7 reasons why your eye hurts, like a bruise, but there’s nothing

Eyeball hurts: main causes

When the eyeball hurts only if you press, there is no reason to panic. This means that you have enough time to undergo a diagnosis and consider the proposed courses of treatment. It is much worse if you notice other symptoms of common ailments of the visual organ.


A chronic disease characterized by high intraocular pressure. It provokes the accumulation of fluid and disruption of the structure of blood vessels, which leads to atrophy.

There is a high risk of occurrence in people in whose family someone also suffered from this disease. In addition to pain when pressing, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • the viewing angle narrows;
  • spots, double vision of the image seen;
  • decreased visual acuity at dusk.

Oncological diseases of the eye

Metastases and cancerous tumors, fortunately, occur in rare cases. In this case, the patient feels:

  • aching pain during the day;
  • lack of coordination;
  • poor appetite;
  • weakness throughout the body.
If an unpleasant sensation in your eyes bothers you constantly and only gets worse with pressure, there is a reason to consult an oncologist.

Vascular problems

There are several options for the development of the disease:

  • atrophy of capillaries inside the eyeball;
  • uveitis - inflammation of the vessels of the visual organ;
  • a spasm that leads to blurring of what is seen.

All manifestations of disorders of the circulatory system are dangerous, since at the final stage of development they lead to complete loss of vision.

Entry of foreign bodies

If you feel that there is something in the eye, the white turns red, and pain is felt when pressing, there is a risk of a foreign body getting into the membrane. The likelihood increases if discomfort began after an impact, swimming in an open body of water, or a walk in windy weather. The problem is dangerous because the object can damage the organ and cause infection. Negative consequences are:

  • retinal detachment;
  • inflammation;
  • visual impairment.

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What is visual asthenopia

It may seem unlikely, but dental problems can affect the sensation in your eyeballs. The mechanism is quite simple: a broken bite causes the muscles of the face and jaw to become overly tense. This in turn causes tension headaches and, as we already know, a feeling of pressure in the eyes.

In addition, with infectious dental diseases, as well as with sinusitis, a focus of inflammation with purulent contents forms, which creates pressure in the bones of the facial skull, which is transmitted into the orbit. And inflammation of the dental nerves threatens neuritis of the trigeminal nerve, which also innervates the eyes.

Why the eyeball hurts: additional reasons

There are factors that are not so scary in nature. Some of them only indirectly relate to the organ of vision, others can be easily eliminated if you seek professional medical help in a timely manner.

There are also a number of natural causes of pain caused by cosmetic procedures:

  • eyelash extensions;
  • eyelid and eyebrow tattooing;
  • face lifts.

Any of these procedures will inevitably lead to swelling, and violation of the rules can lead to infection.

But during pregnancy, general soreness is generally a relative norm, so any complaint should first of all be heard by the doctor leading the expectant mother. The main thing is to pay attention to cross-symptoms.

Damage due to trauma

When soft tissue ruptures or the integrity of the membrane is damaged, the eyeball constantly hurts. This is a very sensitive organ that reacts vividly to any irritation. The damage caused by damage depends on:

  • affected areas;
  • degrees;
  • type of source: mechanical or chemical.

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The negative effects on the eyes are as follows:

  • high risk of infection on the mucous membrane;
  • increased pressure during edema due to the accumulation of pus;
  • disruption of healthy blood circulation.

The unpleasant feeling and heaviness are felt more strongly on the back wall of the eye - in the place where a large number of receptors accumulate. Symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the forehead and nose on the left and right sides;
  • thick discharge of green shades;
  • breathing problems;
  • ear and headache;
  • chills.


The likelihood of a symptom increases in the presence of edema with purulent content. The reason also lies in the pressure exerted on the eyes. Malocclusion also affects the bite - due to the anomaly, the muscles in the upper part of the face are overstrained, and discomfort occurs when pressing.

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Tension pain. Accompanied by general physical ailments, such as drowsiness, apathy. Occurs due to overload of the eyes and the body as a whole:

  • long-term work with papers and equipment;
  • bad light;
  • room temperature is too high or low;
  • stress;
  • fatigue.

Meteosensitivity. My head hurts when the weather and atmospheric pressure change. The organs of vision also react due to the rich vascular network. The eyes feel squeezing and heaviness.

By cluster type. Appears periodically and returns systemically after a long period of time. It is characterized by a high level of strength and a large set of accompanying symptoms:

  • swelling of half the face;
  • drooping eyelid of one eye;
  • sweating

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Arterial hypertension

With high blood pressure, the absorption of blood vessels decreases, and blood stagnates in the head area. The skull cannot physiologically expand, so the soft eyeballs suffer. They become elastic, and when you press on a closed eyelid, pain is felt.

Diffuse toxic goiter

The autoimmune disease hyperthyroidism leads to a negative effect of the body on the thyroid gland. The release of excess hormones affects the muscles that press on the eyeballs, pushing them out. A characteristic symptom is unpleasant sensations that intensify with eye movement. Other symptoms:

  • redness of the vascular network on the protein;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • it hurts to blink;
  • decreased visual acuity.

Infections from the body

It is important to localize the source: with some ailments the upper edge of the eye hurts, with others it hurts below, with others you feel all-round pressure.

An infection can get to the sensitive membrane if the functioning of certain organs is disrupted and from the environment:

  • from the nasal cavity - the consequences of sinusitis and tonsillitis;
  • from the mouth - with advanced caries;
  • virally through the blood - herpes;
  • from the outside - conjunctivitis.

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Prevention measures depend on the cause of the redness and soreness. These include:

  • Eye protection when working with welding and when going outside on a sunny day. Wear safety glasses and sunglasses.
  • Rest every 45–60 minutes when working at the computer for long periods of time. Do exercises to relax the extraocular muscles.
  • Strengthen blood vessels so that the eyes do not turn red. An excellent way is to do eye exercises and take certain medications to restore the permeability of the walls.
  • Give up bad habits and alcohol abuse if your eyes begin to turn red due to any illness or strain.
  • Carefully observe hygiene rules to prevent the development of infectious diseases.
  • Take care of your contact lenses. Clean promptly and replace with a new pair if damaged.
  • Eat fortified foods. They strengthen the immune system and improve the body's vascular system.

The main thing is to undergo preventive examinations and treat pathological conditions in a timely manner. In any doubtful situation, you need to seek help and not self-medicate. Redness and pain can be dangerous for the health of the visual system, as they are signs of dangerous diseases.


As soon as you notice a recurrence of painful sensations or see a coincidence of symptoms, you should contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor first prescribes medications to relieve discomfort, swelling, and lacrimation. Further examination will require professionalism and efficient equipment.

Remember that often eye pain cannot be eliminated without neutralizing the source of the disease.

The video talks about common diseases and diagnostic methods:

What to do if the eyeball hurts: traditional treatment

Having undergone diagnostics in the clinic and having determined the root cause of the disease, you can safely begin treatment. The symptom itself is quite difficult to remove and restoring health to the eyes is possible only after eliminating the source of discomfort. Methods of dealing with it depend on the nature of its appearance and the degree of neglect.

Let's look at the most common medications and techniques used to solve problems of different categories.

1. Glaucoma:

  • surgical intervention;
  • pilocarpine relieves pain;
  • as therapy - phosphacol.

2. Conjunctivitis:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • sodium sulfacyl;
  • norsulfazole;
  • sulfapyridazine.

3. Inflammatory processes:

  • antibiotics;
  • scopolamine;
  • atropine sulfate.

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Let's consider well-known tinctures of medicinal herbs

The positive influence of nature’s gifts is beneficially used in the treatment of many diseases, including eye diseases. Decoctions, compresses and tinctures help get rid of pain when pressed and relieve fatigue. The basic rule is to apply the substance only to clean skin and washed eyes.

Aloe decoction. The plant is a well-known biostimulant that activates metabolism, relieves inflammation and cloudiness in the eyes. There are cases where the use of a solution with natural aloe extract restored vision by 0.5-1. To prepare, peel the inside and boil in a small amount of water, cool. Apply generously to a cotton pad and wipe slightly open eyelids. Suitable for use every morning and evening.

Celandine compress. The cleansing properties of the plant are familiar to everyone. Recently, reviews have increasingly appeared about its positive effect on the organs of vision. To create compresses, stir two tablespoons of the herb in a glass of water, then pour into a ladle and boil. After cooling, add honey so that it does not lose its healing properties. Soak cotton pads in the mixture and apply to your eyes for 10-15 minutes, 2 times a day.

Combined tincture. You will need a mixture of plants: birch leaf, nettle, horsetail, string, lingonberry leaf, bird knotweed, plantain, St. John's wort and rose hips. The entire list or most of it is sold in pharmacies as a package. Some ingredients can be purchased or assembled separately. The herbs should be crushed, crushed berries should be added and boiling water should be poured over everything for 10-12 hours. After straining, apply the liquid to your eyes for a week.

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Rules for working with a monitor, smartphone, tablet

It is impossible to completely do without electronic gadgets.

Therefore, people must learn to handle them correctly, observing the following rules:

  • use the gadget no more than 2 hours a day if possible;
  • if the device is used all day, take a break every 1-2 hours;
  • apply gymnastics for the eyes;
  • maintain a distance from the monitor, depending on the size of the device;
  • often walk in the fresh air, where the gaze concentrates on distant objects, so a spasm of accommodation does not form.

Eye gymnastics is effective for ophthalmological diseases.

You can use a set of simple exercises that will take no more than 5 minutes:

  • turning the eyes clockwise and in the opposite direction;
  • rapid blinking for 15 seconds;
  • strong compression of the eyelids, then relaxation;
  • drawing the infinity sign and numbers from 0 to 9 with the eyeballs;
  • moving the gaze from the upper right corner to the lower left, then from the upper left to the lower right;
  • moving the gaze from the closest object to the horizon line outside the window.

If there is no constant strain on the eyes, do gymnastics once in the morning and once in the evening. If a person uses a computer all day, take frequent breaks for exercise.

It is prohibited to use electronic gadgets while lying down. The body position should be straight. The room is well lit so that a person does not strain to view the monitor. If the patient suffers from myopia or hyperopia, glasses or contact lenses are used to use the device.

Discomfort in the eyes can result in problems that require urgent intervention from a specialist. Why does the eye hurt when blinking and pressing and what can be done?

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