How eyelid tattoos heal: stages of rehabilitation and care

Permanent eyelid makeup: post-procedure care

Considering such a topic as permanent eyelid makeup and post-procedure care, it should be noted that there are several types of tattooing:

  1. Makeup in the form of arrows is a clear line designed to emphasize the beauty of the eyes and make them more expressive. This type is considered the easiest to perform and requires minimal maintenance.

    Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

  2. Eyelid shading requires more experience from a specialist. creating a soft transition effect. There are also no difficulties in caring for tattoos.

    Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

  3. Long-term makeup in the interlash area promises to create a visual effect of thick eyelashes, which is applied along the natural contour of the eyes. This type does not form a crust and does not make the eyes feel tight.
  4. The most complex technique is called tattooing that imitates shadows. This type of makeup requires harmonious adherence to the norm so that the face has a well-groomed appearance without excesses. Care will be more thorough than in other types of tattooing.

    Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

In general, during the procedure, the delicate skin of the eyelids (lower and upper parts) is subjected to numerous injections with a special needle, therefore, microtraumas are formed that need care.

If permanent eyelid makeup was carried out in the interlash space, then the use of ointment during care after the procedure is inappropriate.

However, the thin and delicate skin of the eyelids is less damaged than the area of ​​the eyebrows or lips, so the healing process requires simple care and lasts faster.

Types of eyelid tattooing

There are 3 types of procedures, which are selected by the cosmetologist individually for each patient:

  • Interlash application. The space under the skin next to each eyelash of the eyelid is filled. The technique can be performed for both the upper and lower eyelids. The effect after the procedure occurs instantly, the effect lasts for many years. During the procedure, the cosmetologist must take into account the individual parameters of the patient’s eyes. After completing the method and skin care, you can additionally apply makeup, then the effect of lush eyelashes will be created.
  • Arrow. In this case, the pigment is also applied to the area under the skin, but is done in the form of a drawn arrow above the eyelashes, which a woman could apply herself. Unlike temporary makeup, such arrows will be long-term; there is no need to apply cosmetics daily.
  • Additional shading. The same technique for applying pigment is used, but the effect is created as after shading makeup. After completion of the procedure, the eyes will look impressive and expressive.

Types of eyelid tattooing
The type of tattoo is chosen by the patient herself. It depends on preferences, purposes of use and taste.

What to do in the first days after the procedure

At the first stage, after introducing the pigment into the eyelids, itching, swelling and minor pain will be observed. entire healing process takes about 28 days, but particular discomfort is observed in the first couple of days. At the same time, a micro-crust will cover the eyelids, which will peel off safely after 7-10 days.

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids
Permanent eyelid makeup: care after the procedure at first consists of wiping the eyelids with damp discs/wipes.

Eyelid care for the first time after a session consists of the following actions:

  1. Wipe the eyelids with damp cotton pads or wipes for the first 30 minutes, once a minute.
  2. Wipe once an hour with a damp cloth (without alcohol).
  3. On the second day there is no need to wipe the eyelids; only if the skin feels tight, you can apply Hydrocortisone (a thin layer with a cotton swab).
  4. Mechanical impact on crusts (scratching, picking, moistening) is prohibited.

Important to remember! For long-lasting and high-quality permanent eyelid makeup, post-procedure care must include compliance with all recommendations for the rehabilitation of injured skin.

Rules for washing and applying makeup after eyelid tattooing

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After the procedure, you cannot wash your face. It is strictly forbidden to wet the permanent area. If moisture gets in during cleaning, remove it with a paper towel. You can shower after the eyelid procedure, but you need to make sure that the tattoo area remains dry. The bathroom or visit to the bathhouse should be postponed. Due to the steam, the crusts can become moisturized and come off along with the pigment.

You should not apply cosmetics near the tattoo area for about two weeks. After this period, you should try not to use drugs with strong ingredients. To care for and remove cosmetics, use cotton pads and cotton swabs.

To be sure, decorative cosmetics for the eyelids should not be used for 2 weeks, or better yet, a month. On average, skin restoration takes 21 days. After this time, you can apply makeup without risk.

What drugs can be used to heal the eyelids?

In addition to Hydrocortisone, Bepanten ointment, known for its anti-inflammatory and healing effect, can be used externally . Also for dry wounds, the use of Solcoseryl ointment is indicative , which, along with Hydrocartisone ointment, is used as needed, but not less than 3 times a day.

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

If tattooing was carried out in the interciliary space, then the use of ointment is inappropriate.

Find out how to make eyebrows perfect: Popular brands of henna for eyebrows, how to choose, how to apply.

On the first day after tattooing, it is recommended to use antiseptics “Miramistim” and “Chlorhexidine” . Dipping a cotton swab into the solution, wipe the area of ​​the eyelids subjected to microtrauma.

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

Some masters recommend a simple and effective remedy in this case - fortified Vaseline, which is applied to a drying surface 4 times a day during the first week after the session.

Hormone-containing drugs are prohibited.

Care for arrows or shading

Swelling often occurs in the area of ​​the arrows, but not for long. In addition to the cold compress, you can take a diuretic for 5-7 days. Optimally – “Veroshpiron” (1 capsule 50 mg in the morning), “Hypothiazide” (12.5-25 mg in the morning). Furosemide should not be used because it is too strong.

Important! Diuretics disrupt the balance of potassium and magnesium. Together with them you need to take Asparkam (2 tablets 3 times a day) or Panangin (1-2 tablets 3 times a day).

If an allergic reaction occurs, which is not uncommon in the area of ​​arrows, you should take an antihistamine. Zodak does not cause drowsiness.

The specialist will recommend you a medicinal ointment for the eyelids. Please check the mode of use as it differs from the standard one.

After the procedure, be sure to instill eye drops against redness and infection. These can be “Albucid”, “Vizin”, etc. During the healing period, glasses are used instead of lenses.

How to remove swelling of the eyelids after permanent makeup

Often, after the pigment is introduced into the eyelids, swelling and redness of the disturbed area occurs. Approximately 60 minutes after the session, the swelling goes away, but the next morning it returns again .

The appearance of redness and swelling will depend on individual characteristics and the high-precision equipment used by the specialist.

To alleviate the condition, you can apply tetracycline eye ointment (1%) or special drops that imitate the composition of tears (Vizin, Vial, Vigamox, Systane Ultra) once.

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

If swelling does not go away within the first 24 hours, it is recommended to use medications.

Preparations and remedies for puffiness during eyelid care after permanent makeup procedures
Diuretics are necessary to remove excess moisture from the body.Antihistamines reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions and relieve specific symptoms.Dexameasone, Prednisolone – anti-inflammatory drugs-regulatorsDry ice is a home remedy that, to increase its effectiveness, is recommended to be created from decoctions of medicinal herbs.

What to do if eyelid swelling does not go away after tattooing

If you still cannot avoid problems and an eye infection occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. It will help eliminate swelling of the eyelids after permanent makeup and identify the cause of inflammatory processes.

If you still cannot avoid problems, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As a rule, the treatment regimen for eyelids after tattooing includes:

  • dry compresses made from a frozen herbal decoction wrapped in a cloth: it is important not to overdo it and not get your eyelids cold, otherwise stye may occur;
  • washing the eyes with herbal infusions (sage, chamomile, calendula);
  • use of antihistamines: “Tavegil”, “Suprastina”, “Cetirizine”; It is important that you are not allergic to medications;
  • to remove excess moisture, the doctor may prescribe Furosemide, Prednisolone (special care must be taken with these drugs);
  • the use of hormonal drugs in the form of ointments - hydrocortisone is most often used;
  • instillation of Dexamethasone drops into the eyes: this procedure is usually done every hour.

Some sources may also recommend the use of traditional medicine, such as applying tea bags to the eyes or applying hemorrhoid ointment to the eyelids. Even if these methods are effective and will help relieve swelling after tattooing, they are associated with serious danger in the form of additional complications. Therefore, you should not use them without consulting a doctor.

The doctor's recommendations will depend on the reasons that caused swelling of the eyelids after makeup. To get rid of eyelid swelling that occurs after permanent makeup as quickly as possible, it is recommended to strictly follow these instructions and not neglect the use of ointments and taking tablets. The right approach to treatment will help you quickly get rid of inflammation and restore your eyes after eyelid tattooing.

A competent choice of salons and tattoo artist can serve as a preventive measure. Otherwise, you may become infected and face serious health problems.


Swelling of the eyelids after the procedure of applying permanent eyeliner can be combated with the help of anti-allergy medications.

If swelling does not go away within the first 24 hours, it is recommended to use medications.

Among this medicinal group it is worth highlighting Tavegil, Fenistil, Suprastin, Cetrin, Claritin, Ketotifen . You should take medications only at the doses indicated in the instructions (usually 1 tablet per day is enough).

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

Recommendations from tattoo artists

The skin micropigmentation technique involves introducing pigment into the upper layers of the skin (0.5-1 mm). After the procedure, the ichor dries up in the area of ​​micropunctures and a crust forms, which prevents the pigment from reaching the surface and the penetration of infection into the dermis. If you immediately apply cream to this area, it will soften the skin and prevent crusts from forming. On the first day after the procedure, the tattoo area can only be wiped with antiseptic agents, for example, Chlorhexidine. Already on the second day, crusts will begin to appear and only after that you can lubricate your eyebrows, lips or eyelids with a product to soften the skin and exfoliate rough particles.

Diuretic medications

Diuretics help get rid of excess fluid in the body. By taking a tablet of Veroshpiron, Furosemide, Trifas, you can achieve the desired result.

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

On the eve of a beauty session, you should exclude black tea, alcohol, coffee and other drinks that can increase blood pressure from your diet. Also prohibited are salty, spicy and other foods that will force you to drink excessively.

It is important to know! Diuretics such as Furasemide can be used occasionally, as they are very effective drugs and can cause mineral deficiency in the body.

What do eyes look like after tattooing?

Don’t expect to see a “wow” effect immediately after the procedure. Since the paint is applied to the eyelid not with a brush, but with a needle, swelling of these areas is inevitable. The thinner the skin of the eyelid, the more pronounced the swelling will be.

But if you have patience, take proper care and do everything that the master said, the troubles in the form of swelling will quickly go away, the skin will recover and you will still be able to enjoy your renewed eyes.

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Posted by WAKE_UP__MAKEUP permanent (@wake_up__makeup_permanent) Feb 21, 2021 at 3:24 am PST

After eyelash tattooing, your eyes will not look like they did after makeup. Since the dye is introduced only along the eyelash growth line without protruding beyond it. The most inconspicuous type is the shading option, which is applied with a slightly blurred line.

Also be prepared for the fact that after the skin of the eyelids has completely healed, the color of the pigment will fade slightly and will not be as bright as immediately after application.

Using dry ice

Swelling and slight redness after the procedure of applying permanent eyelid makeup is a normal reaction of the body. With the necessary care, this unpleasant symptom will pass.

You can get rid of the appearance of tear-stained eyes on the second day by using cooling compresses and applying dry ice . Low temperatures force blood vessels to constrict, thereby reducing swelling.

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

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Rescue crystals must be placed in a cloth and applied to the inflamed eyelids for 10-15 minutes. In this case, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to provoke the formation of barley.

Note! Proper care ensures the disappearance of puffiness and swelling of the eyelids on the second day after the permanent eyelid makeup procedure.

How to remove a boring tattoo?

If the client does not like the result (color, shape) after permanent makeup, there are ways to correct it: in the salon or at home.

  • Camouflage. The procedure consists of the technician using special equipment to drive a flesh-colored pigment into the interlash space, which “will disguise the unsuccessful shade.
  • Electrocoagulation. This method is not very popular. The cosmetologist uses an electrocoagulator heated to the desired temperature to burn the pigmented skin with an electrode.
  • Dermabrasion (surgical removal). This procedure will help you get rid of an unsuccessful permanent tattoo in 1 session. The surgeon (cosmetologist), using a special diamond spray, excises the pigmented areas of the epithelium until the dye is completely removed.
  • Cryotherapy. When carrying out this procedure, the master uses a compress soaked in a solution of liquid nitrogen. Then the soaked fabric is placed temporarily on the pigmented skin until “ice” crusts form on the epithelium, which will fall off on their own after 2 weeks. The client is left with a small scar - with proper care, after a while it becomes less noticeable or disappears completely.

    Permanent makeup of the interlash space. Photo, how long it lasts, price, how it’s done

  • Laser removal. The safest and most popular method. A cosmetologist uses a laser beam to destroy the skin in which the pigment is located. Removal is carried out in several sessions. Duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  • Remover. The cosmetologist, using a special device filled with a suspension, penetrates the upper layer of the epithelium, thereby removing the coloring matter. The “magic” liquid consists of metal oxides that do not cause any harm to the circulatory system and blood vessels. Removal is carried out in several sessions.
  • Folk remedies. If, after unsuccessful permanent eyebrow makeup, the client no longer has confidence in the artists, then the tattoo can be taken home. Such procedures consist of daily application of compresses from:
  1. castor oil (the most effective method);
  2. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  3. “gruel” from a mixture of table and sea salt;
  4. vinegar essence;
  5. weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  6. celandine tinctures.

Permanent makeup of the interlash space is today a popular cosmetic service in salons, with the help of which any girl or woman can make her look bright and expressive for a long time. It cannot be washed off with water; it will not flow in hot weather.

Article design: Mila Friedan

When should you take Dexamethasone or Prednisolone?

If the swelling persists for more than 3 days, subject to following the recommendations for care and taking medications, you should consult a doctor.

The powerful synthetic drug Dexamethasone, which is a glucocorticoid compound that regulates mineral, carbohydrate and protein balance in the body, promises emergency assistance.

This drug is actively used in ophthalmic practice. The duration of use of the drug will depend on the clinical picture, from 3 to 30 days.

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

Prednisolone promises a similar effect. It is an antiallergic, immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drug used in ophthalmology (0.5% eye drops). Prednisolone instillations are carried out 2 drops 3 r. per day.

In the case of the acute phase of eye disease, it is permissible to increase the frequency of administration (every 2-4 hours).

Review of creams for healing permanent makeup

Complete restoration of injured skin occurs in 2-3 weeks. In each case, this period is individual and depends on the skill level of the master and the characteristics of the client. Post-care after tattooing the eyelids, eyebrows or lips is also important. It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the tattoo area with scrubs, alcohol-based cosmetics, tonics and lotions.

Also, you cannot use baby or any cosmetic cream to peel off the crusts. This is due to the fact that they contain moisturizing oils that negatively affect the pigment.

In order to get a high-quality tattoo result in a short period of time, you need to lubricate the damaged area with healing cream until the scabs come off on their own. The following healing and anti-inflammatory agents cope well with this:

- “Panthenol” - accelerates the process of restoration of damaged skin, relieves swelling and inflammation, guarantees the formation of crusts that prevent infection from entering the skin. This drug is applied to the tattoo area several times a day using a cotton swab. Thanks to the constant exposure to Panthenol, the crusts soften and gradually come off. However, it is important not to overdo it with the cream, as in this case the pigment may come off along with the crusts;

— “Boro-Plus” is a product created on the basis of plant components and has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. This ointment relieves itching, swelling and redness on damaged skin. When using Boro Plus, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test in advance, since plant components can cause an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the elbow and observe the skin reaction;

- "Levomekol" - suitable for healing tattoos, which are accompanied by the development of inflammation, swelling and even suppuration. This drug contains antibiotics, which quickly have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is applied to the permanent makeup area up to 4 times a day until the redness goes away;

- Tetracycline ointment - also contains an antibiotic that relieves inflammation and eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the tattoo twice a day. However, tetracycline ointment has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance to the components of the drug;

— “Fougera” — ointment is great for any tattoo area. The product contains vitamins A and D, which quickly regenerates the skin, eliminates swelling and redness, and prevents premature peeling of crusts. This ointment should be applied to the tattoo 3 times a day for 3 days;

— vitamin E is the simplest, but very effective remedy for regenerating skin damaged by tattooing. The drug in its pure form is applied to the tattoo area for 3-5 days after the procedure. It is worth noting that vitamin E is susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, so after applying it you should take care to ensure that UV rays do not reach permanent makeup.

You can learn about the features of tattoo care from the video:

Caring for permanent makeup after the procedure directly affects how long it will last. One of the main factors in permanent care is tattoo cream. You should not choose a product to lubricate damaged skin yourself, as this may negatively affect the result of the specialist’s work. It is best to let the artist himself advise what is best to lubricate the tattoo specifically in this or that case, depending on the individual characteristics of the client.

Tags: tattoos

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Does eyelid care after permanent makeup depend on the time of year?

A cosmetic procedure on the first day after permanent eyelid makeup requires proper care depending on the time of year.

Excess ultraviolet rays can significantly spoil the expected result. The presence of swelling and a short-term change in appearance is a natural reaction of the body, so you need to time the session so that in the near future there is no need to visit public places.

Permanent eyelid makeup. Care after the procedure, how to relieve swelling of the eyelids

If you need to go outside, be sure to wear sunglasses, a Panama hat or a cap to avoid burns .

dry ice crystals must be placed in a cloth and applied to the inflamed eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

In winter, it is mandatory to take antiviral drugs. Winter care for the permanent eyelid makeup area involves protecting it from hypothermia (snow, frost, rain). Sudden temperature changes should also be avoided.

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The question of the seasonality of a tattoo session is formal, subject to compliance with care recommendations.

Benefits of interlash tattoo

Benefits of interlash tattoo

Interciliary tattooing is a very popular procedure. This is explained by its numerous advantages over traditional cosmetics and the almost complete absence of consequences (if done well). Among them are:

  • visual increase and thickening of eyelashes;
  • resistance to external irritants: rain, snow, high humidity, tears, swimming, etc.;
  • the ability to stay on the skin from 1 to 5 years (unlike henna, for example);
  • visual correction of the width, cut, shape of the eyes;
  • consistency of beautiful appearance;
  • no need for daily professional makeup;
  • safety for health (dyes contain only natural substances);
  • Possibility of use by women with the most sensitive skin.

Despite the fact that the procedure has many advantages, it also has its disadvantages. They are mainly associated with the inexperience of the specialists, the presence of side effects and the painfulness of the procedure. In rare cases, tattooing may simply not be suitable for a person for individual reasons. To avoid disappointment with the procedure, it is important to determine in advance whether you need it. If yes, then you should choose the method of application and the tone of the pigment. This is done depending on the specific type of face.

Interciliary tattooing is ideal for women who have:

  • thin eyelashes, almost invisible on the eyes (thickens them visually);
  • light eyebrows and eyelashes (gives expressiveness to the look);
  • tight work schedule (allows you not to think about applying makeup every day).

Everyone should make a preliminary test to understand the upcoming changes. If a woman has dark skin and/or thick eyelashes, it is better for her to refuse the procedure. You still won’t achieve the desired result; it will be invisible. Blonde women or those with fair skin should be careful when choosing pigment. Otherwise, you can end up with charcoal or black outlines that will look unnatural to your eyes.

What not to do during the healing period of the eyelids after permanent makeup

Permanent eyelid makeup (care after the procedure) implies compliance with the following prohibitions:

  • to visit solariums, baths, swimming pools and to swim in various bodies of water;
  • keeping the eyelid area in a dry state and allowing microcrusts to crack;
  • It is unacceptable to peel off the crusts before they peel off on their own;
  • the use of decorative cosmetics is also prohibited (especially those containing alcohol, acids and hormones);
  • exposure to intense ultraviolet radiation without protection (glasses, Panama hat, cream);
  • alcohol consumption, significant physical activity are excluded;
  • use your fingers instead of cotton swabs to apply medications;
  • visit a beauty salon;
  • go to the dentist;
  • Fans of contact lenses should stop wearing them for a while.

The decision to get permanent makeup should not be spontaneous. You need to take a responsible approach to choosing a tattoo artist, otherwise an unsuccessful tattoo will have to be removed with a laser. Neglect of disinfection on the part of the master can cause serious consequences (infection with diseases).

You can not be disappointed with the results of permanent makeup after 3 weeks and have a well-groomed appearance for 2.5–3 years, provided you contact an experienced tattoo artist with a medical education, use high-quality pigment and follow all care recommendations.

What does IPiccadilly recommend?

We specialize in tools and materials for tattooing procedures, and we are the official representative and distributor of several well-known global brands, which means we have all the necessary qualifications to recommend certain products. In addition to the mentioned HEILE HEILE, we can recommend the healing cream “Srtong Rock“, a specialized healing cream after tattooing FOUGERA VITAMIN A&D OINTMENT, healing gel AD-WB, and others that professional cosmetologists can recommend for smearing eyelid tattoos.

Finally, let’s say: use the highest quality products, do not violate the specialist’s recommendations for care after eyelid tattooing, and the consequences after the eyelid tattooing procedure will bring you nothing but pleasures. The effect will please you for a long time. You won’t have to fuss with shadows, eyeliner and eyeliner in the morning. Just tint your eyelashes and the look is ready!

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