The eyes of a modern person are exposed to significant stress every day. There are many reasons for this, but the main negative factor is the use of computers and electronic gadgets. As a result, visual acuity decreases, blood vessels burst, and dry eye syndrome develops. To minimize the negative impact on vision, special eye drops have been developed for dry and tired eyes. Which drops are better? On what principle do they work? We will list the best moisturizing eye drops and discuss other issues related to dry eyes below.
Dry eye syndrome
Every second person who consults an ophthalmologist about vision deterioration faces the problem of dry eyes. It is known that the vitreous body of the eye consists mostly of water, so its deficiency immediately affects visual acuity. Typical symptoms of dry eye syndrome are:
- redness of the mucous membranes and eyelids;
- burst blood vessels;
- burning;
- sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
- photosensitivity;
- decreased visual acuity;
- lacrimation.
Letting dry eye syndrome take its course is dangerous. If left untreated, the mucous membrane will dry out, which means it will no longer perform a barrier function. As a result, an infection may develop, which over time has a chance of becoming systemic, entering the bloodstream. In addition, if dry eye syndrome is not dealt with, visual acuity may not be restored.
Types of pathologies and causes of occurrence
Eye fungus is a group of diseases caused by mycotic microorganisms. Depending on the pathogen, the following types of this pathology are distinguished:
- Actinomycosis is common. Its development is provoked by fungi that live on the mucous membrane and in the human intestines, as well as in the body of animals, on some plants.
Candidomycosis. This disease is caused by Candida fungus. It exists in the body as an opportunistic microflora and in the environment.
- Aspergillosis. A moldy fungus present on the skin. It reproduces exclusively on mucous membranes.
- Sporotrichosis. Fungi of this form live in the soil, on plants, shrubs, moss and hay. The carriers of infection among animals are dogs and cats.
All these fungi can live on human skin and mucous membranes and not manifest themselves in any way. Their activation and reproduction occurs when the body’s defenses decrease.
The main causes of fungus DPS-1064:
- frequent stress;
- previous colds;
- use of other people's cosmetics;
- injuries, purulent diseases of the eyeball;
- neglect of personal hygiene rules, recommendations for the processing and use of contact lenses.
There are about 50 varieties of fungus that can cause eye damage. It is impossible to independently find out the cause of the development of the disease: only a doctor can do this.
Factors contributing to its occurrence include:
- visiting a swimming pool, sauna or bathhouse;
- long-term or improper use of medications: antibiotics, corticosteroids, cytostatics;
- staying in dusty, unventilated rooms (library, warehouse);
- genetic predisposition;
- living in poor sanitary conditions;
- performing work that involves contact with sources of infection;
- drinking alcoholic beverages;
- malnutrition.
Anyone can get a fungal eye infection. But the likelihood of developing pathology is much higher in those who have:
Diabetes mellitus
diabetes mellitus;- bronchial asthma;
- immunity deficiency (people with HIV infection, AIDS);
- chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
- oncological diseases;
- fungus on the face DPS-1088 (infection can spread to the mucous membrane of the organs of the visual system);
- weakened immunity due to undergoing courses of chemotherapy, surgery (organ transplant).
The risk group also includes:
- drug addicts;
- agricultural workers;
- employees of weaving and spinning enterprises;
- people working in the food industry;
- veterinarians;
- staff of swimming pools, saunas, baths, fitness clubs;
- florists;
- animal trainers.
The disease is diagnosed in both children and adults. In childhood, the disease is more severe. It is important to be able to recognize its first signs and consult a doctor in time.
Sergey: “Ocular candidiasis is a terrible thing. The causative agent of this disease is most common in countries with hot climates, but it is everywhere, including in our latitudes.
If you do not follow basic hygiene rules, do not wash your hands after going outside or touching animals, and if you touch your eyelids, you can easily spread fungus into your eyes. Apparently, this is what happened in my case. Now I’m undergoing treatment.”
Who should use eye drops?
Dry eye syndrome can develop for a variety of reasons. Let's consider the main ones:
- Wearing contact lenses.
Wearing contact lenses leads to an increase in the area that must be washed by tear secretion when blinking, since the lens must be wetted both from the side of the eyelid and from the side of the cornea. If the volume of tears is not enough, dryness of the eye may develop, burning and stinging may occur. To wear lenses comfortably for a long time and not get tired of them, you should use hypoallergenic moisturizing eye drops without preservatives.
- Insufficient water consumption.
We all know that we need to drink 1.5-2 liters of drinking water daily. If this is not done, the water balance in the body may be disrupted, which will lead to dry eyes. To get rid of the problem, you need to use the best moisturizing eye drops, and also be sure to establish a drinking regime.
- Temperature fluctuations and dry air.
With the beginning of the heating season, indoor air humidity can drop to 30%, which is very uncomfortable for the eyes. In addition, the eyes experience stress when there is a sharp change in temperature. If, due to circumstances, you have to stay in a room with dry air for a long time or move into rooms with temperature differences, use the best moisturizing drops for dry eyes that will help get rid of the unpleasant sensations.
- Use of electronic devices, prolonged reading.
When using a computer or electronic gadgets, the eyes are constantly under strain. This is due to the fact that it is more difficult for the brain to process frequently changing information, and a person blinks less often so as not to miss anything. As a result, the cornea is less moistened with tear secretion, discomfort appears, and you want to rub your eyes. A similar effect occurs with prolonged reading, writing and other visual stress.
- High dust content.
If your work involves being in very dusty conditions, you need to take care of eye protection. But even then, they get so much dust that irritation and tearing can occur. Moisturizing eye drops will help solve this problem.
- Elderly age.
In people over 60 years of age, the mechanism for producing fatty secretion, which is responsible for the stability of the tear film, may malfunction. Age-related weakening of the immune system, any previous surgeries and many ophthalmological diseases also cause problems.
The best drops for cataracts
The active substance of such drugs slows down the clouding of the lens. With their timely use, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the metabolism of the eyeball is activated. Today, modern drops postpone surgery to replace the lens with an artificial lens for a long period. Among the 7 drugs, the 2 most popular among users are presented below.
Oftan Katahroml
The medicine can be used at any stage of the disease, as well as for overstrain of the eye muscles. This is especially true for people who spend most of their time sitting in front of a computer monitor. Drops are often purchased by people suffering from myopia. Naturally, you shouldn’t place high hopes on them. The solution will relieve discomfort and reduce symptoms, but will not be able to completely cure the disease itself.
- No addiction;
- Availability;
- Economical consumption;
- Suitable for patients of any age;
- No side effects.
- Cannot be combined with any contact lenses.
The solution stimulates restoration processes in tissues and prevents the development of cataracts.
This taurine-based drug is actively used to treat many eye problems, including cataracts. The medicine activates metabolism in tissues, resumes their repair and resists the process of clouding of the lens.
- Can be used by patients with hypersensitivity;
- Does not cause allergies;
- Combined with wearing lenses;
- No contraindications.
- Insufficient testing of the drug.
Taufon restores damaged tissue cells, stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and prevents lens dystrophy.
Systematics of eye drops
The following types of eye drops are available:
- Aminoglycosides. Pharmacological properties are based on interaction with cells (in this case, fungal cells). Such drops are safe, they do not cause any harm to health and are a means of combating pathogenic microflora.
- Fluoroquinolones. Drops of this type are highly active against gram-positive bacteria. They have an immediate therapeutic effect. But they must be used with extreme caution, since the active substance, along with the blood, is distributed throughout the body. However, these types of drops are really effective. They fight bacterial and fungal infections with equal success.
- Drops based on chloramphenicol. An antibiotic that disrupts the processes of protein synthesis in the cells of bacteria and fungi, changing them at the DNA and RNA level. These drops have very few side effects. The price is usually commensurate with the quality. In particularly advanced cases, this group of drugs will be useless.
Rules for using drops
There is a special classification of antifungal eye drops according to diseases. However, all of them must be used in accordance with the rules:
- Dosage. Elementary, but important to remember. The active substances of the drops, in case of an overdose, can create a favorable atmosphere for even greater development of the fungus.
- Hygiene. Before instilling drops, you must wash your hands, rinse your eyes and remove all moisture.
- Maintaining temperature conditions. If the drops need to be stored in the refrigerator, it is important to remember that they must be warmed to room temperature before use.
- Proper use. You need to throw your head back, carefully squeeze out a drop without touching the bottle to your eye. Afterwards, you need to close your eyelids and massage gently, without rubbing or squinting.
Taxonomy by influence
Antifungal eye drops, like antibacterial drugs, are divided into fungicidal and fungistatic based on their effect on pathogenic agents. The first include natamycin, ketocanazole, mikazol and others. Fungistatic drugs include drugs like nystanine. Not all of the listed drugs can be produced in the form of drops.
However, this is precisely an extremely convenient form of using the drug. Very few drops for fungal infections are produced directly. Typically, this group of drugs has a wide spectrum of action.
Diagnosis and treatment
To confirm the presence of fungus, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. First, the doctor examines, collects anamnesis and complaints of the patient. After this, the following laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed:
tests: microscopic examination of material taken from the eyelids or eyes, PCR and culture on a special medium;- ophthalmoscopy;
- ultrasound of the eye;
- CT scan;
- electroretinography;
- measurement of intraocular pressure;
- fluorescein angiography.
Once diagnosed, it is important to begin treatment immediately. A long-term course of a fungal infection can provoke irreversible changes in the tissues of the eyeball: retinal detachment, vascular thrombosis. The presence of all these complications significantly reduces the effectiveness of antifungal therapy and the likelihood of restoring vision and saving the affected eye.
Basic principles of therapy
The doctor decides how to treat the disease after receiving the examination results. But therapy should be aimed at:
- suppression of the activity of the pathogen;
- destruction of cells of pathogenic microorganisms;
- prevention of complications.
Depending on the stage of the pathology and the general well-being of the patient, the following are prescribed:
- medicines for oral administration (tablets against fungus DPS-1073);
- preparations for topical use: antifungal ointments DPS-1072 and gels, eye drops.
If treatment is ineffective and the fungus has spread to all parts of the organ of vision, they resort to surgery: cornea transplantation, removal of the vitreous body or eye.
During treatment, it is important to always follow the rules of personal hygiene. Before touching your eyes, you must first wipe your hands with a sterile cloth or treat them with an antiseptic. This will reduce the risk of re-infection and complications.
Antifungal eye drops
The use of eye drops is effective in the initial stages of the development of the disease. The choice of drug is made by the doctor depending on the causative agent of the disease. Most often prescribed:
- Ketoconazole - has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect: it destroys the membranes of fungal cells, causing its death. Effective for candidiasis, eye aspergillosis.
Spectrum of action of drugs
Also used for the following diseases: trichophytosis, microsporia. Available in the form of ointments and tablets. Ketoconazole emulsion is used to treat fungal eye infections. Possible side effects from its use: local irritation.
- Nystatin is available in the form of an injection solution and ointment. Used to treat lesions caused by fungi of the genus Candida and Aspergillus. It is not prescribed for long-term use: pathogens quickly develop resistance to the drug.
The main advantages of Nystatin are low toxicity, minimal likelihood of side effects and their reversibility. In addition, this antifungal agent is not contraindicated in children.
Fluconazole (Fluzamed) - recommended for candidiasis of various localizations, cryptococcosis and for the prevention of fungal infections during treatment with cytostatics and radiation therapy, after organ transplantation and in other cases when the immune system is suppressed.If the eyes are damaged by fungi, a 0.2% solution of the drug is used. It is instilled into the conjunctiva once a day. The dosage is determined individually. For the treatment of eyes, Fluconazole is not prescribed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to its components, or under the age of 16 years.
The drug is usually well tolerated, but a short-term decrease in vision clarity may occur. Therefore, immediately after taking it, it is recommended to stop driving and operating complex machinery.
Anastasia: “When my eye turned red and started to hurt, I went to the doctor. Keratitis was diagnosed. It can be different. I was diagnosed with a disease of fungal etiology. Where did he come from?
It turns out that this form of keratitis develops against a background of weakened immunity, for example, after taking antibiotics. A month ago I was treated for gynecology: for 2 weeks I took exactly these drugs (they were very strong). Fortunately, Fluzamed drops helped me heal my eye.”
- Amphotericin. This drug is quite effective, but has a drawback - side effects. Immediately after its use, itching and burning occur. In addition, drops do not always penetrate into the deep layers of the affected area of the eye.
For this reason, their use is usually recommended for superficial infections. An analogue of this drug is Akromycin. It is available in the form of an ointment. For eye fungus, it should be placed under the eyelid. Frequency of use – 3-5 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of organ damage.
Miconazole. This remedy is presented in the form of tablets, ointment, gel for oral administration and liquid for external use. To treat fungal eye diseases, a 1% solution is used (it is injected into the conjunctival sac) and 2% Miconazole ointment.The drug slows down metabolic processes in fungal cells, inhibits the synthesis of its RNA and DNA, and provokes its death. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women or people with congenital liver dysfunction. When applied topically, the following may occur: burning sensation, allergic reaction. But such cases are rare.
- Okomistin. Used for inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by fungi, chlamydia and viruses. The dosage of the drug for adults is 3 drops, for children under 12 years old – 1-2 drops. Frequency of use – from 4 to 6 times a day. Duration of treatment – up to 2 weeks.
This antifungal drug usually does not cause side effects. In rare cases, a burning sensation may occur in the eye immediately after application, but this will subside within 15-20 seconds. The drug is not prescribed if you are hypersensitive to its components.
Nikolay: “I’ve been testing for Candida from the conjunctiva for 4 years now. This fungus is discovered every time. I have tried many eye drops. Nothing helped until I started using Okomistin. The doctor prescribed its use to me.”
- Natamycin - recommended for eye damage from aspergillus, mold and yeast. The active substances of the drug penetrate the cells of pathogenic microorganisms and cause their death. As a rule, no side effects are observed when using such a drug.
The maximum duration of treatment with anti-fungal eye drops is 4 weeks. In order not to cause addiction, the dosage of medications is gradually reduced. To assess the effectiveness of therapy during the period of their use, the patient should regularly visit the doctor.
It is prohibited to use all these drops on your own. Their incorrect use threatens to worsen the course of the disease and develop complications against it. Only a doctor can choose the correct dosage of the drug.
Groups of fungus drops
The following groups of fungal drops are distinguished:
- Polyene - created on a natural basis. Medicines of this kind do not contain artificial substances or chemical elements. These include: Natamycin, Nystatin, Amphotericin b.
- Triazoles are drugs from the azole group. They act as follows: the medicine penetrates the structure of the fungus. Destroys the cell wall. Blocks the proliferation of bacteria. These medications include: Fluconazole, Intraconazole.
- Imidazoles – Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole.
- Allylamines – affect the cell wall. Under the influence of medicinal substances, it becomes thinner and collapses. The fungus dies. An example is Terbinafine.
- Echinocandins act destructively on the functionality of the cell itself without penetrating inside. The cell stops reproducing, and over time the fungus dies. Example – Micafungin;
Drops for eye redness (cheap products can be no less effective) may belong to different groups, as they contain different active ingredients. Experts distinguish 3 main groups of medications.
Fund groups | Features of the impact |
Healing drops | These medications usually help eliminate redness caused by bacteria, viruses, and some other factors. Medicines may contain antibacterial agents and other ingredients that attack the cause of redness. They have pronounced properties, are prescribed only by a doctor and cannot be used without first identifying the provoking factor. |
Preventive medicines | Such drops usually contain components that have a positive effect on the cornea and mucous membranes of the eyes. They do not have a therapeutic effect, can be used in long courses if necessary, and are compatible with contact lenses. It is these medications that are used by patients who do not suffer from concomitant visual abnormalities, but who notice redness from time to time. |
Medicines with antiallergic properties | Such products may contain antihistamines, hormonal components, and antibacterial substances. Combination medications are often used, which contain several substances at once and are highly effective. |
Depending on the composition of the medications, single-component and combined drops are distinguished. The first contain only 1 component and act on a specific cause of redness. The latter have more pronounced properties and help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of even severe forms of pathological conditions accompanied by redness of the eyes.
Inexpensive anti-fatigue drops
Expensive medicines can always be replaced with cheaper analogues. Some products are similar in pharmacological action, but differ significantly in cost due to the fact that one is imported and the other is domestic.
Budget cost does not always mean poor quality. List of cheap drugs:
- Taurine;
- Hyphen;
- Licontin Comfort;
- Emoxipin.
The drugs have different purposes, dosages and frequency of use. It is recommended to always check with the pharmacy for cheap medications that can be used to relieve eye strain. But if possible, you should consult an ophthalmologist before purchasing.