How to get rid of swelling, paint bags or sufas on the cheekbones of the face

The best way to get rid of bags on the cheekbones is with extended blepharoplasty or Cheeck-lift surgery, as well as liposuction and lipolysis. A noticeable, albeit temporary effect is provided by threads, contour plastic surgery, the introduction of lipolytics, and Dermahil. Hardware procedures also help: darsonval, fractional resurfacing, thermolysis.

If the problem is not too pronounced, you can use home methods: massage, gymnastics, compresses of green tea, sea salt, potato and cucumber masks, lifting creams, and sometimes Troxevasin or Troxerutin. It is also worth visiting a doctor to find out the cause of the problem. After all, it can occur at a young age, even in a child, not only because of genetics. But if this is not a sign of illness, swelling on the cheekbones does not threaten health.

Bags under the eyes: concept, causes of appearance

Eye bags, that is, swelling under the eyes on the cheekbones, are formed due to:

  • age-related thinning, sagging tissue;
  • anatomical features of the face;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (love of salty foods, alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise);
  • diseases.

They also occur in children, but in this case the cause is hereditary, and only sometimes problems with the kidneys, heart, or eyes. Adults may also discover a cosmetic defect after blepharoplasty, during the recovery period, or due to poorly performed intervention. Swelling in itself does not threaten health, but can be a signal of trouble with the heart, blood vessels, urinary system, and hormones.

What are bags, sufas on the face

Mask bags are fatty formations that appear through the skin in the cheekbone area in the form of swelling. The problem has other names: zygomatic edema, hernia, sufa, lymphostasis. Outwardly, it looks like stagnation of fluid, which is why two descending, deepening lines are formed under the eyes, and triangular elevations between them.

In fact, sufs on the face are the result of the accumulation and growth of adipose tissue, weakening and sagging of the skin. Although swelling can appear at a young age, even in children. After all, this is not a disease, but an anatomical feature that leads to a cosmetic defect.

Reasons for appearance

Bags on the cheekbones have the following causes:

  • genetic predisposition, that is, hereditarily caused weakness and extensibility of the skin of the zygomatic zone, accumulation of fat;
  • frequent swelling, which also leads to weakening of the dermis, ptosis;
  • sharp fluctuations in weight and, as a result, the volume of facial tissue;
  • natural age-related changes;
  • endocrine and hormonal disorders.

An unhealthy lifestyle can also play a role in the appearance of the defect. We are talking about constant lack of sleep, excess alcohol, smoking, excessive love for salty and spicy foods.

We recommend reading about the features of injection blepharoplasty. From the article you will learn about what the procedure is, indications and contraindications for the procedure, and results. And here is more information about when eyelid hernias are removed.

Types of bags under the eyes

Doctors identify the following types of bags that can form under the eyes:

  • Hernias of the periorbital zone. This is also an accumulation of fatty tissue, but directly under the skin of the lower eyelid. The formations are outlined by semicircular deepened lines and look like swellings.
  • Edema. Stagnation of lymph and accumulation of fluid leads to the appearance of “dips” under the eyes, sagging skin under them, and swelling.
  • Painting. These are small elevations on the cheekbones that make the face look tired and, with their presence, sharply highlight the nasolacrimal grooves and nasolabial folds.

Why do they appear on a child’s cheekbones?

Bags on the cheekbones of a young child or teenager most often mean that parents or other close relatives have the same feature. Just in case it's worth:

  • check kidney function, heart function, take appropriate tests;
  • make sure the child has no allergies;
  • take him to an ophthalmologist for examination.

Sometimes diseases cause swelling on children's cheekbones.

Causes of appearance after blepharoplasty

Painting bags after blepharoplasty can be bothersome due to the following:

  • Postoperative healing has been delayed, and swelling is still present. It can be localized not only in the operated area, but also below.
  • Excessive fat removal has occurred from under the lower eyelid. If periorbital hernias are simply excised rather than tissue redistributed, this can result in weakening of the supporting fascia. The skin and muscles begin to sag, the fat in the cheekbones, which was there before, protrudes.

Is swelling on the cheekbones dangerous?

Swelling or fatty deposits on the cheekbones are not a disease, so they do not threaten anything except deterioration of appearance and age. But sometimes they can be a symptom of a pathology that causes fluid stagnation. Of course, the malar formations are fat, but lymph is also present there, making the protrusions even more noticeable. And if in the morning the cheekbones are without bags or almost without them, and in the evening bumps appear or become more pronounced, this is a reason to be examined.

Fatty hernial bags under the eyes

Why do paint bags appear?

The reasons for the appearance of bags can be divided into two groups. Some reasons are caused by a person’s lifestyle. Reasons in this category include:

  • systematic lack of sleep;
  • constant stress ending in tears;
  • poor nutrition, which has a negative impact on the digestive system;
  • systematic hypothermia;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking.

The second group includes reasons that lie in changes in the body’s activity, such as:

  • inflammation and other skin diseases;
  • resorption of the fatty layer under the skin near the lacrimal glands;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • moisture retention in the body;
  • structural features of the body - excess muscle tissue around the eyes.

In children, the formation of paint bags is associated with bacterial lesions: mononucleosis or trichinosis. Most often, the flaw is not associated with a specific pathology. It can be difficult to get rid of it on your own. A cosmetologist will advise how to do this, based on the characteristics of the body.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes yourself

You can get rid of bags under the eyes without the help of specialists and professional methods, if the problem is not yet very noticeable, using:

  • creams with vitamins and anti-aging components;
  • massage with cold spoons, ice cubes;
  • herbal, tea, salt compresses;
  • masks made from cucumber, potatoes, eggs;
  • exercises to train the eye muscles and facial muscles.

Sometimes the problem can be masked with a concealer that is lighter than your skin tone. Or use medications designed to get rid of edema, improve the condition of blood vessels and lymph flow. But it is better to do this after identifying the cause of the formation of swelling.


The cream will not help much against bags on the cheekbones, since they are not a dermatological problem. But to tighten and tighten the skin, you can use products that provide a lifting effect:

  • with snail mucin from Mizon;
  • Sensibio from Bioderma;
  • Granat-Apfel from Weleda;
  • “Harmony of Perfection” by Teana;
  • Lift Integral Serum Lift Regard Yeux from Lierac.

Cream Lift Integral Serum Lift Regard Yeux from Lierac

Cream “Harmony of Perfection” from Teana

Cream Granat-Apfel from Weleda

Sensibio cream from Bioderma

Cream with snail mucin from Mizon
They should be applied not only to the lower eyelids, but also to the cheekbones. You can also use other creams that contain vitamins A, C, E.


Massage will also not remove swelling, but will make it less noticeable if performed in the following sequence:

  1. run your fingers along the upper edge of the eye socket, starting from the inner corners of the eyes;
  2. iron the areas under the lower eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the outer corners through problem areas;
  3. Without removing your palms, continue the lines along the edges of the cheeks, along the neck and to the collarbones.

This massage, if done for a few minutes a day, enhances the outflow of lymph, normalizes intracellular metabolism, which helps reduce swelling. The result is achievable if you do an even simpler procedure using chilled teaspoons. They should be guided from the temples through the sufas to the bridge of the nose. When the metal heats up, you need to take other cold spoons.

Before any procedure, the skin is first cleaned, then oil is distributed over it. Only then should you start the massage.

Watch this video on how to remove bags under the eyes:

How to reduce a painting bag using lotions and compresses

You can make the paint bag smaller and smoother using the following applications:

  • frozen watermelon juice;
  • decoctions of chamomile, sage, coltsfoot;
  • fresh cucumber pulp wrapped in gauze;
  • sea ​​salt, which is placed in a cotton bag and moistened with warm water;
  • green tea.

Any of the products (except ice) are placed on the problem area for a few minutes, and then washed off. Use twice a week tones the skin and enhances microcirculation in deeper layers.

How to get rid of zygomatic hernias at home using masks

You can try to get rid of the deficiency at home and smooth out zygomatic hernias using masks:

  • From potatoes . If you use boiled, it should be kneaded, added with a couple of drops of olive oil and applied to the cheekbones while still warm, leave for 20 minutes. Raw potatoes, which are pre-chopped, will also come in handy. This mask is used cool for 20-30 minutes.
  • From raw protein . It is whipped, applied to the skin and left until dry. The product tightens and tones.
  • Yeast and milk . The ingredients are mixed to form sour cream and applied to the cheekbones in a thick layer. Should be washed off after drying.
  • Sour cream and finely chopped parsley . Lactic acid and vitamin C improve tissue nutrition and relieve congestion if you use the product for 15-20 minutes.

For a mask against paint bags you will need green tea, rosehip oil and a cotton sponge.
Masks should be done 2-3 times a week.

How to disguise paint bags with cosmetics

You can disguise the paint bags that rise on the cheekbones with cosmetics in several stages:

  • apply a moisturizer to your eyelids and a day cream to your face;
  • wait for absorption;
  • use a liquid concealer on the lower eyelid that matches the shade of this area of ​​the face;
  • Apply a similar product to paint swellings, but in a lighter tone;
  • use blush of a natural color not on all cheekbones, but only on their lower part;
  • powder the problem area with a mineral product without reflective particles.

To distract attention from swelling, you need to carefully apply makeup to your eyes and eyebrows. But at the same time use natural shades of matte shadows and mascara.

Exercises from paint bags on cheekbones

After a light massage, exercises that get rid of paint bags on the cheekbones will be effective:

  • Close your eyes as much as possible and stay like that for a few seconds. Then open them, looking into the distance, without blinking, repeat the previous action.
  • Look up, down, and to the sides in turn. The eyes should linger in each position for 5 seconds.
  • Draw a figure eight with your eyes. Eye movements should be slow.

These exercises tighten the muscles of the visual organs, but also help to activate metabolic processes in nearby areas. Each must be done at least 5 times. Gymnastics should be supplemented with the following actions:

  • hold out the “O” sound as long as possible;
  • alternate the pronunciation of the vowels “U” (stretch your lips with a tube), “I” (smile widely).

These exercises are repeated 10-15 times.

Preparations for painting bags

Medications help with painting bags only slightly; they rather contribute to overall health, stimulation of lymphatic movement, elimination of puffiness, thereby improving appearance. The following means are used:

  • diuretics, including decoctions of lingonberry leaves and other diuretic herbs;
  • vitamin complexes containing retinol, ascorbic acid and tocopherol acetate;
  • externally Heparin ointment, Troxevasin, Troxerutin gels.

They can be used for a short course, after consulting with a doctor, so as not to add new health problems. And it is better to combine it with massage, masks, compresses.

How to safely remove from a child

You can remove swelling on a child’s cheekbones by eliminating the cause of their appearance, for example, by curing an illness, but it is also important to pay attention to the following points:

  • make sure that the baby does not sleep with his face in the pillow;
  • do not give a lot of liquid at night;
  • allow him to move a lot;
  • Do not overfeed with sweets and salty foods.

Teenagers can do massage, exercises, masks and applications.

Surgical removal

Any operation is a rather traumatic way to get rid of cosmetic defects. However, a hernia on the cheekbones will not disappear without the help of specialists, but there are different ways to solve the problem. It all depends on when you went to the clinic for help.

A consultation on how to remove dark spots on the cheekbones using surgery will most likely be given to a client after 40 years of age, when the situation is already severely neglected and has led to other problems. Surgical intervention to remove paint bags is performed using the new Cheek lift technique. It allows you to remove bags under the eyes in a low-traumatic way, reduce nasolabial folds, and the result will be beautifully defined cheekbones. The advantage of the method is a long-lasting effect after surgery, a low risk of complications, and a short rehabilitation period.

Contraindications for surgery:

  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • skin diseases.

There may also be other reasons why a specialist doctor will not recommend surgery to you, because you will definitely be examined before it. It will be necessary to take tests, do an ECG and other studies.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia (although in some cases it may also be local) and lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. During this procedure, special endoscopic equipment is used, and the surgeon sees everything on the computer screen.

Patients do not have to worry about scars, as they are carried out in the natural folds of the skin and will not be visible. The postoperative period is quite easy and lasts 2-3 weeks, after which the woman can already apply cosmetics.

How to remove paint bags on cheekbones - patient reviews

Folk remedies to remove swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes

It is possible to remove swelling that has formed on the cheekbones under the eyes, with their minimal manifestations:

  • Alternate warm and cool compresses. For them, you can use the previously mentioned medicinal herbs, as well as bodyaga.
  • Avocado and banana masks. One or the other is crushed, cooled and applied to the skin in the area of ​​the cheekbones and lower eyelids.
  • Cucumber slices with mint. The grass should be chopped so that the juice appears. Then crushed mint is placed on the cheekbones and a cucumber is placed on top.

Mask for painting bags made from cucumber, honey, rosehip oil and potatoes

Out Of Label

Some cosmetologists, having attended plastic surgeons' master classes, for some reason decided that Diprospan injections into paint bags are a panacea that no one knows about, and only they have discovered sacred knowledge.

Why can’t a cosmetologist inject Diprospan into paint bags? This is a very complex, serious drug that can cause atrophy of subcutaneous fat, and its incorrect administration can lead to unpleasant and visible complications. "Diprospan" is usually administered by surgeons in the treatment of complex subcutaneous scars with contractures and keloid scars. It is very important to feel the tissue and understand exactly where the needle is. The dosage, dilution and indications for this drug are also important.

Plastic surgery to remove paint bags

Cheek lift plastic surgery or extended blepharoplasty most effectively removes paint bags. Therefore, they cost from 100,000 rubles. up to 250,000 rub. and are appointed when it is obvious that the problem cannot be solved in other ways. In milder cases and in younger patients, correction of the paint bags with fillers or threads is advisable. Here the price is more modest - from 12,000 rubles. up to 80,000 rub.

Types of operations

Painting bags can be eliminated using several types of operations:

  • extended blepharoplasty;
  • surgical intervention Cheek lift;
  • insertion of absorbable threads;
  • contour plastic surgery.

Only the first two methods can be called a full-fledged operation. Others are minimally invasive methods and are performed under local anesthesia.


Blepharoplasty will get rid of eye bags if it is performed in an extended version, since standard eyelid surgery will not help remove swelling in the middle area of ​​the face. The essence of the intervention is that the fat capsule protruding through the skin is removed through the incisions, and the soft tissues are tightened. After this, the incisions are sutured. And as a result of the movement of the skin and muscles, the zygomatic area becomes smooth, tightened, without transverse grooves and unnecessary bulges.

The result of circular blepharoplasty

Surgery is one of the most effective, but also traumatic ways to eliminate a defect. It is done after a thorough examination of the patient, if he is already 35 years old. There must be no contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • infections;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • cancer;
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland.


Painting bags can be removed using absorbable threads, which are inserted into the thickness of the skin according to the scheme. They provide a double effect, ensuring the disappearance of zygomatic hernias:

  • tissue tightening;
  • compaction of the dermis.

Before and after thread lifting of the upper third of the face
The procedure helps to hide the sufa, but does not remove fat from the cheekbone area. Its advantages are that everything is done under local anesthesia, and the result is visible almost immediately; there is no long recovery period. And there are fewer contraindications than with surgery. Threads should not be used if you have diabetes, oncology, material intolerance, or problems with blood clotting.

Contour correction of bumps on the cheekbones under the eyes

Bumps protruding on the cheekbones under the eyes can be removed using contouring, that is, injecting drugs into this area that increase tissue volume. This way the bags are camouflaged. Use products with high-density hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite or polylactic acid. They resolve within a few months, a maximum of 1.5 years, after which the problem returns.

Result of contour plastic surgery

But the result of the procedure is visible immediately. And it consists not only of smoothing out the sufas, but also improving the contours of the cheekbones and reducing wrinkles around the eyes.

Cheek lift

Cheek lift is another type of surgical operation during which:

  • elimination of sagging, wrinkles on the eyelids, nasolacrimal line;
  • midface lift, including the cheekbone area;
  • raising the corners of the lips;
  • reduction of nasolabial folds.

Tissues not only move, but are also fixed in new places by endotins. This allows you to achieve a very lasting effect and a natural look to your face. Rehabilitation after the intervention will take 2-3 weeks. Recovery is quick because access to tissue is only through incisions along the edges of the lower eyelids.

Watch this video about what procedures will help you get rid of paint bags:

Cost of removing paint bags surgically

Removal of paint bags using one of the surgical methods is possible at a price:

Type of intervention Cost, rub.
Contour plastic 12000-17000 rub.
Check lift 200000-250000 rub.
Extended blepharoplasty 80000-150000 rub.
Threads 45000-80000 rub.

The exact cost depends on many factors relating to the clinic, the doctor and the characteristics of the problem.

Indications for removal

Is it worth paying attention or putting up with such a defect? For some, due to their anatomical structure, it may appear even in childhood or at a very young age. The point here is not even that such a defect makes a person older than his age and gives his face a dull expression. It may get worse over time,

After all, there is an even greater drooping of the soft tissues under the influence of gravity, the stagnant fat becomes inflamed and the skin acquires a bluish tint, and the lower border of the bag deepens.

To avoid such age-related changes, it is worth paying attention to the problem in a timely manner, especially if you may suspect a genetic predisposition to such a defect. Often women come to a beauty salon for a different purpose and receive advice on how to get rid of paint bags. And it is unlikely that a good clinic will offer them some kind of panacea that will solve the problem in one fell swoop. This problem is solved in a complex manner, through the joint efforts of plastic surgeons and cosmetologists.

How to get rid of paint bags on cheekbones using cosmetology

You can get rid of paint bags that have formed on the cheekbones using the following cosmetology methods:

  • liposuction or pumping out fat using a device;
  • lipofilling (adding fat cells to the area for smoothing);
  • injections of the absorbable drug Dermahil, other lipolytics;
  • thermolifting;
  • darsonvalization;
  • Diprospan injections;
  • fractional grinding.


Lipofilling gets rid of paint bags in several stages:

  1. using liposuction, fatty tissue is pumped out from other parts of the body;
  2. they clean it by passing it through a special centrifuge;
  3. injected into the cheekbones so that the dents outlining fatty hernias are smoothed out.

As a result, due to the increase in volume, bulges are smoothed out and the skin is wrinkle-free.


Liposuction in the presence of paint bags on the cheekbones is often performed as part of a plastic surgery involving tissue tightening. It involves pumping out excess fat through punctures. And performing the procedure as an independent method can cause the appearance of additional folds on the skin, adding age.

With a lift, liposuction will cause the sufas to disappear without a trace, and not just be disguised. New fat deposition in these areas is extremely unlikely.


Dermahil is a drug that is injected into the cheekbone area to:

  • reduce the volume of fat in the corrected area without destroying its cells;
  • make the skin denser by stimulating the development of collagen and elastin layers;
  • relieve swelling;
  • strengthen facial muscles;
  • smooth out small wrinkles.

The procedure involves several sessions, sometimes up to 8. The doctor must accurately calculate the dose of the drug and determine the injection site.

How to remove oil under the eyes using fractional resurfacing

Removing oil under the eyes using fractional resurfacing means exposing the tissue to laser radiation. It heats the epidermis, dermis and facial muscles, accelerating and activating metabolic processes. Due to this, the procedure destroys fatty hernias, tightens and rejuvenates the skin. The bulges become invisible.

The procedure involves the use of a device with radiation that is transmitted through a handpiece. An anesthetic cream is first applied to the surface to be treated. Then restoration is required, after which the effect will be revealed - smoother and younger skin.


The Darsonval procedure involves the use of high-frequency electric current, and the result is:

  • thinning of the fat layer on the cheekbones;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • increased cell division and skin tightening.

Contact gel is applied to the cheekbones, the device is turned on and the nozzle is moved over the problem area (contact method). To achieve the effect, 10-15 sessions are needed.

Help from lipolytics

Lipolitics are drugs that destroy adipose tissue and promote its release naturally. They are administered by injection. The products contain caffeine, taurine, hyaluronic acid, L-carnitine and other components that also tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

The procedure is carried out in several sessions, using different means at each stage. Drugs are selected based on the patient’s individual characteristics. Sometimes, for better effect, the course is completed with injections of hyaluronic acid.


Thermolifting is the heating of tissues using a device through a nozzle, due to which the fat layer is reduced and the skin is tightened. It will help while the problem is mild. Therefore, the method is indicated more likely for young patients.

Thermolifting is carried out in several sessions. It does not involve damage to the skin, it cannot be burned, so no rehabilitation is required. But the method is weaker in efficiency than those described earlier.

Fractional thermolifting

Liposuction to remove without surgery

It is advisable to perform liposuction of the zygomatic area using a laser. A tip is inserted through a puncture under the skin, with the help of which the fat is liquefied and extracted, and the dermis and epidermis are tightened due to heating. In this way, it is possible to avoid the formation of new wrinkles due to the disappearance of the fat pad. And recovery is faster.

Removing a defect without plastic surgery using liposuction can only be entrusted to a highly qualified surgeon. This procedure is quite aggressive, and the facial and trigeminal nerves are located nearby, and damage to them can disfigure the face.

Diprospan in cosmetology against zygomatic bags

The hormonal drug Diprospan is used in cosmetology against cheekbones, as it dissolves fat. It is administered in very small doses by injection into the problem area. But there is a danger of reducing the tissue volume too much, which will lead to the formation of new wrinkles. Therefore, Diprospan is indicated more likely for young patients.

Watch this video on how to get rid of bags on your cheekbones and under your eyes:

Is there a danger from swelling on the cheekbones?


Paint formations are not dangerous to health, but can signal symptoms of serious diseases that cause stagnation of fluid in the tissues. In addition, sufas are an accumulation of lymph and fat, due to which the protrusion becomes even more pronounced. They significantly add age and spoil the appearance. If in the morning, unnoticeable bags increase in size or become more pronounced in the evening, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

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