Top 15 best drops for eye fatigue

Eye fatigue: how to determine if you have it

Scientists call eye fatigue the term asthenopia. It means rapid fatigue of the visual organs during visual work, especially if it occurs at close range. This is not a disease, however, if asthenopia is not treated, it can cause refractive errors and significant eye ailments. Therefore, experts advise not to ignore the first symptoms of visual fatigue. The following signs will help determine whether you have asthenopia:

  1. Blurred vision, it seems as if there is a “veil” before the eyes;
  2. Blurry picture;
  3. Distortion of the perception of the shapes of objects; it seems to a person that they are larger or smaller than their actual dimensions;
  4. Often the eyes may be red and appear inflamed;
  5. Temperature may rise in the area of ​​the visual organs;
  6. Watery eyes may often occur;
  7. A person is overcome by a feeling of discomfort, he feels pain and pain.

In addition, asthenopia may cause headaches and increased irritability.

The best drops to improve vision


Sodium azapentacene polysulfonate is used as the main active substance; in addition, it includes boric acid, purified water, propylparaben and methylparaben. This product activates all the main enzyme compounds that dissolve opaque substances on the surface of the lens, which leads to improved visual acuity, normalization of gaze focusing and other positive aspects. This drug is designed to improve metabolic processes. With its help, it is possible to provide reliable protection of sulfhydryl-type compounds from the occurrence of oxidative reactions. The medicine is prescribed to patients who have cataracts of any form - congenital, resulting from injury, and so on. Ophthalmologists often prescribe these drops for secondary cataracts, which begin to develop as a result of existing eye pathologies.

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There are certain contraindications, in particular, it is dangerous to use such drops if the human body reacts hypersensitively to azapentacene or other elements contained in the medicine. It is not advisable to prescribe the drug to children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and women breastfeeding. Instill in the eyes up to five times a day - up to two drops should be added to each eye. Therapy should be long-term, although positive dynamics are noticeable almost immediately after starting to use such a drug.


  • It is possible to quickly obtain a positive effect;
  • Copes well with many eye diseases.


  • It's quite expensive.

Quinax eye drops


This is one of the latest developments of domestic pharmacologists. This medicine belongs to the group of keratoprotectors, although their effect is approximately the same as that of other antioxidants; only the latest components are used in the production of this product. When instilled, a very pleasant and comfortable moisturizing effect occurs. The drug will be very useful for patients who have been diagnosed with disorders of the mucous membranes of the eye due to age-related changes or as a result of trauma. In addition, such drops allow you to cope with constant irritation and relieve the so-called “dry” eye syndrome. Another effect of the drug is the following: the drops stabilize the lubricating layer of liquid located between the eyelids and the eyeball, and effectively remove inflammatory processes.

Visomitin not only removes symptoms, but also eliminates pathological processes, removing the cause of such vision defects. Plastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide is used as the main active substance. When it gets on the conjunctiva, this substance immediately begins to stimulate the production of epithelial cells, and also triggers the active work of the glands responsible for tear secretion. During treatment with these drops, a rapid improvement in metabolic processes deep in the eye tissues is observed. In addition, eye cells are reliably protected from all free radicals.


  • Stops degenerative processes in the lacrimal glands;
  • Allows the eyes to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • Optimal ratio of quality and price;
  • There are no side effects.


  • Expensive.

Visomitin drops


Easily removes all negative effects on the eyes if you have to strain your vision for a long time. With its help you can level even very serious loads. It is not a curative drug, it can be used as a prophylactic agent that protects against the occurrence of conjunctivitis, cataracts and other diseases of the visual organs. After instillation, it is possible to fully preserve the level of vision. These drops quickly relieve all key symptoms of irritation, protect the cornea from exposure to dust, dry air, and so on. With their help, it is possible to moisturize the cornea and remove all pathogenic microorganisms from its surface. If you use this drug for a long time, the medicine will put in order the metabolic processes in the eye tissues and normalize the synthesis of new cells.

Regardless of the fact that this remedy is prophylactic, it must also be prescribed by the attending physician, and he must determine the period of use of the drops - usually from one to three months. There are practically no contraindications to the use of this product: as an exception, only individual intolerance to the components. No overdose or side effects were identified either.


  • Well moisturizes the cornea;
  • Has an antibacterial effect;
  • Does not cause side effects.


  • Not detected.

Reticulin eye drops

What causes your eyes to get tired?

The visual organs get most tired in people who spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen, doing handicrafts, or reading. To focus their gaze at a close distance, these people must strain their eye muscles for a long time. Due to overstrain, the facial and eye muscles begin to contract, which causes pain. In addition, the person begins to blink not as often as necessary, so the mucous membrane dries out, signs of irritation appear, itching and redness occur. Most often, people suffering from refractive errors such as astigmatism, myopia and others experience eye fatigue.

Also, asthenopia can be provoked by inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision, osteochondrosis, surges in intraocular pressure, the use of incorrectly selected ophthalmic agents, hormonal imbalance and too dry air in the room. In some cases, eye fatigue can be caused by taking certain medications that negatively affect the formation of the tear film.

Whatever the cause of asthenopia, it should not be neglected and must be treated. Anti-fatigue eye drops are effective medications used in the treatment of this condition.

Why do you need eye drops when working at a computer?

Visual discomfort that occurs when working at a computer monitor for a long time is associated with three main factors:

  • Visual strain. When working at a computer for a long time, a person looks intently at the monitor, blinks much less often than in the usual state, which is why the mucous membrane is less wetted by tear fluid. This results in a feeling of dryness, foreign body, sand in the eyes. An unhydrated eyeball is not supplied with enough oxygen; to compensate for this deficiency, the brain sends a signal to increase blood circulation, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure.
  • Spasm of internal muscles. Their main task is to focus vision. When you move your gaze from a nearby to a distant object, the muscles relax - this is good for vision. If you look at one close point for a long time, the muscles constantly remain tense, which leads to loss of clarity of vision, the appearance of fog, dots, a veil before the eyes, and uncontrolled tearing.
  • Spasm of the muscles of the cervical-collar region. Due to prolonged stay in one position, this part of the body is constantly under tension, which leads to compression of the vessels that supply the organs of vision and the brain. The lack of oxygen and nutrients aggravates spasm of the optic nerves, dry mucous membranes, and can serve as a trigger for the development of retinal dystrophy or glaucoma.

Types of drops for visual fatigue

Asthenopia appears for various reasons and is accompanied by different symptoms, so without consulting a specialist it is impossible to prescribe universal eye drops for fatigue that would be equally good for all patients. Before proceeding with treatment, you should consult with an experienced doctor. He will carefully examine the eyes, identify the reason why they get tired and, if necessary, prescribe a remedy from one of the following categories:

  1. drops with a moisturizing effect. They renew the eye film and shape it, prevent irritation and dryness of the organs of vision, and protect against unwanted environmental influences. Special moisturizing solutions have been developed for people who use contact lenses. They are prescribed to further moisturize the cornea;
  2. means that eliminate fatigue when working on a PC. These medications contain vitamin supplements. Drops not only moisturize the mucous membrane, but also preserve clarity of vision during prolonged sitting at the monitor and act as a prophylactic against “dry eye syndrome”;
  3. solutions with a vasoconstrictor effect. They eliminate puffiness and normalize the activity of the eye vessels in case of visual strain. Individual drops act as a local anesthetic.

Without examination by a specialist, it is allowed to use only artificial tear substitutes that normalize the level of moisture in the eyes. In other cases, the drops must be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. And children are not allowed to put any solution in their eyes at all.

Eye Drops Review

Stinging, itching, irritation and redness of the eyes can cause a lot of inconvenience and lead to a decrease in the quality of vision. To get rid of such symptoms, always keep ophthalmic drops on hand. It is better to choose such drugs together with your attending physician, who has studied the problem in detail and is familiar with your medical history. This will help avoid unnecessary waste of funds and side effects. More often, professional ophthalmologists recommend products, a detailed review of which is presented below.


Eye drops for computer fatigue are made on the basis of a single active ingredient - tetrizoline hydrochloride. It stimulates the functioning of alpha-adrenergic receptors, due to which vasoconstriction occurs and tissue swelling decreases. The drug Visin is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of:

  • swelling or hyperemia of the conjunctiva;
  • allergies that arise from exposure to physical or chemical factors on the cornea - dust, smoke, contact lenses, cosmetics.

It is not recommended to use Visin if you have serious diseases of the visual organs, such as corneal injuries, inflammation, infections. The drug is prescribed to adults and children over 6 years of age in dosages of 1 drop under each eyelid 2 times a day. Visine is prescribed with caution to patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and during pregnancy. During use, the following undesirable body reactions may occur:

  • burning sensation;
  • redness;
  • dilated pupils;
  • fogginess;
  • tingling.

How to get rid of eye fatigue


The active component of Vial - tetrizoline - has a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-edematous effect, relieves excessive vascular tone, reduces swelling of soft tissues. With regular use of the product, irritation decreases, burning and itching, eye pain and involuntary lacrimation disappear. The therapeutic effects of Vial are noticeable a few minutes after instillation and last up to 4 hours.

Eye drops for computer fatigue are prescribed to adults and children over 6 years old, 1-2 drops under each eyelid. The frequency of use of the drug is 2-3 times a day. Duration of use – no more than 4 days. If the recommended dosages are followed, no negative reactions from the body occur. With prolonged use, the following may occur:

  • blurred vision;
  • hyperemia;
  • irritation of the conjunctiva.

Vial - eye drops for redness, irritation, eye fatigue.


Ophthalmic lotion for relieving eye fatigue helps moisturize the conjunctiva, has a slight astringent and wound-healing properties. With long-term use, it gives shine to the look and a slight bluish tint to the whites. The drug contains the following components:

  • sweet clover;
  • methyl alcohol;
  • azulene;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium borate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • witch hazel;
  • black elderberry;
  • blue cornflower;
  • noble navel.

Innoxa is recommended for people who use contact lenses to improve their vision. Before instilling the lotion, it is recommended to remove the lenses and put them back after 15 minutes. Innoxa is available with a doctor's prescription and has no contraindications or side effects stated in the instructions. Not prescribed for adolescents under 14 years of age. The course of use and dosage is determined individually.


Systane drops for tired eyes reduce corneal dryness, protect against electromagnetic radiation, and effectively cope with symptoms of irritation - burning, stinging, itching, redness. The effect of the drug begins 2-3 minutes after use and lasts throughout the day. The composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • calcium chloride;
  • sodium chloride;
  • polydronium chloride;
  • boric acid;
  • propylene glycol;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • hydroxypropyl guar.

The drug is prescribed to eliminate dry eye syndrome, irritation caused by wearing contact lenses or as a result of taking certain medications. Systane is used as needed, instilling 1-2 drops under the eyelid. Of the contraindications, the instructions indicate only intolerance to the components in the composition. There are no side effects, but individual allergic reactions may occur.

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Systane Ultra: prevention and treatment of dry eyes.


Effective complex eye drops for working at a computer. They protect the corneal epithelium from the effects of negative environmental factors (wind, dirt, dust), moisturize the mucous membrane with reduced production of natural fluid, and improve the stability of the tear film. The composition of the drug Optiv includes:

  • carmellose sodium;
  • glycerol;
  • boric acid;
  • potassium chloride;
  • magnesium chloride;
  • purified water;
  • levocarnitine;
  • erythritol.

It is recommended to instill 1-2 drops of the solution into each eyelid as needed. The duration of use is determined individually. Optiv should be used with caution by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 14 years of age. Among the negative reactions in the instructions are the following:

  • conjunctival hyperemia;
  • itching;
  • irritation;
  • formation of crusts on the edge of the eyelid;
  • blurred vision.

Inexpensive drops when wearing contact ophthalmology

People who use the highest quality contact lenses often suffer from eye fatigue. Moisturizing drops combined with lenses will easily solve this problem. Among the inexpensive options you can pay attention to:

  1. "Systane Ultra" They are suitable for users wearing soft contact optics. The product moisturizes and lubricates the surface of the lenses, making wearing them much more comfortable. You can instill the solution into your eyes if you sit in front of the monitor for a long time: it will act like an artificial tear;
  2. Ophthalmix Bio Fresh Eye. These drops are considered relatively inexpensive. If you wear lenses, the solution will perfectly moisturize your vision and eliminate fatigue. It can be used not only when working with a screen, but also when staying in a room for a long time where dry air predominates;
  3. Adria Relax. The drug is made in South Korea, it eliminates tension from the eyeballs and makes the surface of the lenses moisturized. The drops contain sodium hyaluronate and succinic acid, which is an antioxidant and protects the retina from harmful effects.

We have described only some types of drops that can help get rid of eye fatigue. In reality, the choice of such drugs is huge. A patient with any financial capabilities will be able to choose an option that suits his budget.

The best drops to combat conjunctivitis


These drops are used for local use in ophthalmology, in particular, they are intended for the treatment of various kinds of infectious eye diseases that are caused by bacteria that are sensitive to the components contained in this drug. The drops are a transparent liquid with a light yellow tint. The main active ingredient in them is ciprofloxacin - 1 ml contains 3 mg. In addition to it, there is a number of excipients, which include sodium chloride, disodium edetate, benzoalkonium hydrochloride and hydrochloric acid.

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All these substances are aimed at inhibiting the normal functioning of bacterial cells and preventing their rapid division. After this agent enters the conjunctival sac, the active substance is evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane of the eye, resulting in a therapeutic effect. The main indication for the use of this drug is the development of infectious diseases of the eyes and their appendages. It is worth noting that there are several contraindications for which it is strictly prohibited to instill such drops - pregnancy and breastfeeding, age less than one year, viral disease of the cornea, individual intolerance to any substance contained in these drops.


  • Can completely cure conjunctivitis if it is in its infancy;
  • It quickly kills not only the bacteria that cause conjunctivitis, but also a number of other pathogens.


  • Quite a wide range of contraindications.

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2. Levomycetin

This remedy is an antibiotic with a fairly broad effect. Although it is not too expensive, these drops have a high level of effectiveness. They are excellent for treating various types of infectious diseases affecting the cornea, as well as the structure of the eye itself, including those located quite deeply. The product quickly copes with pathogens, which is why it has been actively used for quite a few years, although a large number of other similar products have been developed. Often, such a drug is prescribed when other active substances such as sulfonamides, streptomycins and antibiotics of the penicillin group have proven completely powerless.

The drops, once at their destination, begin to actively inhibit protein synthesis in pathogenic microorganisms. All other cells do not interact with this composition, so it is perfect for fairly long-term use. Bacteria do not adapt to it, so there will be no need to change it to other drops. It is well absorbed by the circulatory system of the eye. The duration of treatment is one week, but on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist it can be significantly extended. Drops allow you to get rid of stye, conjunctivitis, keratitis and other similar eye diseases.


  • Low cost;
  • Versatility of use;
  • Well absorbed into the circulatory system.


  • Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 4 years of age.

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1. Xalatamax

This reliable remedy is sold exclusively by prescription; it can be used to combat not only conjunctivitis, but also the primary symptoms of glaucoma. It seeps well under the cornea, causing an outflow of intraocular fluid, which causes an increase in pressure. Such drops do not inhibit the production of tear fluid. The main active ingredient here is the component latanoprost. Unlike other eye drops, this drug does not begin to act immediately; peak activity of the main active agent is observed approximately 12 hours after administration. In small quantities, substances accumulate in soft tissues, but in such a volume no negative effects occur.

It should be instilled in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. If you increase the dosage and frequency of use, this may cause the effectiveness to begin to decrease. With the help of such drops it is possible to enhance the effect of other medications aimed at treating or preventing eye diseases. This drug is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age or to pregnant women. It is allowed to be used during breastfeeding, as it does not pass into milk.


  • Highly effective in the fight against various eye diseases;
  • There are practically no contraindications or side effects.


  • Not detected.

Find out the minimum price - Xalatamax >>

How to prevent eye fatigue?

If you do not fight the cause of eye fatigue, then even the most expensive drops from a world-famous manufacturer will only have a short-term effect. By adhering to preventive measures, you can increase the effectiveness of ophthalmic products:

  1. do not use lenses longer than the period for which they are prescribed;
  2. When working at a computer, take a break every hour;
  3. try to blink as often as possible, take your eyes away from the screen for a few seconds to peer into the distance;
  4. to relieve tension from the organs of vision, do simple gymnastic exercises for the eyes and massage;
  5. maintain the brightness of the lighting and the distance from your eyes to the monitor;
  6. See an ophthalmologist every six months. This must be done even when nothing is bothering you.

Many modern users experience eye fatigue. This is not a disease, however, such a condition can cause visual impairment. To avoid this, you need to go to the doctor at the first “hints” of asthenopia. The ophthalmologist will prescribe the appropriate medication and prescribe other treatment options to get rid of the ailment.

All eye drops in the EYE DROPS section

Top recommended drugs

In recent years, doctors have increasingly noted the occurrence of computer vision syndrome or the so-called “dry eye” syndrome in patients.

  • Dryness, irritation, burning in the eyes;
  • Temporary weakening of visual acuity and decrease in image clarity after a person looks away from the computer screen;
  • Redness;
  • Weakening of twilight vision;
  • Headaches while working at the computer or after finishing it.

Reading text on a screen or viewing images is a much more challenging task for the eyes than reading a book. The eyes have to constantly focus and reorient to keep the image clear. Computer vision syndrome most often occurs in people over 40 years of age, as well as in people suffering from myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Spending many hours at the computer has a negative impact on the body. The eyes suffer the most in this situation.

  • monitor screen flickering;
  • constant eye strain;
  • high screen brightness;
  • low resolution;
  • small or unclear font;
  • inactivity, which impairs blood circulation and reduces blood flow to the head, including the organs of vision;
  • lack of regular breaks.

During prolonged concentrated work, a person blinks much less often. This leads to a decrease in the moisture content of the mucous membrane of the eye, causing rapid fatigue.

If these symptoms appear, you need to take action - take a break from work, put drops in your eyes.

When a person reads text on a monitor screen or looks at pictures, he strains his eyes greatly, since such an image is created from the smallest dots. While focusing, the eye constantly reorients and concentrates, so after some time the organ of vision begins to burn, itch or hurt.

And if a person is forced to constantly look from the screen to the keyboard layout or to the printed text, then the load increases. The situation is aggravated if the workplace is irrationally organized: the monitor screen is glared, the distance from the eyes to the screen is too small, the brightness of the screen is set too high.

Asthenopia is fatigue that occurs fairly quickly in the process of visual work. People who spend a lot of time working at a computer have 2 groups of complaints: optical and physical.

Optical complaints include:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • violation of accommodation (it is difficult for a person to change focus from near objects to distant ones or vice versa);
  • diplopia (seeing a double outline of the same object);
  • rapid eye fatigue while reading.

Often, against the background of asthenopia, headache, irritability or inflammation of the eyelids appear, and the person also has other physical complaints:

  • burning sensation;
  • feeling of “sand” under the eyelids;
  • pain around the eye sockets or on the forehead;
  • pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • hyperemia.

Asthenopia is not a disease. This is a borderline condition, but if ignored, serious illnesses can develop.

Most often, if the eyes are very tired from the computer, eye drops are prescribed to moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent dryness. Unlike medicinal products that eliminate pathologies of the organ of vision, they do not penetrate the tissue of the eyeball and are minimally absorbed into the systemic bloodstream.

The main advantage of such drops is a high concentration of the active substance directly in the pathological focus and a small number of side effects. Typically, to achieve the desired result, it is recommended to use such drops several times a day. But for some drugs, the dosage regimen involves one-time instillation.

The best drops for working at the computer

When contacting an ophthalmologist, it happens that he does not always prescribe a good drug, but recommends the one from which he makes a profit from sales. Therefore, it will be good if the patient knows the list of basic eye drops that are used for eye fatigue while working at the computer. This way he can remind the doctor or create the appearance that he understands this issue. And the specialist, in turn, believes ObaGlazaRu will be afraid to promote expensive or ineffective drops.

When you spend a lot of time at the computer, your eyes blink less frequently. The man focuses on the monitor. The mucous membrane of the eye is less moisturized, ObaGlazaRu notes, dryness and various symptoms of discomfort appear. Drops, when the eyes feel like sand or are dry, help moisturize and relieve irritation.

We tried to collect popular trade names of eye drops, describing their features. But, ObaGlaza believes, it is necessary to make the final choice only after consulting a doctor and undergoing a preliminary diagnosis.


A good drug for the regeneration of tissue of the eye mucosa, accelerating the healing process of the cornea and conjunctiva. Although these are not drops, but a gel, they perfectly help relieve fatigue, irritation, and redness of the eye mucosa. It is also used for viral, fungal or bacterial infections of the cornea.

The gel contains pantothenic acid (a water-soluble vitamin), which is important for the mucous membrane. This is primarily a protector that regenerates tissue and has an anti-inflammatory process. But due to its properties, believes, it is also prescribed to those patients who spend a lot of time working at the computer.

But the eye gel has contraindications. There may also be local allergic reactions to its individual components.

The cost in Russian pharmacies is 340-400 rubles.

Visine is very popular among doctors and consumers. The drug “Pure Tear” copes well with dry eyes, and is especially suitable for long-term work at the computer. Eliminates feelings of sand in the eyes, dryness and burning. Relieves swelling, constricts blood vessels.

Visine creates a thin, dense film that protects the mucous membrane from drying out and accelerates the process of its recovery. They are close in consistency to the composition of human tears. Has a patented component.

Visine Pure Tear has no contraindications based on age, and there are no restrictions on the frequency of administration. There are no side effects, notes obaglaza.

Drops are instilled into each eye after 2-3 hours. After instillation, they spread perfectly over the entire surface of the cornea. According to patient reviews, it moisturizes well and quickly eliminates itching, redness and other problems caused by adverse factors. It begins to act immediately and lasts up to 4-8 hours.

The cost of drops is 480-530 rubles.

Eye drops that are used as an anti-inflammatory agent that relieves swelling. The vial is instilled into the conjunctival sac. Well relieves itching, burning, dryness, lacrimation and pain. Often prescribed to patients who work a lot at the computer.

The main active ingredient is tetrizoline. These drops stimulate α-adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, which promotes constriction of the blood vessels of the eye and relieves swelling. The drug is not absorbed. The vial begins to act within a few minutes after instillation. The duration of action from them lasts up to 4 hours.

The main indications for eye drops: allergic reaction to the eyes, nonspecific or catarrhal conjunctivitis, irritation of the conjunctiva of the eye from dirt, dust, chlorinated water (for example, in a swimming pool).

The vial is instilled into the conjunctival cavity of the eye, 1-2 drops in each eye up to 3 times a day. Can be used in children under 6 years of age, but only under medical supervision.

ObaGlaza draws your attention to the fact that Vial drops cannot be used for longer than 72 hours.

There are also contraindications: angle-closure glaucoma, epidermal endothelial corneal dystrophy, children under 3 years of age, intolerance to components, pregnancy and lactation.

According to ObaGlazaRu, Systane has many positive reviews about its action. Doctors consider it a good medicine for dry eyes.

They are difficult to find in pharmacies. But it is quite possible to replace it with an analogue - Visin.

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Moisturizing eye drops based on hyaluronic acid. Prescribed for increased dryness and physical damage to the cornea of ​​the eye, discomfort from contact lenses. They are also well suited for working while sitting at a computer.

The drops do not contain preservatives or dyes. They create a uniform film on the eye, preventing the mucous membrane from drying out. They have no side effects or contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Cost in pharmacies from 450 rubles.


Blue eye drops that relieve dry and tired eyes. They are practically the first drops of their kind that have come to the aid of a person in such problems, notes obaglaza. Proven over a long period of time, over 60 years. This means it inspires trust among consumers and has positive reviews.

A hypoallergenic solution created on the basis of various medicinal herbs: cornflower, chamomile, elderberry, witch hazel, sweet clover.

They relieve slight swelling of the eyes, moisturize them, relieve the feeling of itching and sand when exposed to external factors: dust, UV-light, wind. Place 1-2 drops in each eye 1 to 3 times a day.

The approximate price of Inox is 490 rubles.


Good and modern eye drops, says ObaGlazaRu. Also good for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

Systane perfectly moisturizes the eyes, creating a thin film on the mucous membrane of the eye with the help of aqueous polymers. Belongs to the group of rehydrants. They relieve burning sensations, itching and redness well. They act almost immediately, and the effect can last all day.

Doctors prescribe Systane to patients who have dry eye syndrome, as well as those exposed to dust, UV rays and other negative factors.

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