determining the cause of such manifestations, the doctor prescribes treatment.


With such manifestations, you will need to be examined by the following specialists: a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, a therapist. Initially, a visual inspection is carried out. The doctor must examine the medical history and listen to the patient’s complaints. It is also necessary to exclude the presence of chronic diseases. For an in-depth diagnosis, the following examinations will be needed:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • MRI;
  • ;
  • measurement of intracranial and intraocular pressure;
  • gonioscopy.

After receiving the results, the doctor determines the diagnosis and prescribes drug therapy.


If you experience a sudden headache, red eyes, nausea or fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such signs may indicate a cold. This is the mildest disease that such symptoms may indicate. Colds can be easily cured at home. For this purpose, cold and antipyretic drugs are used.

If the temperature does not decrease and the symptoms worsen, then you should consult a specialist. Depending on the disease, drug therapy is prescribed. Homeopathic treatment is often used. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, and antispasmodics are also prescribed. Self-medication is strictly not recommended.

Headache and red eyes - reasons, what to do - About eyes

Headache is the most unpleasant symptom, especially if it is combined with other symptoms. One of them is redness of the eyes. Often the cause of this condition is ordinary overwork, when a person has worked at a computer for a long time. But sometimes headaches and red eyes are the result of dangerous diseases.


The brain is an organ that performs many different functions. It is connected to the eyes by an apparatus using the optic nerve. It has a complex structure and high sensitivity. This allows him to respond to the weakest impulses.

Eye pain is a reaction to certain external and internal irritating factors. It could be dust, bright light, cold air and others. When unpleasant sensations occur, the visual apparatus sends a nerve impulse to the brain. In the same way, headaches often cause discomfort in the eyes.

What to do

If you experience a headache and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, first of all you should eliminate stress, nervous tension, ensure peace and protect yourself from eye strain.

Urgently! In cases where symptoms do not go away or worsen, you should immediately consult a physician. After diagnosis, he can refer the patient to a specialist, such as an ophthalmologist or neurologist.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as this can cause serious complications, depending on the disease that caused the symptoms.

Homeopathic treatment

Therapy with homeopathic remedies is quite effective. The drugs used do not cause addiction or side effects. This is due to the fact that they contain only natural ingredients.

For redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and headaches, the following medications may be prescribed:

  1. "Gelsemium" . Indicated in cases where pain is localized in the temples and back of the head. Effective for red eyes.
  2. "Arnica" . Prescribed for headaches that are more intense in the morning.
  3. "Virgin" . Used for acute pain and redness of the eyes.
  4. "Ignacia" It is used to treat patients suffering from stabbing headaches.

The advantage of homeopathic medicines is that they can be used to treat pregnant women and children. They are not addictive, there are no side effects at all.

Conservative therapy

In order to eliminate headaches and redness of the eyes, the specialist treats the underlying disease, which caused the unpleasant symptoms.

Medications are also prescribed to relieve symptoms and improve the patient’s overall well-being. The patient may be recommended:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include “Ketanov”, “Ibuprofen”.
  2. Analgesics . Used to relieve pain. Tempalgin has proven itself well.
  3. Antispasmodic drugs . They help relieve vascular spasm, which caused headaches and redness of the eyes, “Drotaverine” or “No-shpa”.

To eliminate redness, eye drops are prescribed, for example, Visine.

When the cause of headache and redness of the eyes is an allergic reaction, taking antihistamines is indicated.

Headache and red eyes

Headache is often caused by overwork, nervous tension, stress, poor environment , and prolonged work at the computer. In some cases, it may be accompanied by redness of the eyes . The organs of vision are particularly sensitive, have a very complex structure and many nerve endings.

Photo 1: Pathologies of the visual organs can cause headaches, and vice versa, the eyes can react to internal problems with redness and other symptoms.

If your eyes are red and your head hurts

Symptoms such as red eyes accompanied by a headache should not be ignored , because they may be signs of the following diseases that require immediate treatment:

  • sinusitis;
  • meningitis;
  • brain tumor (both benign and malignant);
  • migraine;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • vascular aneurysm.

The patient experiences: throbbing pain in the head, while not only the eyes, but also the face turn red , the patient experiences a feeling of heat.

There are a number of other causes that cause headaches and red eyes. The most common among them:

  • high blood pressure;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • vascular aneurysm.

Redness of the whites of the eyes can cause complications after infectious diseases : flu, sore throat, etc.

A doctor can diagnose acute dacryoadenitis , which, in addition to redness of the eyes and headache, is accompanied by sore eyes, fever and swelling of the eyelids.

Photo 2: Various conjunctivitis, for which red sclera is one of the main symptoms, can cause a headache and be accompanied by discharge from the eyes.

Often headaches and red eyes indicate alcohol abuse .

The eyes may also turn red during painful migraine attacks .

It is important! The cause of a severe headache and redness of the eyes may be disturbances in the human autonomic nervous system, as well as the patient’s pre-stroke condition.

Red eyes and headache: what to do

The first thing you need to do when these symptoms appear, even before visiting the doctor, is to limit yourself from stress, nervous and tense situations and ensure complete peace .

If after this the symptoms do not go away, you need to immediately contact a specialist (neurologist, ophthalmologist and therapist).

Remember that determining the cause of headaches and red eyes at home is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. A medical examination and diagnosis will help you.

After establishing the causes, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Headache and red eyes - causes, treatment

Many people complain of red eyes and headaches. Indeed, this pair of symptoms occurs quite often. Should I start worrying? Doctors recommend paying attention to the frequency of such pathological manifestations; if changes in the color of proteins and migraines appear frequently and for no apparent reason, then you need to seek help from specialists at a medical institution.


Increased levels of toxins in the body can lead to headaches and swelling of the eye vessels, which turn bright red. Pronounced symptoms indicate that poisoning has reached high levels. The causes of body pollution may be the following:

  • food poisoning;
  • increased accumulation of heavy metals;
  • contact with poisonous plants, berries or mushrooms;
  • insect and animal bites;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • frequent constipation, dysbacteriosis;
  • taking medications regularly.

In case of intoxication, headache and redness of the eyes may be accompanied by diarrhea, bloating, increased gas formation, nausea and vomiting. Patients complain of abdominal pain, colic, loss of appetite, and sudden weight loss.


High blood pressure often leads to a growing and throbbing headache in the temples and back of the head. Due to the sudden filling of the capillaries with blood, the eyeballs turn red, and an unpleasant sensation of heavy eyelids appears.

To detect hypertension, it is necessary to measure blood pressure with a tonometer throughout the day. If the upper pressure indicators exceed 140, and the lower pressure exceeds 90, then we can talk about the development of a disease of the cardiovascular system.

First of all, you need to give up salty, fatty and spicy foods. A balanced diet and a lack of stress will help reduce high blood pressure. It is recommended to drink more pure still water, walk in the fresh air, and engage in light physical exercise.

When to sound the alarm?

Headache and red eyes may be accompanied by additional symptoms. There are several signs that are dangerous to your health, which are a reason to consult a doctor:

  1. Morning headache. Even after a short sleep, a person feels better, his mind becomes clearer and heaviness worries him less. But if you feel severe pain in the morning, this may indicate a benign tumor or oncology.
  2. Sudden rupture of capillaries or sudden migraine. In most cases, the discomfort increases. Unexpected symptoms may indicate ruptured blood vessels inside the skull.
  3. Headache and redness of the eyes are accompanied by fever and fever . An increase in temperature indicates an infection or virus: sinusitis, meningitis.
  4. Weakness, uncontrolled appetite as accompanying symptoms. You need to check your blood sugar levels. Eye problems and headaches are often signs of diabetes.

What to do if a symptom occurs?

If the headache does not go away even after restoring sleep and wakefulness, and the capillaries of the eyes remain red, it is necessary to take steps to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.

Drug therapy

To get rid of headaches, the patient is recommended to take analgesics in tablets or capsules. Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and drops to relieve puffiness and redness of the eyes.

Often, taking over-the-counter medications that do not cause side effects is sufficient. But in some cases, long-term therapy and individual selection of medications are required.

It is recommended to rest as much as possible, fill your lungs with oxygen, and eat fresh vegetables and fruits to enrich your body with vitamins.

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