Bruise on the upper eyelid in a child

How does a hematoma form?

The skin on the face, especially under the eye, has a delicate texture. There are no layers of fat underneath. Because of this, any physical impact in this area can lead to injury and hematoma. Most often, a bruise occurs after a blow to the bridge of the nose and eye.

Injury to blood vessels after physical impact leads to the appearance of an eye hematoma after an impact. Treatment involves removing swelling and resolving the formation from leaked blood.

When a vessel is damaged, blood enters the outer tissue. For some time it remains in a liquid state. Then it accumulates into a lump, and a severe hematoma of the eye is formed. The bruise may disappear on its own in 7-10 days, but complications may also arise. Therefore, an eye hematoma after an impact is not so simple. Treatment should be carried out after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

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Symptoms of diseases and ailments that occur on the face. If they are detected, you should check your health status and exclude provoking factors and illnesses.

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is.

Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" published an article on non-surgical restoration of vision up to 90%, this became possible thanks to.

A hematoma is an accumulation of blood in a confined cavity of the human body.

Its appearance is associated with rupture of blood vessels, in which blood collects at the site of injury and is surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue.

First aid

Regardless of whether the injury was caused by a fight or a fall, immediate measures must be taken to reduce the gradually forming hematoma. First of all, no later than 15 minutes later, you need to apply a cold compress to the affected area on the face.

You can use any product from the freezer for this. It must be pressed through the fabric to avoid frostbite on the skin. Any cold metal object applied in the first minutes of an eye hematoma after an impact will also help well in this case. Treatment should begin later, after first aid has been provided. Cold helps stop bleeding faster. And its amount gets into the tissues several times less than without assistance. Thus, the size of the hematoma is also greatly reduced.

What to do

If a bruise appears above the eye for no reason (or under it), self-medication is not recommended. The doctor selects treatment methods individually in each case. If the cause is a disease, then first of all drug treatment will be required. Traditional recipes can serve as a supplement, especially when the problem is not related to illness.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help improve skin color in the eyelid area; masks and compresses are used for this. Tea leaves in bags work well for a compress. They are brewed with boiling water, allowed to cool slightly, squeezed lightly and applied to closed eyelids below the eyebrow. After 15 minutes, the bags are removed.

A paste of aloe leaves is suitable for a compress; it is wrapped in gauze napkins and applied to bruises. This compress can be kept for 2 hours. If the bruise is small, then you can attach a fresh aloe leaf to it with a band-aid.

To prepare the mask, a paste of grated raw potatoes and cucumber, taken in equal proportions, is suitable. The mixture is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the eyelids for half an hour. At least 4 such procedures will help get rid of the bruise.


Badyaga helps get rid of bruises; this product is irritating to the skin. Under its action, the flow of blood to the affected area increases, metabolism is normalized and the hematoma quickly passes.

Heparin ointment and Troxevasin are effective. These medications increase blood circulation in the skin, improve their nutrition and restore the walls of blood vessels. The doctor prescribes the dosage and course of drug therapy individually for each patient; if necessary, vitamins for the eyes are also prescribed.

Important information: How to treat chronic subdural hematoma of the brain (head)

How to relieve swelling?

After injury, in addition to a bruise, swelling may appear at the site of the impact. Often this complication occurs with a hematoma of the eyelid. To reduce tumors, you can use recipes from traditional medicine:

  • per day you need to make 3-4 lotions from grated raw potatoes. This product perfectly relieves inflammation and accelerates skin regeneration;
  • apply cabbage leaves several times a day;
  • make compresses from crushed plantain leaves.

These products will speed up the healing process and remove swelling in the facial area. You should not drink alcohol for several days. This may make the swelling worse.

Drug treatment of hematoma under and above the eye after a blow

The most effective are magicians and gels, which can quickly remove marks on the skin.


This drug is for external use . It is recommended for use in the treatment of all types of bruises and hematomas. The medicine must be applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. Since Troxevasin is sold without a prescription , anyone can use it.

Photo 1. Gel Troxevasin Neo, 40 g, from the manufacturer Actavis.

Advantages of the drug : eliminates puffiness and swelling in a short period of time, can very quickly remove hematomas and bruises in the face area, around the eyes, although it is known that they take much longer to disappear on the face than on other parts of the body.

Reference! Troxevasin is effective due to the fact that it contains a substance called troxerutin. It has analgesic properties and is good for swelling.

Heparin ointment

It is a direct anticoagulant. Used to reduce blood clotting.

The drug is used on the second day after injury.

Since heparin ointment has a warming effect, its use at an earlier stage can only be harmful.

there are no cuts or scratches on the skin

The hematoma will go away within a few days , since the ointment combines three active ingredients .


Another well-known drug that helps with bruises, bruises and hematomas. Used to relieve pain. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Quickly penetrates into the site of damage thanks to lavender oil, which is included in the composition. Allergic reactions and burning on the skin from Fastum-gel were not noted.

Next day treatment

Due to the fact that the facial tissues are located at a sufficient distance from the heart, the pressure in the vessels there is reduced. Therefore, wound healing may be slow compared to other parts of the body.

Heat can be used to speed up the process. To do this, you need to heat a bag of salt in a frying pan and apply it to the site of the hematoma several times a day. This procedure will accelerate blood circulation in the affected area and thereby have an accelerated healing effect.

It is also recommended to make compresses from strongly brewed green tea. This product perfectly relieves swelling and reduces inflammation in damaged tissues.

Use of ointments

Today, you can purchase various products at the pharmacy that will help you quickly get rid of bruises and swelling under the eye. Such drugs can be purchased without a prescription:

  • "Troxevasin";
  • "Venitan";
  • "Heparin ointment";
  • "Bruise off."

These drugs help reduce pain at the site of impact and promote resorption of the hematoma in a short period. They need to be used several times a day in small quantities per application.

Do not use ointments on an open wound. They can only be effective in cases of bruising and swelling without bleeding wounds. To use these medications to treat children, you need to consult a doctor in advance about this possibility. Not all products are approved for use by children under 12 years of age.

How to remove swelling of the upper eyelid and swelling under the eye after a blow using ointments?

In addition to a cold compress, medicated ointments and gels are an effective way to eliminate swelling of the eyelid and surrounding area after an injury. The main difference between these dosage forms is their base: for ointments it is fatty, and for gels it is aqueous. Gel-like preparations are better absorbed into the skin, rinse off well, and do not leave marks on clothing, which is why they are often preferred over ointments. The pharmacy has a good range of products that can help if the upper or lower eyelid is swollen. Before using any of the following anti-swelling medications, you should consult your doctor.

  • Badyaga.

This drug is based on a natural component, so the product has a minimum of contraindications and is suitable for people of all ages. Badyagi-based gels have a resolving effect, accelerate blood circulation and help eliminate swelling. The advantage of this remedy is its rapid action.

  • Arnica.

This ointment contains a plant component - mountain arnica flowers. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It also reduces the permeability of vascular walls, thereby helping to reduce swelling. This remedy is applied in a thin layer to the swollen eyelid once or twice a day. The course of treatment usually lasts no more than a week, but the duration of therapy should always be agreed with your doctor.

  • Gel “Bruise-OFF”.

Red eye

If this symptom occurs after an impact, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Such damage can lead to partial or complete loss of vision.

If a red eye appears after a blow, the victim must provide first aid:

  • apply cold;
  • apply eye drops;
  • Give painkillers if there is severe discomfort.

After these steps, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. He will determine the severity of the injury through visual and hardware examination. If the internal parts are not damaged, using eye drops and rest will help relieve redness and swelling. But you may need complex treatment and even surgery.

A red eye may indicate that the victim has burst blood vessels at the site of the impact. With this outcome, the injury can be dealt with in 7-10 days on your own at home after examination by a doctor.

But such a symptom can also be observed in case of damage to the internal organs of the eye. Then serious treatment in a hospital will be required, and surgical intervention may be performed.

Eye contusion

This is the most common pathology that occurs after a blow to the eye area. Most often, this injury can be dealt with without consequences for the victim. But in 30% of cases, a person partially or completely loses vision. Therefore, such an injury must be taken seriously.

There are several types of damage:

  • conjunctive - mild hemorrhage does not require special treatment. If the sclera ruptures, surgical intervention is necessary;
  • cornea - severe lacrimation with pain is observed. In severe forms, cloudiness may be observed;
  • iris - reduction in pupil size due to bruise. If the rupture is complete, surgery is necessary;
  • lens - after healing, cataracts may develop;
  • fundus - there is a hematoma of the retina or its complete detachment. Surgical intervention using a laser is required.

For such injuries, first aid is provided in the form of applying ice and instilling special drops into the eye. Then the affected area is covered with a sterile bandage, and the patient is taken to a specialized medical institution. The patient receives a special code upon admission to the hospital with an eye hematoma. ICD 10 is a classification of orbital trauma according to the international registry. With this code, the patient is observed by an ophthalmologist to avoid severe complications that lead to loss of vision.


In the hospital, after the diagnosis, an appointment will be made depending on the severity of the injury. The victim may be shown:

  • taking broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • instillation of anti-inflammatory drugs into the eye;
  • compresses;
  • painkillers;
  • medications that dilate the pupil;
  • antiseptics.

In severe cases, when the patient faces partial or complete loss of vision, surgical intervention is necessary. Modern medicine involves the use of technologies that use lasers. In this way, a very high percentage of accuracy is achieved, and the patient’s rehabilitation is several times faster than with traditional surgery.

With laser intervention, the patient can go home within a few hours after the operation and follow further doctor’s orders. The main thing is not to forget about this.

Consequences of injury

First of all, an eye hematoma after an impact causes a cosmetic defect. Treatment will speed up the fade of the blue discoloration by only a few days. Walking around with a black eye will be unpleasant for both a man and, even more so, a woman. Such trauma leads to psychological stress, even if it is not complicated.

Sometimes a slight blue discoloration remains after the injury has healed. In this case, the help of a cosmetologist is necessary. Modern methods make it possible to cope with this defect in several sessions.

If the impact damages the internal organs of the eye, the victim will face complications in the form of loss of vision. It can be partial or complete. Also, vision loss can be temporary with proper treatment.

In these cases, the patient will face long-term therapy with operations and hospitalization. The correct diagnosis and experience of ophthalmologists will determine whether the patient will receive disability or not. Doctors probably know how to remove a hematoma from the eye. They encounter similar problems quite often.

In the hospital, eye pressure is carefully monitored, and if it suddenly decreases or increases, the necessary measures will be taken. If this situation occurs at home, the patient may bleed and the consequences may be irreversible.

What does a burst vessel look like?

A burst vessel represents a hemorrhage under the skin, that is, if the capillary is damaged, bruises will be visible on the skin under the eye. If several blood vessels burst at the same time, a bruise appears, the size of which depends on the area of ​​the lesion. In this case, there is no swelling and no pain, as with a bruise that occurred during an impact.

If bruising under the eyes is, one way or another, associated with liver disease, then this is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Yellowness of the skin;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms;
  • Skin itching.

If burst vessels are associated with endocrinological diseases, then this is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Excessive dry skin;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms.

In the case when the bruise under the eyes is lilac in color, then we are talking about oxygen starvation, but the cause of this may be lung disease or anemia.

If a vessel bursts inside the eye, there is a sensation of a foreign body on the mucous membrane. In addition, the visual organ may hurt and itch.

If the hematoma is red, then the cause may be an allergic reaction or even rosacea.

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