Amber eyes: one of the rarest shades in the world

Who needs statistics and why?

Statistics allow us to record the most unusual eye shades in the world. And the analysis of statistical data makes it possible to establish:

  • what factors, including diseases, affect eye color;
  • how the owners of eyes of different colors spread across the planet;
  • What is the most common eye color on earth?

With such information, it is possible to identify patterns in determining the eye color of the future child of a particular couple, even in the coming generation.

What determines the color of a person's eyes?

The basis of color is the pigment in the iris. The more it is, the darker the color.

Which eyes are there more according to statistics? Dark-eyed people are predominantly found on earth. The reason is genetics. A child can be dark-eyed even if only the mother or father had this color.

For example, in Belarus there are 12% of dark-eyed people, 44% of light-eyed people, and 44% of mixed color people. Belarusians in the northeastern regions are the darkest-eyed

Eyes. Eye color around the world

The eyes appear and look like something foreign, like pieces of unusual glass. They are called the mirror of the soul. There is a feeling that they help to see what is inside, hidden in the soul. It is not for nothing that eyes are the object of attention of soothsayers, psychics, magicians and fortune tellers. Eyes are something mysterious that connects a person with an unusual, different, unknown world...

Green eye color is the rarest
There are a wide variety of colors. Some of them are very common, and there are also people who have the rarest eye color. Moreover, each color has various shades. Most often this diversity is invisible, but sometimes it catches the eye.

People with a wide variety of eye colors are distributed throughout the world, and unevenly. For example, in Africa the dark-eyed population predominates, while in the Scandinavian countries the light-eyed population predominates. Green eye color is the rarest on the planet, however, their owners can be found on any continent.

In dark eyes (brown and black), the iris is saturated with a large amount of melanin. Apparently, the predominance of one color or another among different nationalities also depends on the climatic conditions of life.

Primary colors

Eye statistics identifies eight colors:

  1. Blue . Usually seen in newborns. Later the color changes. Eye statistics record only a small number of children whose color remains the same.
  2. Blue . Mostly observed in Europe. Statistics of blue eyes in Estonia – 99%, Germany – 75%. Among the Caucasian part of the American population, the number of owners of blue/blue color ranges from 22 to 33%. It is also present in the Middle East and Asia.
  3. Green. Its speakers mainly live in Europe. In some areas, green-eyed women dominate. The statistics of green eyes does not exceed 2% on the planet. Most of the representatives live in Holland and Iceland – 80%.
  4. Grey . Usually found in Europe, Africa. Eye color statistics in Russia include about 50% of gray-eyed people.
  5. Olive . Found in 17% of the world's inhabitants. Eye color statistics indicate that representatives of the group are found in Europe and Africa.
  6. Amber . Statistics of people's eye color include 2% of its carriers. Representatives of the group live on different continents.
  7. Black . It dominates mainly among the Mongoloid race in Asian countries.
  8. Brown . It is considered the most common eye color in the world. Found in Europe, Asia, Africa, America. About 30% of such people live in the Russian Federation. Eye color statistics in Ukraine reach 50%.

Wikipedia also contains the color yellow. However, it is rarely observed in nature. The yellow color is usually caused by kidney disease.

What eye colors are available?

Most often people have brown eyes. Grays change color depending on the condition of their owner. Blues are produced by the refraction of light from the dark or black interior of the iris. Blues arose from a gene mutation and first appeared among Europeans.

Some are practically never found: purple, red, amber. The first color is the rarest.

Eye color and size


From a palette point of view, this shade is obtained by mixing red and blue. Blue color, reflected and refracted, creates the effect of violet. Such eyes are common among people who live in some areas of North Kashmir. The shade may not be clearly purple, but bright or dark blue, violet, amethyst, hyacinth.

This color appears only as a result of gene mutation. There are other theories about the origin of this shade. Bright color may be a symptom of a dangerous disease. Sometimes the appearance of a violet color can be explained by the distortion of real light during photo or video shooting.

At the present stage, data on the birth of children with a purple tint is not recorded.

Eye color and size

pure green

This effect is very rare. Usually people have mixed colored eyes, with a predominance of green. The bright color occurs due to a small amount of melanin.

Green is typical for those with red hair and freckles on the skin; it is their gene that influences the formation of this shade. A light brown pigment (called lipofuscin) or yellow is distributed in the outer layer of the iris.

Statistically, green eyes are more common in women than in men.

Eye color and size

Scarlet, amber and black

Albinos have red eyesight. The color of blood vessels that appears on the iris does not affect health. Thanks to this feature, albinos see in the dark better than other people.

Albinism is a hereditary abnormality that causes red eyes and snow-white skin and hair.

According to the principle of formation of flowers, amber ones are distinguished by a light warm tone of brown. Red and green fibers are often mixed into the main shade. There is also a golden yellow color. Amber predominates among residents of northern Europe.

    There are dark types of amber eyes: red with brown and coral with black shades.

    Black eyes are more common among representatives of the Negroid race. A high concentration of melanin causes complete absorption of the color spectrum. Black is much darker than brown, with a deep blue tint mixed in with it.

    Sometimes black eyes occur in representatives of other races.

    Now it is possible to change the natural color of the organs of vision thanks to contact lenses, which can be of any, even unnatural, shade. In nature, cases of birth of people with atypical eye color are very rare.

    Eye color and size

Congenital pathologies

Rarely there are people with abnormal eye shape/color. Eye statistics highlight the following pathologies:

  1. Aniridia . Implies the absence of the iris. Pathology can be congenital/acquired. For example, it may occur due to a penetrating injury to the eye. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity, photophobia or glaucoma. Patients are recommended to wear sunglasses, and sometimes reconstructive plastic surgery is prescribed.
  2. Albinism . Albinos are carriers of red eyes. Eye disease statistics indicate a lack of essential pigments, including melanin. The red tint is caused by the color of the blood that fills the vessels. Sometimes there is a purple tint.
  3. Heterochromia . Pathology can be complete/partial. The eyes come in different colors or have unequal coloring of individual parts of the shell. Pathology belongs to the category of genetic/acquired abnormalities. May occur due to injury or inflammation. Sometimes the cause of the pathology is eye drops.

Actress Kate Bosworth has a clear manifestation of heterochromia. She has a brown spot in her right eye.

Are there really black eyes?

Some people think that black is one of the rarest iris colors. Have you ever seen a person with eyes that appear black as night? Although they look black, they are actually very dark brown, which is caused by the abundance of melanin. You can only identify the pupil by the iris when a bright light is pointed at the eyes! About 70% of the population of our planet have a brown iris.

It is believed that the human race began with brown eyes, and due to genetic mutations, other colors appeared. Perhaps this is why brown is the most common color (but no less beautiful)!

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Distribution by country

In 1909, the works of I. Pantyukhov (Russian doctor, anthropologist, publicist) were published. Eye color statistics as a percentage at the beginning of the 20th century:

In 1955–1959 Additional research was carried out under the direction of V. Bunak. More than 17 thousand residents of the RSFSR took part in them. Eye color as a percentage among men and women:

In the USA, similar studies took place in 1985. Eye color statistics in percentage (representatives of different groups):

The connection between eye color and character

Brown. It is the leader among the primary colors. Representatives of the group are trusted more, and it is easier for them to make friends. Men often have a round face, a massive chin, a wide mouth, and large eyes. The described parameters indicate masculinity, which evokes not only sympathy, but also favor from women.

Eye statistics note that brown-eyed men are distinguished by their charm, initiative, and inconstancy. They often strive for leadership and power. The recognition of those around them only fuels them. Young people with light shades love to dream. Owners of dark shades radiate charm and are liked by women. Brown-eyed men are sometimes the initiators of conflicts. However, they quickly cool down and forgive the offenders. Such men often indulge the whims of the woman they love.

Brown-eyed representatives of the fairer sex are considered reliable and friendly. They often have a straight nose, sensual lips, and a barely prominent chin. Such women usually have expressive eyes. They have pronounced magnetism.

Cinnamon color has many shades - from wet sand to almost black. The shade is clearly visible during the day. Gray blotches may indicate a person's vulnerability. Sparkles indicate the determination and adventurism of their owner.

Light chestnut shades indicate secrecy and shyness. Those with dark brown coloring value the opinions of other people. However, they have their own point of view. Moreover, they need people's recognition. Such individuals love communication and fun. They are often overly emotional. It's better not to argue with them.

Additionally, brown-eyed girls are distinguished by their intelligence, intelligence, charm and cheerful disposition. Dullness and everyday life are not for them. Such girls love when others admire them. They prefer to attend beauty salons, concerts and other public events. Thanks to perseverance, they achieve success in their family or career.

Grey. About 50% of Russian residents own this color. They have the following qualities: hard work and prudence. When solving problems, people delve into the smallest details. Those with gray eyes remain inquisitive until old age.

Gray-eyed men are distinguished by their honesty and commitment. They are quite sociable, however, they do not like to overload others with their problems. Representatives of the group have an inner core and are quite decisive. Thanks to perseverance, gray-eyed men achieve high results in sports. They are characterized by fidelity in marriage. Such men prefer love to temporary hobbies. At the same time, gray-eyed representatives are distinguished by pragmatism.

Worldwide eye color statistics indicate that gray-eyed women are predominantly creative individuals. Their opinions are usually different from other people's. Such women love to decorate their homes with interesting objects. Those with gray eyes love everything extraordinary. They do not allow intrusion into personal territory. They like smart, charismatic, goal-oriented people

Myths and superstitions about people with gray eyes

Some folklore stories claim that men with gray eyes are more likely than others to maintain marital fidelity. Other tales make it clear that gray-eyed women are especially greedy.

People with gray eyes are also said to not have a sharp mind and are usually less intellectually developed. However, in Ancient Greece, gray eyes were associated with wisdom.

Scientific research conducted back in the 1990s actually proved that people with gray eyes think more slowly, but more deeply and strategically.

You might also be interested in facts about people with green eyes. It turns out that they also have a lot in common with each other.

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