At what temperature should contact lenses be stored?

Safe use of contact lenses requires not only proper care, but also compliance with the required storage temperature. There is an opinion that it is better to store optical products in the refrigerator, since low temperatures prevent the appearance of bacteria and prolong their shelf life. In this article we will look at whether this is true.

Modern lenses contain a significant amount of water, so to maintain their properties they must be stored in a special container filled with a solution. Typically, products are supplied in a sterile saline liquid, which is similar in composition to human tears. It is recommended to store the products at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight.

It is not recommended to keep lenses in the refrigerator to increase their shelf life. This is due to the fact that at low temperatures the water contained in their composition crystallizes, which contributes to the destruction of the structure of vision correction products.

The storage conditions and expiration date of the product are clearly marked on the packaging. For example, if the manufacturer indicated the recommended storage temperature for lenses is +15 to + 25 °C, and you put them in the refrigerator even for one day, you will simply ruin your purchase. If a product is past its expiration date, it will not last long if left in low temperatures for a long time. You should not use an expired product - this may adversely affect eye health.

Shelf life of contact lenses in opened packaging

How long do lenses remain usable after purchase?
This question is often asked by those who purchased them, but for some reason do not wear them yet. Storage of contact lenses in the manufacturer's original packaging, provided that its integrity is not compromised, is allowed for two years. If an optic is stored in a package that has already been opened, the length of time it will remain wearable will depend on various factors. These are the temperature and humidity levels in the room, as well as the influence of sunlight.

As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the year and month until which it is permissible to store products in closed packaging. It is worth noting that this indicator means how long the lenses can lie in a solution, that is, in a blister filled with liquid, given that it is sealed. Even if there is only one day left before the end of the specified date, the products can be used. Because it sets a period during which it is necessary to remove optical devices from the factory liquid, and not throw them away.

There is also a distinction between the guaranteed service life of contact lenses. This is a completely different indicator, indicating how long you can wear optical products after you open the blister. Typically this period ranges from 2 weeks to 12 months or more, depending on the type of model. There are also one-day products designed for use within 1 day.

It is the safest and most hygienic, since during operation protein and lipid deposits do not have time to accumulate on its surface. One-day solutions are recommended for people with high sensitivity of the cornea and a tendency to allergies. These optical products will be appreciated by patients with an active lifestyle. They do not require maintenance with a solution - just put them on in the morning, and take them off in the evening and dispose of them.

Contact lenses: expiration dates of two types

  • Shelf life in original packaging (blister).
  • Allowable period of operation after the first opening of the package.

How long can lenses be stored after opening the blister?

The service life of contact lenses after removal from the original packaging depends on many factors, such as the manufacturing method, moisture level, thickness, etc. Planned replacement models have different durations of wear - their cost, as well as operating features, directly depends on this. It should be remembered that optical products can last the entire period of time guaranteed by the manufacturer only if the rules of storage and care are observed.

What is the guaranteed service life of lenses?

  • One-day models. They do not require maintenance using a multifunctional solution. Maximum safety for the eyes and easy to use. They have high oxygen permeability and moisture content.
  • Two weeks. Minimally susceptible to deposit formation. They are comfortable and safe to use, but at the same time they are cheaper than one-day ones.

  • Lenses for a month. The best solution in terms of price-quality ratio. They have a favorable price and excellent optical characteristics.

  • Quarterly models. A practical solution for those who are looking for contact correction products at a competitive price. Designed for use for 3 months.

  • Traditional - products with a longer replacement schedule (from six months or more). Beneficial from an economic point of view. However, they require additional cleaning due to the appearance of deep deposits.

Now you know how long contact lenses can be stored in the package, as well as after opening the blister.

After the guaranteed period of use has expired, optical products must be replaced with a new pair. Optics should be discarded prematurely if their surface is damaged, there is a clear deterioration in optical characteristics, or if discomfort occurs.

Usability of contact lenses

Despite the fact that lenses have their own expiration date, many are accustomed to wearing them until a burning sensation begins to appear in the eyes. This approach is fundamentally wrong and can cause irreparable damage to vision.

Let's figure out how much you can use devices to sharpen your vision.

The expiration date of lenses is usually indicated on the packaging and looks like this: first the year is indicated, and then the month until which they are valid. It should be understood that this period means how long vision improvement devices can be stored in solution before use.

Correct selection of lenses

The selection of colored contact lenses begins with a visit to the ophthalmologist, who will determine the diameter and curvature of the lens, and also check how correctly the lens fits on the eye. People who do not have vision problems should use products with zero optical power. If there is farsightedness or nearsightedness, only a doctor can determine the dioptres.

Expert opinion

Nosova Yulia Vladimirovna

Ophthalmologist of the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Of particular importance when selecting colored contact lenses is the natural color of the user’s iris. Those with light-colored eyes (blue, green, gray) can use almost any color and shade of contact lenses. It is much more difficult for people with dark eyes to choose - it is impossible to 100% predict what color the buyer will have, especially if tinted options are chosen.

For light eyes

Blue eyes contain a little natural pigment, so it can easily be covered not only with color, but also with tinted models. For dark blue eyes you will have to choose a more saturated shade.

Recommended palette for blue-eyed people:

  • gray - harmonizes with the natural color of the eyes, visually enlarges the pupil;
  • green - beautiful and bright;
  • brown - expressive emphasis on the eyes;
  • gold, yellow - attracts attention, an excellent addition for extraordinary personalities.

Green eye color is the rarest, but despite this, its owners are also not against experiments.

Recommended palette for green eyes:

  • blue - a gentle image;
  • blue - attracts attention with its saturation;
  • brown - gives a unique shade;
  • marsh, mint, jade, emerald - emphasizes the natural beauty of green eyes;
  • purple is an interesting, attention-grabbing image.

How to care for contact lenses

Daily care includes several successive steps:

  1. Cleaning contact lenses. It is carried out as follows. The lenses are placed on the palm of your hand, a few drops of a special solution are applied to them and gently rubbed over the entire surface.
  2. Washing with solution.
  3. Disinfection of lenses. The lenses are placed in a special container and completely filled with functional liquid, which must remain in it for at least 4 hours. The container must be closed. Also keep in mind that you should never use a used solution for disinfection.
  4. Storage is carried out using a special container and solution intended for these purposes.

Storage temperature

Lenses that are in unopened sealed packaging are stored at room temperature. They should be transported at temperatures from 5 to 45°C in a case protected from sunlight.

Storage method Shelf life
In a sealed container from the manufacturer before opening the package at a temperature of 5 to 45°Cno more than 2-3 years
After opening, before useSeveral months, it is better not to open the package until immediate use
In the refrigerator or freezerStorage is not permitted

How to store contact lenses without solution

Solutions for contact devices for vision correction are also different and differentiated depending on the frequency of use. They are daily, enzymatic, the frequency of use of which is once a week, and multifunctional.

Multifunctional solutions allow you to perform all necessary care procedures in one step, since they can act as a means of cleaning, lubricating, moisturizing and storing lenses.

If you are unsure whether a particular solution is suitable for your lens type, you should consult your ophthalmologist.

Sometimes there are situations when there is simply no multifunctional disinfectant liquid at hand, but the lenses nevertheless need to be removed. If this is exactly what happened to you, there are several relatively safe ways to cope with the situation.

  1. Using saline solution. This option is most optimal if you don’t have a special functional liquid at hand. The container or container in which you intend to store your devices must be thoroughly disinfected. To do this, the container is washed and boiled for 10 minutes. Then saline solution is poured into it and the lenses are immersed. Note that they must be completely covered with liquid. The field of this container is closed.
  2. Using eye drops. Placing the lenses in eye drops will help prevent them from drying out. However, since this product does not have disinfectant functions, they must be put on only after disinfection in a special liquid.
  3. Distilled water. If you don't have any saline solution or eye drops on hand, at worst, you can put the lenses in distilled water. However, remember, you can wear them only after disinfection in a purchased multifunctional solution.
  4. Brine. This liquid is similar in composition to saline solution, but its preparation requires precise proportions. In addition, it is absolutely forbidden to put on lenses after storing them in this homemade product without subsequent disinfection.

There are times when lenses need to be removed, but there is no disinfectant liquid on hand to store them. As a last resort, you can use some liquids that are not specifically designed for these purposes, but with minimal harmful effects on the structure of contact lenses.

Saline solution

One of the most common questions is: can contact lenses be stored in saline solution? When there is no solution specifically designed for this, you can use this storage method.

  1. Then the storage container is treated with a disinfectant composition and boiled for 8 - 10 minutes.
  2. Then it is dried, saline is poured in and optical products are immersed in it.
  3. This method can be used only temporarily, and at the first opportunity, change the solution to one specifically intended for this purpose.

Eye drops

It is also permissible to use eye drops if there is no multifunctional solution for storage. With this storage method, the optics will not be damaged, since the eye drops protect well from drying out and do not contain components with an aggressive effect on the structure.

Can contact lenses be stored in water? It is possible, but only as a last resort and on the condition that it must be distilled. Before they can be worn, they must be disinfected in a special solution.

Saline solution

Salt is added to the water and a liquid similar to saline is obtained. When nothing else is at hand, the optics are placed for temporary storage in such a solution. It is important to strictly adhere to certain proportions when making this liquid and not to put on lenses without special washing and disinfection.

What is the difference between lenses with diopters and without diopters?

Lenses without diopters differ from optical ones in that they can be used by those who do not need correction of visual perception. But this does not mean that you can just buy them and put them on. The diameter and radius of curvature must be adjusted to ensure that the lenses do not put too much pressure on the cornea or become dislodged.

Contact lenses without optics are a cosmetic accessory. Such products are used to change the appearance or disguise eye defects (for example, the absence of an iris, a cataract, bruises, and so on).

What can't be used?

  • Water. Both tap and boiled water cannot be used for temporary storage of optical instruments, since it contains a large number of bacteria.
  • Saliva. The opinion that you can wet your lenses with your own saliva at night is wrong; there are also plenty of microbes in it.
  • The absence of any liquid will lead to the lenses drying out completely and making them impossible to use further.

It is strictly forbidden to immerse lenses in the following liquids:

  • in any water except distilled (tap, boiled, mineral, bottled drinking, etc.);
  • in ophthalmic solutions not intended for contact lenses;
  • into micellar water;
  • into your own saliva.

There are a couple of discouraging points, right? Of course, I heard one story about 10 years ago: my friend’s aunt, in order not to throw away her fallen contact lens, carried it home in her mouth... But it’s better to buy a new one. Anyone who has ever treated bacterial conjunctivitis will probably agree with me.

In the end, there is another obvious truth - but for some reason not for everyone: you cannot store lenses without solution. Even in half an hour they will dry out and turn from auxiliary optical products into a direct threat to your vision.

So, if you suddenly run out of contact lens solution, the easiest and most correct option is to immediately buy a new one. If this is not possible, saline solution can be used as an emergency measure. If you don’t have access to a pharmacy, you will have to sacrifice moisturizing drops (almost the entire bottle will go away at once).

Lens color level

All pigmented lenses are divided into:

  1. Optical products of green or blue color and increased transparency. Often the manufacturer will add a little pigment to make the lens easier to see in the container. These lenses have virtually no effect on eye color.
  2. Beauty - the pattern does not completely cover the iris, but only adds contrast in some places.
  3. Tinted - they have a continuous pattern of medium transparency; they are more suitable for light eyes, as they enhance the natural color and make it more intense.
  4. Colored ones - have a slight transparency and can change the color of the eyes completely.
  5. With an enlarged iris - they complement the babydoll look and are used to give the eyes a doll-like appearance.
  6. Carnival - a wide range of different patterns.


Tinted lenses contain a small amount of pigment, which makes the eyes more expressive and beautiful.


They contain a lot of pigment and completely change the shade of the iris.

Crazy lenses

They have an unusual appearance. They can be divided into the following types:

  • plain - the surface of the lens is painted in any color - yellow, orange, red, etc.;
  • with drawings - some kind of print will be applied to the area of ​​the iris - a flame, an animal's eye, a cobweb - there are a lot of options;
  • neon - able to glow in the dark;
  • mirror - the lens is covered with reflective coating, they look extremely shocking.

Care Tips

In order to minimize the possibility of infection of optical devices, it is also necessary to be responsible for the container for their storage.

First of all, do not forget to regularly change it to a new one after a month of use. In addition, the container should be washed with a disinfectant liquid, not tap water.

Do not dilute the liquid in the container. It is always correct to pour new solution. Approximately once a week the container must be treated with boiling water or steam.

And finally, a few rules that, if followed, will help extend the life of your optical devices and avoid eye infections:

  • Lenses should be stored and washed only with a specialized solution.
  • Lenses should be left overnight in a container specially designed for this purpose. This will protect them from dust and various microorganisms, and also prevent dehydration.
  • You should not sleep in lenses. This increases the risk of infection.
  • If your appliances are damaged in any way or have expired, they must be replaced immediately.

Your brownie.

Our market offers many different formulations designed for storing and disinfecting contact lenses. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, all aspects are taken into account, including the shelf life of the solution, which can be from 24 hours to six months. You should also select a composition suitable for this type of product and the characteristics of the body in order to eliminate possible allergic reactions and eye irritation.

It is important to read and follow the instructions for use and maintenance. If products have reached the end of their shelf life, they should be thrown away. Also, do not drip optics cleaner into your eyes. It can be irritating and lead to eye inflammation. Therefore, for such purposes you need to use special eye drops.

  • Be sure to drain any remaining solution from the container after removing contact lenses.
  • It is necessary to rinse the tank with fresh disinfectant liquid each time.
  • After cleaning, you need to dry the container in a room with low humidity (place it upside down on a clean cloth).

By changing lenses on time, as well as carefully observing the replacement regimen and care rules, you can ensure maximum safety of your visual organs. Optical products will allow you to enjoy clear vision every day without causing discomfort. Remember that their selection should be made by an ophthalmologist after an examination.

You can profitably buy contact correction products on the Ochkov.Net website in just a couple of clicks. We guarantee you ease of ordering and fast delivery of products throughout Russia. We wish you successful purchases!

Summing up

How long can lenses be stored in solution after opening the package? The answer to this question is individual. Deadlines are determined based on the following factors:

  • type of optics;
  • composition of the product used;
  • individual vision characteristics.

It is recommended to first consult with an ophthalmologist, with whose participation the means of contact correction were selected. He will help you choose a composition for disinfection and cleaning, develop a scheme for its use and answer all your questions.

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